10 reasons to join our school

1. We provide top quality Taekwon-Do tuition. All of our instructors are Black Belts as well as qualified instructors certified by the Republic of Ireland Taekwon-Do Association (RITA) and the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).

2. We have beginners classes specially tailored for new members so you are taken through an introductory course step by step and train with other beginners as opposed to just being thrown into a more advanced class. Many people think you have to be super-fit to start Taekwon-Do - this is not true! We will gradually & gently improve your fitness & flexibility throughout the programme.

3. Our beginner's programme is designed to give you a general introduction to Taekwon-Do, as well as helping you gradually increase your fitness and wellbeing, develop greater confidence, as well as being an ideal form of stress release.

4. All of our classes have limited spaces and a high instructor to student ratio to ensure you get the highest possible standard of instruction.

5. We have specific classes for different age groups and needs as well as classes and venues to suit busy schedules. Our classes are broadly split up into our Juniors Programme (8 to 12 year olds) and our Teen & Adults Programme (13 yrs and older)

6. Our Juniors programme for 8 to 12 year olds is taught by Ms. Marina Keating, B.A., M.A. Hdip, 1st Degree Black Belt. These classes focus not only on their physical skills but also on confidence and self discipline, as well as how to say 'NO' to negative peer pressure. Most students in this programme show a marked improvement in mental discipline and concentration and a corresponding improvement in their studies.

7. We can guarantee you steady progress through the grades in Taekwon-Do under ITF certified examiners, as well as many optional events to take part in, including tournaments, seminars & courses, summer camps, and much more!

8. Many of our students have gone on to reach black belt level and become excellent instructors in their own right. We have also produced Irish team members, and International & European Championship medallists. We have a proven track record of excellence in Taekwon-Do.

9. Our senior instructors are Mr. Robert Howard 6th Degree Blackbelt and Mr. Mark O'Donnell 5th Degree Blackbelt. Both are qualified ITF International Instructors with many years teaching experience and have competed, and trained in Taekwon-Do all over the world with some of the art's top Masters and Grand Masters including the late founder of the art, General Choi Hong Hi.

10. We are committed to providing you with the highest standard of Taekwon-Do instruction. You will be made feel welcome at our school and as many of our members find, the only question you will ask yourself is: "Why didn't I join earlier?!!!"

Click here for details of classes in your area, or tel. 086 8154961 for joining details

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