Posted by: iddon
Posted on: 23:56:43 11/05/98
Message: Ronin,
If you want to know how the P47 really performs, check out my flight
test pages. As Jim Carey says "I like it !!"
Grant Iddon

Posted by: Vicious ~Hell's Aces~
Posted on: 23:01:59 11/05/98
: Ronin
: Corsair straight, but T-bolt curious
Ah yes, the Jug is a sight to behold and a power not to be placed into
the hands of children. The P47 is one of the most misunderstood planes in
the game. At first glance it's a flying monstrosity. Upon first flight,
it seems even worse! Don't be deceived, this plane is one of the deadliest
in the air. It's only drawback is it's difficulty to learn. The steep learning
curve leads many people to underestimate it's capabilities. The majority
of enemy aircraft I encounter simply ignore me, or assume I am an easy kill
and throw caution to the winds. Climbing towards a fast Jug flown by an
E-savvy pilot is suicide. The kill markers painted on my Jug's fuselage
are testimony to this truth.
Be prepared Ronin to suffer while you learn the nuances of real energy
fighting. I've seen others post suggestions to run at every opportunity
and only pick off stragglers or those without the SA to see you coming.
That's rediculous! I've flown the Jug as the superiority fighter it is since
it was first unleashed on the arena. I can tell you first hand that it has
served me well, even in extreme knife fights. I'm proud to say my longest
sreak of 61 kills was done in the P47 in only two days. Don't underestimate
it's abilities.
Dadi is right, I've written several training documents on this plane,
but I'm afraid those are proprietary to Hell's Aces. I'd be shot for treason
if I posted them here. I will give you some tips, however.
The Jug is essentially three things: speed, fire power, and mass incarnate.
In any fight maintain your velocity to the best of your ability. Enter all
engagements with enough energy to complete your maneuvers. For instance,
don't enter a fight if you're practically hanging on your prop, or at an
obvious E-disadvantage. After you've learned the plane you'll recognize
the dweebs who will lay their energy at your feet. You have my permission
to carve them up.
Fire power: 8 .50s are every opponents nightmare. It's up to you to make
that nightmare real. Excellent gunnery in the Jug is almost mandatory since
you generally have few opportunities to waste during a fight. Poor E-fighters
will give you more chances to kill them, while the good pilots may give
you one, or two. Cultivate long range gunnery (500-700 yrds) and you'll
almost never lose. Historically, my gunnery hovers around 25%, but on a
good night it's in the 30-40%s. Practice offline until you are confident.
Mass, don't overlook it. The P47 is heavy and it's got an enormous engine.
Keep all of your maneuvers in the vertical. Worr is right when he points
out that you can learn a lot from training in any plane. But, the Jug is
so unforgiving that when you do something wrong you know it. If you lose
your E advantage during any fight you need to analyze where that energy
is going. Odds are you're flying in the horizontal and giving your victories
away. That huge engine has two graces, you can run from anyone by simply
pointing the nose down and you can hang on your prop for an epoch. That's
a piece of gold right there, you'll need to practice to find out what I
mean. Vertical, vertical, vertical. . .I won't say any more.
There is nothing more satisfying than engaging two KI84s at coalt and
shooting the cockey bastards down (unless you kill the same two several
times in one sortie). Believe me I've done it. I've spent hours roving back
fields fighting against greater numbers and I've been rewarded with addreneline
that can't be supplied by the 'lesser' planes. Given the chance, I'll only
fly the Jug.
The plane has limitations too, but you'll do better to learn those yourself.
Analyze each engagement you lose and you'll learn how to read the arena.
You'll learn how to gauge the enemies energy state DURING every fight and
you'll learn how to exploit your own energy state. In the end you will fly
all of the fighters better because you will have learned how to avoid energy
draining maneuvers. You will also recognize when your enemy makes a poor
Good luck and godspeed Ronin. The Jug is an energy fighters dream.
Vicious aka --vics
Hell's Aces
Wing Leader Jadgstoffeltoten
Former HA Training Officer

Posted by: boomr-
Posted on: 21:03:36 11/05/98
Message: Way back in 1.11 days I went by the name 'tigh,' I was
getting bored with the game and something sick and twisted went off in my
head. Score was meaningless and I was too impatient for the conservative
flying that can yield double digit streaks and so I finally realised that
the whole reason I got a kick out of the game was the satisfying kills.
