Posted by: Jekyll - RAAF Squadron
Message: Well ik, it seems to me that if you are diving on an
enemy from directly above.. going vertical is the only move he can make
with any kind of hope of survival.
1. If he tries to turn out of your way you could roll onto his new vector
and kill him,
2. If he tries to dive away you can probably catch him since you're starting
with an altitude advantage,
3. But if he goes pure vertical he has the chance to force you to vertically
overshoot and obtain the altitude/energy advantage.
It may seem like a dweebish HO move, but it's probably the best move
he could make in that position!

Posted by: Daff
Well, whaddya expect?? should we fly straight & level so you can
shoot us down easily?
I use it alot, but I rarely collide and often even dont shoot, for the
same reason, I always try to keep my E high enough to allow me to go vert.
It serves 2 reasons...I make my profile a lot smaller AND present a threat
to you.
Against, I do the same as Bmbm..break off early and watch the stall out
Daff Screamin' Blue Messiahs

Posted by: -bmbm-, CO RSAF
This inane tactic is an effect of people going after the icon rather
than the plane, without assessing energy status. It IS valid if the defender
has a high energy status though. When I'm fairly sure that the bandit below
is aware of my attack and either already in his climb or just starting to
point up, I usually break off the attack and switch to rope-a-dope tactics.
Works a lot better than a vertical HO.
There seems to have been a great influx of rookies lately. Lots of names
I've never seen before. Resulting in lots of headons.
BB, out

Posted by: funked =925 CABS=
Message: I do it sometimes ik, not neccesarily to get a shot off
though. By pointing his nose at you, the low fighter removes your position
advantage and makes overshoot inevitable. A lot of times the high fighter
will go wizzing by, then pull max load factor and bleed E trying to get
back up. If the low fighter is a Yak3 or something, he will still have enough
E after his zoom to maneuver sufficiently while increasing E.
But if the high fighter recognizes the low fighter's zoom quick enough,
he can head back up and wait for the sucker to get slow and sluggish, and
set up for a nice planform shot as the zoomer stalls.
Or if he's in a Spit, he can just pull on the stick until the enema enters
the gunsight...

Posted by: Baal, 401 RCAF Rams
Hiya Ik,
One of Baal's secrets... when he points his nose straight up at you,
level out for a few seconds while watching him from D10-15 above. I go into
a tight breaking turn myself. As soon as he begins to stall out, complete
the dive back down on him for an easy kill every time, no collisions, no

Posted by: ik Jagdgeschwader 77
Message: : Hiya Ik,
: One of Baal's secrets... when he points his nose straight up at
you, level out for a few seconds while watching him from D10-15 above. I
go into a tight breaking turn myself. As soon as he begins to stall out,
complete the dive back down on him for an easy kill every time, no collisions,
no danger.
: Baal
But in the HA, and with 640 res, it's often too hard to see it coming
until too late.

Posted by: \_Dago_/
Message: I would rather point at the guy and shoot at him then
turn and give him my 6, but when given a chance I will avoid the ho and
try to get him into a turnfight. Sometimes I will go ahead and enter an
HO just for shits and grins. I figure it takes 2 to HO and the other guy
must wanna do it too.

Posted by: Rifle 401 Rams
Message: In keeping with the dictum that says put your up arrow
on the bogey, when an nmy is diving at me I try to present a poor shot not
necessarily or intentionally an HO shot.
Could 'lag' be responsible for you seeing more HOs in that situation

Not really, i observe this as tracers fly by me and i collide, or
barely miss due to such an unexpected ho. nt - ik Jagdgeschwader 77 |