
1939 - 45 Star
Atlantic Star
War Medal
Africa Star
Pacific Star
Burma Star
Italy Star
France and Germany Star

War Medal

Reverse of War Medal

War Medal & Bronze Oak Leaf

War Medal

37. The War Medal 1939-45 will be granted to full time personnel of the Armed Forces and the Merchant Navy.

38. The ribbon of the War Medal is in the Red, White and Blue of the union flag. There is a narrow central red stripe with a narrow white stripe on either side. There are broad red stripes at either edge. The two intervening stripes being in blue.

39. In the Merchant Navy the qualifications for the award of the War Medal are:

(a). 28 days' service anywhere at sea between the 3rd September 1939, and the 2nd September 1945. (b). Sea going service brought to an end by death, wounds or other disability attributable to service, capture by the enemy or cessation of hostilities on the 2nd September 1945, even though the service may not amount to 28 days in all. This concession will not apply to an individual who does not qualify for a campaign star. (c). When the 1939-45 star or one of the other campaign stars has been awarded for sea going service of less than 28 days the War Medal will be granted in addition.

Mentions in Despatches and king's commendations.

40. The single bronze oak leaf Emblem signifying a mention in despatches, or a king's commendation for brave conduct, which is at present attached directly to the coat after all the ribbons, or by itself, should, if granted for service in the war of 1939-45, be wore on the ribbon of the War Medal.


41. Pending the manufacture and the issue of the stars and the war medal the ribbons and emblems only will be supplied.

42. The right to the stars and clasps and to the war medal may be forfeited by reason of misconduct during the war.

43. The stars and clasps and the war medal earned by officers and ratings who have not lived to receive them will, in due course, be issued to the legatees or next-of-kin.

44. The Stars and the War Medal and the ribbons of the Stars and the War Medal should be worn in the following order. working outwards towards the left shoulder:

  • 1939-45 star
  • Atlantic star
  • Africa star
  • Pacific star
  • Burma star
  • Italy star
  • France and Germany star
  • War medal

    45. Applications for the ribbon of the stars and Emblem should be made to Mercantile Marine Office on a form, which can be obtained at any of those Office. If application cannot be made in person at a Mercantile Marine Office, application should be made by post to the Registrar-General of shipping and seamen, Llantrisant Road, Cardiff, Wales. Personnel resident in the Dominions whose Qualifying service was on Dominion registered ships should apply to Dominion Authorities.