I decided that the most satisfying kills in the game were buffs so I
figured a way to hunt them that was near foolproof. In case your new, in
the most common MA map, purps were at the bottom with golds to the left
and reds to the right. There would, as is typical of Warbirds, usually be
a general furball on one side of your territory.
What I would do is hunt around 12k(the fields were closer then) on the
opposite side of the furball. My fav spot was on the east side n of the
big mountain just past purplandia's easternmost field. It seemed the golds
had more buffers (real, not ackstars) than the reds. Using this strategy,
I had an almost endless supply of unescorted buffs coming in ones and twos.
So then I had to choose a plane. The fw190 was my first ride for this
mission, but there was no satisfaction there, the paper buffs of 1.11 would
almost always blow up, so what's the point? I might as well be furballing.
I needed a cannonless aircraft, so I switched to the p51. I was in love,
I felt like the spawn of hell. I could sit back with my devious grin and
shoot up the b17's untill they were a smoking, limping, wreck without them
blowing up instantly. No two deaths were the same. I know it's pretty weird
but it just seemed cool to me at the time to know that there was some guy
who spent 20 minutes climbing to attack an undefended field only to go spiraling
to the deck sans wing. The thought of carving off a wing seemed more, well,
personal than sending em back to the tower with an explosion. Many times,
if I could take out at least one control surface and some engines I'd let
em go. Always if the damage included a fuel leak. It seemed even more satisfying
when they'd try to nurse it home and wipe out on the runway. I'd eagerly
keep watch over the text buffer for the kill. It became an art, really,
a challenge. Shooting up a plane bad enough that the pilot couldn't make
it back but not so bad that he wasn't willing to try.
There was a problem though, the p51 didn't have the ammo load to get
2 buff kills in a sortie the *way* I wanted to do it. I couldn't choose
a plane with cannons and I remembered seeing that the jug had 8 50's and
a lot of rounds. The Jug seemed a dog then, noone ever flew it or really
understood it's strengths and weeknesses, including me. I figured though,
that all I needed were the guns. I wasn't after all, furballing so it didn't
matter. I chose the Jug and it fit the bill beautifully. I could get 2 sick
twisted buff kills with the Jug per sortie without blowing up the planes.
This was cool!
Something odd happened then. Occasionally when the fronts would move
I'd have other targets of opportunity. I usually didn't worry about them
unless I fealt threatened but occasionally I would dive on 190's. I really
hated the BnZ 190's then and I started to figure something out. The Jug
was fast, real fast, and it held onto e real well. So well in fact that
I could usually run down the 190's with a slight alt adv. This was greatly
satisfying as well, just because the 190 drivers really were invincible
for the most part in 1.11. But noone, it seemed, really understood the jug
and so if you were on many of these guys sixes they'd just stay trimmed
out. I'd always get a kick out of thinking that some guy was eating a sandwich
and patting himself on the back for a mission well done only to start hearing
pings a second later from the plane he been ignoring.
Pretty twisted I know, but the truth aint always pretty, although sometimes
humorous. Too be honest, I'm starting to prefer other planes. With the new
maps and ever improving players in the game (who are familiar with the jug),
You rarely see unescorted small groups of bombers. Additionally, the increasing
alt of engagements makes the Jug's poor rate of climb somewhat frustrating.
I will fly the Jug on occasion still, though usually only when I get really,
really pissed :)

Posted by: Jim Rauch aka luzr of the VF-101 Grim Reapers
Posted on: 15:50:18 11/05/98
Message: I take this bird out on occaision and all the rules I
use for the FW I use on the Jug, and these have all been mentioned. I would
caution you regarding a turn fite against a 190, though. Depending on fuel
load and version you could wind up screwed. The A4 does a bit better I think,
and those 4x20mm make snapshots pretty deadly. Remember that 2 of the cannons
are in the wing root, so the convergance isn't so much of a disadvantage
for the FW. Now, if you tag someone with the P-47's 8x.50s at convergence
the poor guy (gal) will think they fell into a running Cuisinart! I'd say
stick to the BnZ with lotsa smash and take on only the folks that you can
sneak up on. Use the pray 'n spray method - I've gottena lot of "lucky"
shots when I was just trying to "sight in" using my tracers! Ammo
load is one of it's advantages, so don't be afraid to use it. Do NOT succumb
to the desire to turn like you can in an F4U. Be patient above all.
