how to learn the basic HTML - Part 1

<HTML> .... </HTML>

The html elememt is the container of the entire document content, incuding the HEAD element.
both the start and end tags are optional. but good style dictates the inclusion of both. thypically, the
HTML element start tag is the second line of an HTML file, following the Document Type Definition (DTD) statement. if no DTD is provided in the file (it assu,es the broswer default DTD), the HTML
Start tag becomes the first line of the file. the end tag should bei in the last line of the file (but it dose not have to stand on it's own line)

<HEAD> .... </HEAD>

The HEAD element contains document Information that is generally not rendered as part of the document in the browser window. At mose, the TITLE element affects what the user sees when a browser displays it' Content of the HEAD element consists entirely of other elements thatt are intended to assist the browser in working with document date. Another classification of data, handled in one or more META elements can also asssearch engines and document parsers to klearn more about the
document based on abstract information supplied by that author. the author. the following table shows the elements that may by nested insted inside a HEAD element acccording to three different specifications

<META> .... </META>

A META element coverys hidden informaition about the document both to the server that dishes up the document and to the client that downloads the document. The element is also used to embed document information the same search engines use for indexing and douments on the WWW

all rights reserved © Getting Online 2001 / Denis Murphy
