Welcome to the Irish GP14 Association

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Profile of the GP14 Association in Ireland


The GP14 is a 14 foot one design dingy boat that was designed over 50 years ago.  It is sailed and raced in a number of countries throughout the World and the World Championships have been hosted in countries as faraway as Australia and South Africa.  It has been a popular boat in Ireland for a long time both for racing and general sailing.  It is sailed throughout Ireland and many clubs have a strong connection with the GP14 Class through membership of our Association. We currently have 200 members throughout Ireland.

The GP14 Class Association of Ireland looks after the interests of GP14 sailors in Ireland.  Our main aim is to encourage and develop GP Fourteen sailing throughout Ireland.  We are a Branch of the G.P. Fourteen Class International Association.  If you reside in Ireland you automatically become a member of the Irish Association.

For further information on the International Association please have a look at their website www.gp14class.org.uk

Members of the Association can avail of very competitive insurance through a scheme that is arranged by the International Association. Details of the class insurance scheme can be found on the GP14 Class International website. (See above)

In addition to promoting the class, the Irish Association also organises a program of racing events throughout the summer between May and October hosted by clubs from all around Ireland.

These are generally two-day events with a mix of between four and eight races depending on the event. 

Our main event is the Championship of Ireland.



 This is a three-day event and is held over a long weekend at the end of August and the Association's AGM is also held over this weekend.

There is a very high standard of racing in the class and a number of our members have won the Championship of Champions which is arranged annually by the Irish Sailing Association www.sailing.ie for the top sailors in Ireland. 

In addition to this the class is renowned as being fun, friendly and family orientated.

We recognize that there are different skill levels at racing in the class. Over the years we have developed different leagues within the class in order to encourage people to compete at all levels.  We have Gold, Silver and Bronze league and at our events there are prizes for each league.  We do not concentrate solely on racing, the socialising on the Saturday evening and meeting up with old friends and new members forms a very important part of our racing events.

If you could like any further information please see the Contact Us page.





Committee for 2001-02



Fionnuala Burke

Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club



Newenham de Cogan

Newtownards Sailing Club


Immediate Past President: 

John McGuinness

Moville Boat Club


Hon. Secretary: 

Laurence Baalham

Newtownards Sailing Club.


Hon. Treasurer:

Niamh Bracken

Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club. 


Chief Measurer:

Jimmy McKee

Ballyholme Yacht Club.


Area Representative: 


Alastair Duffin,

East Down Yacht Club.


Area Representatives:


Allen Parker, Skerries Sailing Club.

Ian D’Alton, Blessington Sailing Club. 


Area Representative:


Paddy O’Connor

Sligo Yacht Club. 



Public Relations:

Stuart Daunt-Smith,

Blessington Sailing Club.