I had a very frustrating time once trying to tag a P-47 with my Spit
V when my wingie and I were vulching his field. He scooted out under the
flak and got up a head of steam. He NEVER got above me, but he never let
his speed drop either. I gave him very few opportunities to get snap shots
on me, but he was running the show - I kept having to fly back and knock
down the zekes and spits lifting off as he tried to drag me on a long cross
country. I couldn't catch him at all. After the ack had chewed on me and
I ran out of canno ammo I headed for home. Guess who showed up with an extra
5k over me? Let's just say I had a very interesting landing approach.
If you run into a zeke go ahead and dogfite with him, but stay in the
vertical until you're co-e. Then run like hell and extend until he gets
bored. Reverse and go for the snap shot. Try and lure the Spits and Zeke's
into HO. That radial makes great armor ;)
luzr out

Posted by: -bmbm-, CO RSAF
Posted on: 14:52:19 11/05/98
Lots of good tips around here, I'll just add a few:
Don't ever turn with anything unless you start out with a huge overhead
of E, typically 100+ knots or 5-6K. This overhead allows you to keep boomzooming
for a while. However, the Jug will outturn FW's and can stay with the Pony
for a short while - again given a small extra stash of smash.
I never fight co-alt inbound cons. Run like hell.
I never fight hi-alt cons (unless I'm zooming hard in their low six or
low twelwe. Climb until you're fairly certain no one is above you.
I usually roll my Jug topped to 100% - down to 60% if I have an immediate
agenda. Reason why: since I will be extending and climbing far more than
I'm attacking, I need the extra gas to allow multiple engagements in any
one sortie.
I make one-shot passes, extend and look for fresh victims. If the guy
breaks off or display awareness, I simply steam past looking for the unaware.
BB, out

Posted by: stimpy (Rogue Gryffons)
Posted on: 14:47:52 11/05/98
Ahhh my loveable Jug... There is nothing like it. You can fly your uber
planes until your head explodes, but nothing quite feels like landing a
mission in a Jug even if you only got one kill.
The best way I like to fly it is in tandum with mikess. No one expects
two P-47s to be lite and 99 times out of 100 you shread people who dare
take you on solo. The other time is from a crappy HO :)
Wingman and the P-47C is almost a necessity. Without iMOL worrying about
artwork and making every other plane under the sun that no one flies to
often (i.e. Stuka), we may not see it for a while... Just fix the back view
is all I can ask.
But, as a gun platform, I believe the P-47 is a worthy contender until
the end of uberweek when everyone outclasses you since the P-47N (or M for
us lite flies who dont care bout them bombs :) isn't available. It is great
taking people on in it. Huge E retention, zoom climbs are a great way to
get away from people if you have the speed. Or just let her drop til you
pick up 450, 500IAS and then just ride it level til you hit 400IAS, then
drop another "step" til you are back up to 500IAS. People can't
keep up (well most planes :).
Put the sucker's nose to the ground, and watch it drop like a brick.
Nothing is stopping it once it is in a dive, except cold packed earth. Stall
shots are great when you are 90 degrees straight up, at a dead standstill
and spraying upwards at a con... It ticks em off when you hit them :) Great
surface response at all speeds except past MACH 3 :)
If we had their performance modeled right, it would be seen much more
often. But since they are considered a "closet" plane now, only
the elite fly them. We need more people to grobble so the American fighter
that had the most kills in the war can be reproduced accurately. Throw in
the M and N versions and watch out ;)

Posted by: Crapgame, + Hell's Aces Squadron
Posted on: 14:23:10 11/05/98
I don't know about expert but since the Jug is the only plane I fly once
it appears I'll offer some tips. The Jug as modelled in WB has some things
going for it. It has a very good roll rate, tremendous dive and a shitload
of ammo for those chainsaw .50's. The view needs to be addressed and the
C model is somewhat more manueverable than the D. Taking 40% fuel will allow
you about a 30 minute flight while not penalizing your already impaired
As others have mentioned, I like to get alt, usually between 12-15k in
the MA and set a hard deck of 5K. I only go below that if I can do so with
tremendous energy. The Jug absolutely shines in high speed gun passes. This
baby can make a stable gun pass at 450 IAS no problem and won't compress
until close to 500 IAS. Use the roll rate when forced to go defensive and
keep that nose pointed down to garner speed...nothing will catch you in
a dive. When offensive I like to use barrel rolls to line up my target.
