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Gilmore's Mill

Gilmore's Mill - Photo       Gilmore's Mill - Sketch

Gilmore’s Mill in Leitra was built in 1924 by Joe Gilmore’s father who came from Rostrevor in Co. Down four generations ago. The water wheel never worked to the owner’s satisfaction, so in 1935 the first Crossley diesel engine west of the Shannon was installed. A timber mill was added, and worked up until 1961, when the opening of the local co-operative creamery in Clonberne sounded the death knell for the mill. The creamery could afford to sell animal feed at a lower rate than the mill could grind it. From a customer account list of 224 in 1960, it sank to only four by 1962.

Joe Gilmore (right)

Joe Gilmore (deceased) - owner of the Mill

Over the years there has been serious flooding in the greater Glenamaddy area especially at the turlough. It is now confirmed by Dr. David Drew of Trinity College Dublin who carried out dye tracing experiments in the early 1970's that three water systems bubble to the surface in Gilmore's Mill pond, and this seems to hold the key to the hydrology of the Glenamaddy area.

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