Artists Statement

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My initial source of inspiration comes from the landscape; it gives me a sense of peace
and spirituality.

It is part of lifes process to change and grow, and when we look at nature we see this is done slowly and in its own time and cannot be rushed. My work therefore evolves in an organic process and by not trying to control the painting the work can discover itself. A concern for exploring materials, an interest in texture and mark making came before landscape. I build up layers using
a mixture of materials, a textured surface breaks the flat surface, by using tone, colour, scratching into the surface allows forms, shapes and line to emerge out of a undefined background. By using colour abstracted down to simple shapes, it captures intimate sightings, a glimpse of light, a small shadow, a passing shape of a field, put this together form my landscape.

I respond to the landscape by a sense or feeling that I experience from being in nature rather than a direct representation. I take photographs and sketches as my information in a sketch book, on returning to the studio I put these aside and work directly onto the canvas paper or board.

Meriel Nicoll 2003.