You've got a lot of ammo so don't be shy about spraying it out there to
line up the shot.
If you happen to fly purp, Vicious. vics-- is undoubtedly the best Jug
pilot out there. He routinely racks up 12+ kill sorties and I've personally
witnessed two sorties where he racked up 16 kills. Jester. -jstr- is also
deadly in the Jug as well as -bmbm-. You can look any of us up and I'm certain
anyone would be happy to help you out.
Crapgame, -cpgm- <
C/O Hell's Aces Sqdn.

Posted by: =worr=
Posted on: 14:12:08 11/05/98
Message: This isn't the the initiator of this post, but it is
something worthy to be said, I think, about "air craft specialists".
In the training arena its usually the newer guy who says, "I want
to be trained in the XXXXX" But what they really need to know if how
to execute a flat turn.
I'm not suggesting you need no learn the secrets of the P-47, but most
of the "secrets" are very much universal. The Jug is my most favortie
plane to fly on line, but the D is so late in the rotation and then soon
outclassed that I'm not always in it and the C is, well....we all know about
The secret to the JUG is simply understanding inertia, and then its design
limitations where are widely publisized--poor turn rate, great roll rate,
strength at alt, large power boost in WEP, etc. But never be ashamed of
learning the basics.
I had a guy in training last month who had been flying for three years!
And he came away with a pocket full of tricks and the tricks apply across
the board.
Basically you can fly all 50 planes two ways. Add to this a solid knowledge
base of strengths and weakness, and yes what it means when you fill ping
pong balls with sand, and away you go!
Worr, out

Posted by: Rojo (S-2, The Buccaneers)
Posted on: 13:48:49 11/05/98
Every once in a while, I get the hankering to take a Jug up. Its climb
rate, roll rate and speed at altitude seems to be a bit undermodelled, as
is its durability. Nonetheless, this aircraft was the mainstay of the US
tactical airforces in Europe from its introduciton to the German surrender.
It was well liked by allied pilots (both American and British), and respected
by the German pilots. So I can't resist the occasional urge to take one
up in WarBirds.
This aircraft has earned the reputation in WB of being an "expert's"
plane. This in and of itself should tell you it hasn't been modelled correctly,
since in real life it was considered a solid and pilot-friendly combat aircraft.
Most of the rules that apply to flying the FW190 and Corsair apply to the
Jug, except you can't rely on the a phenominal roll rate when you go defensive
in a fight. Take off well away from the fight, climb to 15k or more and
establish a hard-deck of around 5k (i.e. never go below this in the course
of air-2-air combat. If attacking ground targets, only go below this 5k
altitude if you have sufficient speed ("smash" in the the parlance
of the fighter pilot) to zoom back above it. This applys even if you're
attacking a ground target, and even if there are currently no enemy planes
around. The Jug's abismal climb rate won't allow you to get back to altitude
in time, even if you spot an enemy fighter at max range.
What does the Jug do well? Eight, count'em, eight 50 cal. machine guns
and a warehouse full of ammo, for one thing. Couple this arsenel with a
very stable gun aiming platform and you have the American equivalent of
the "Butcher Bird." I happen to be one of those NOT offended by
the "spray and pray" tactic. Why do you think Republic put 33%
more firepower and 50% more ammo load on this beast than was standard for
other US fighters of the day? If I've got a fleeing Stang or FW at D8 and
wings-level, I'll take the shot and use half my ammo if necessary. The P-47
is also pretty fast on the deck, and handles well at extreme (25K plus)
altitude. The Jugs other primary attribute is a large air2ground loadout.
However, the F4U, P-38, and P-51D all can carry a similar load; since these
other planes' modelling makes them better dog-fighters as well, they attract
more WB pilots. Hence, the Jug's rare apperance in the MA.
Hope my ramblings have been helpfull.

Posted by: -snot-, CO/6th Air Commando Group
Posted on: 13:28:10 11/05/98
The T-Bolt is a great fighter. 8 .50 cal machineguns, can carry 3 500lb
bombs and 10 rockets, or 2 1000lb 'ers... so it can move mud. When flown
properly (erm... not by me), it is a deadly E-fighter. One of the best things
about a Jug is that it has the superhuman acceleration in a dive. In trouble?
Roll 'er over, point the nose at the deck.. watch how quickly that speed
builds up!
- (aspiring E-Fighter)
- From: -Rush-
- Newsgroups:
- I was just wandering about the P-47, I was flying it the other weekend
- in the HA back in 2.1 And I thought it was a pretty nice ride. Killed
- mess of 190's and 109's that were at a 7 to 10K alt disadvantage. Now
- was noticing a couple things. When it's got E it can turn with the
- of em for about 2 seconds. I wish I coulda seen the looks on the 190
- pilots faces when I blew the hell outta there planes. Now I kinda like
- this ride so I'm lookin for some tips for really tearin em a new one
- it. Any suggestions comments observations, Anything at all helpful
- just funny. Hell tell me your favorite Jug experience.
- From: Michael Fletcher
- Newsgroups:
- -Rush- wrote:
- >
- > I was just wandering about the P-47, I was flying it the other
- Your assessment is essentially correct. The P47D is one of
- the most underrated and underused planes in the arena. The Jug
- can turn pretty well for a short duration, but its best to
- not do that for long. It can be quite a deadly energy fighter
- when handled properly. It is a plane that you have have to be
- very patient with. Once you low and slow on the deck your in
- big trouble, and while you can outdive anything for short periods,
- there are several planes that will catch you in a flat tail chase
- on the deck. The 8 50's are extremely deadly, much more so than
- most think. Keep a 5k alt cushion if at all possible, and dont
- go below that unless you are in a high speed pass and intend to
- zoom-extend as soon as it's over.
- Also since its a magnet for any dweeb in a spit 14 looking for an
- easy kill, be sure to manage your energy conservatively.
- There is more on my web
page about this plane too.
- Michael "Fletchman" Fletcher
- A Member of your helpful Warbirds Training Staff
- Jagdgeschwader 54 "The Green Hearts"
ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 12-21-98 05:26 AM ET (US)
I flew the p47 a bunch tonight, kinda rediscovered what fun that bird
is! Big guns, durable, fast. I noticed there's no other plane guys seem
to hate being killed by, and no other plane they love to kill more!
I got to thinking, and i noticed that the P-47 seems very neglected in
our Scenario Lites. Even during this last Bodenplatte SL, the p47 was nowhere
to be seen. I know the P-47 was one of the primary allied fighters on the
continent at that time too! I've never seen a P-47 b17 escort SL, and it's
been ages since they've graced the reduced icon skies. What gives? I'm looking
to fly one!
"I fly close to my man, aim well, and then he falls down."
-Oswald Boelcke
Daff RSAF posted 12-21-98 06:39 AM ET (US)
Heh..for once I agree with you, Ik :P many ways, the P47 is one of the hardest plane to takes
a very disciplined & patient pilot. On top of that,
it doesnt get used much in the MA..I fly it
a fair bit, but it's a plane that fairs best in historical surroundings...Before
and after pointblank, I saw a lot of people flying the 47C in the MA, most
likely because
they wanted the practice. Hopefully the "Zemke's Wolfpack"
HA, will bring some of those people out of the closet.
macker posted 12-21-98 06:43 AM ET (US)
I luv the P47 and when I was online in 1.11, I would fly it high and
hunt alot. IMO there is no other plane that can match it in high E fighting.
Very manueverable at high speed and deadly even at high closure (assuming
the convergence is high enough). But you and I know that high E fighting
along with lag rolls and barrel roll attacks take time to learn and many
kills require patience.
As the P47 Scorts: I belong(ed) to the 305thBG(H) squad and we would
go into all the scenarios where bombing was needed and we had a mission
with P47 scort. Although I was flying in d0 formation in a B17, I would
have rather been in the jug circling high over the formation
P47 cockpit check: Cigar, 45 automatic, rubbers and whiskey
Macker (formerly MCCF in 1.11)
SnakeEyes posted 12-21-98 12:36 PM ET (US)
I love the 47D.
Not a big fan of the C though... can't stand the 6-view or the abysmal
In the name of play balancing, I suggest that all lite P-47s should receive
a 5K air start.
XO Fourth Fighter Group
Jester posted 12-21-98 02:17 PM ET (US)
a few of us Hell's Aces fly the jug alot.
blackflight was supposed to be "Zemkes wolfpack" and had the
most aces in that major scenario (i forgot the name already---<takes
another bong hit> ) that was fun.
the 47D is a force to be reckoned with. however, its not a co alt fighter.
it seems alot slower from 1.11 - present wb
and i have been bitching for years that roll rate has been dumbed down
from version 1.11 - present day wbs.
Jester ~Hell's Aces~
Ram1 posted 12-21-98 02:36 PM ET (US)
It was Pointblank [WarBirds scenario 1998 - front]
Jester that featured the P47 and Blackflight led by Vila I believe.
Other groups of P47's were used with P51's to escort bomber formations
during that scenario. In that scenario, the P47's acquitted themselves nicely
I do believe.
ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 12-21-98 02:39 PM ET (US)
Also, the P47 out rolled the p51, and was supposed to have been the only
allied fighter able to roll with the FW190, and in warbirds this is simply
not true. Also, with no fuel in the wings it's roll response seems questionable,
perhaps should be a bit more f4u like?
"I fly close to my man, aim well, and then he falls down."
-Oswald Boelcke
jedi posted 12-21-98 02:54 PM ET (US)
And another thing...
Why the heck don't they use the P-40/P-51B art for the 47C??? The Val/Kate
and Oscar/Frank prove that you can have pretty much whichever art you want
for whichever plane. Is the Hellcat art really closer to the Jug-C than
the P-40 art would be?
To me, the whole LW conspiracy thing is just something to poke fun at,
but when you see a US plane with added disadvantages built in for no reason,
ya gotta wonder ;-)
For that matter, why not put the Corsair art on the Hellcat and shut
up all us artwork dweebs (temporarily)? D'oh! Wrong topic!
:-) jedi
IDIAMN 1 JG27 AFRIKA posted 12-21-98 03:20 PM ET (US)
Ye olde jug is downright entertaining, like flying a rhino. You just
cant kill them damn things, well....EASILY that is.
So theres this zeke right....and he decides he wants to try and chase
my p47 at about 10k or so....I'm allready movin' out at about 300 or so,
anyway, this guy is following me and so I figure what the hell??? I was
rtb'n after droppin some ord on an nmy airfield and wasnt really lookin'
for a fight, but there he is....
"maybe he'll realize the futility of his effort...." Thought
Nope, he's still tryin to get me. I try to avoid H.O.'s cause they tend
to irritate the hell outa me, but it's about the only thing I could do against
a zeke..... So I dive to pick up more speed, climb and reverse and come
barreling straight in at this poor zeke who keeps right on coming...
"is this guy for real...??" Thought I.
Sure as squat he decides to head-on my jug, I fire off a burst, miss,
cuss and keep right on goin', didnt even ping em or get pinged, so I do
it again, and lo and behold so did mr zeke...this time I ripped off one
of his wings, and Rtb'd giggling the whole damn way. Silly I swear. Dude
was obviously new and I let him know the futility of flying a balsa wood
aircraft H.O. vs a tank of a bird like the jug.
Was funny as hell at the time tho...geesh, killer zeke.
"Hey...nice cannons"
Fryorb posted 12-21-98 11:08 PM ET (US)
Let me say this is sort of a mixed bag of things... And that I am sorry
if this is a rant...
1) I have flown the Jug h2h and been complimented on how I handle the
plane (I love the plane for mud moving). The Jug was supposed to have one
of if not the fastest roll rates of any US fighter during WWII (but it doesnt
seem that way. In Warbirds the F4F seems to have the fastest roll rate of
the US planes (I may be rong, but to me it seems more manuveral then the
F6F(which was supposed to be a better match for the Zero).
2)Also the terraines either need to be more spread out or have a fairly
high air start(10,000 ft) to alow for high alt fights where planes like
the Jug and Runstang would shine. Adding high alt combat would probably
change the style of game play a certaine extent.
3)Also makeing the bomb sights less acurate(in all planes, they all seem
lasser guided to me) and more of a bomb impact dispersal would make it necessary
to use more of a carpet bombing teqnique( I don't think I have seen any
WWII bombing footage where the bombe hit in a single file line.
4)Being able to control the CV would be/will be a must if it is to be
implimented in a strat style of game(and haveing it be able to be sunk by
torps, bombs, a hell of alot of strifing, or even Kamikazies {baka bombs
would be nice for this} would be nice). And one new terraine that would
be nice is an acurate Pacific Theater terraine(I am not for sure if the
current PAC/AWT terraine is acurate to any extent).
5)Adding ROTO packs to German planes, and the addition of the Me-163
Komet would possibly make it more intersting, if not more dangerous, to
attack airfields and cities close to airfields. And adding smaller airstrips
close to or in the cities would make for a more interesting game IMHO.
Wells posted 12-22-98 02:46 AM ET (US)
I think the P-47's roll inertia is way overdone. Compared to the F4u
(similar wingspans areas and weight, the P-47 also uses an elliptical planform
which moves the center of mass of the wing closer to the fuse and further
from the ailerons. It doesn't have the folding wing mechanism found in the
F4u's wing design. It's landing gear retracts inwards, further moving the
wing mass closer to the fuse. There is no fuel contained in the wings. The
only thing going against it, is 2 extra guns and the ammo that goes with
it. That would stand to equalize the 2 comparisons somewhat. I was thinking
that maybe, they've (IMOL) decided to go halfway on the inertia between
having bombs/rockets fitted and having nothing. This would make sense if
they don't model the change in inertia from dropping bombs/rockets and/or
firing ammo. If that is the case, then the P-47 is at a disadvantage there,
because it carried it's bombs much further out on the wings than did the
F4u, which carried them close to the fuse, inboard of the landing gear.
The total weight of the wings is almost the same as 1 1k bomb, so this would
make a huge difference in the roll inertias.
Bombom posted 12-22-98 05:27 AM ET (US)
Jedi spake thusly: I
I have to agree that the P40 art does more justice than the F6F art,
although the rear/side views appear slighty too generous for the 47C (this
without having sat in one). EAW has a nice P47C cockpit with good visibilty
to the side/rear, and is certainly very much better than the F6F art. Now,
the canopy framework is REALLY irritating/conspicous though, what with a
central strut obscuring the target a few vital degrees to the left of the
gunsight. Still want that momma!
The JugC is a sweet plane. Just bring a wingman and that horrible rear
view becomes a non-factor.
As for climbing and airstarts (please, NOT!), Pointblank practice was
to WEP to redline or 10K at 145 knots, then speed up 5 knots or so every
5K up to 30K. Time to altitude is approx 4min/10K, 7,5min/15K, 11min/20K
and 15min/25K - this with 100% gas. Not too bad for a flying tank!
Re tactics, I but never accept coalt-coE fights in the Jug. So, I'm a
sissy, but I like to land.
BB, out
-bmbm-, CO Royal Swedish Air Force
Fighting for Bullens Pilsnerkorv and lukewarm beer worldwide
nrts posted 12-22-98 12:46 PM ET (US)
Flew the P47 mostly this weekend. Got a small 14-streak in it. Gotta
love it with the extra ammo load! I seemed to be able to run home when in
trouble with little difficulty. Even though other aircraft have higher top
speeds the P47 seems to retain E in a dive and level run very nicely. A
little patience getting alt otw to target area really pays off. I typically
boom with near-vertical zoom as the jug hammerheads obediently.
4thFG |