The Comeragh Mountains and Nire Valley

The Comeragh mountains are situated in the south east of Ireland in Co Waterford. The Nire valley runs eastwards into the Comeragh mountains meeting the mountains under the Nire lakes. The valley is a glaciated valley and the Comeragh mountains bear all the scars of major glaciation. The Comeragh mountains also contain many fine corrie lakes ,the most famous being COUMSHINGAUN, which is the finest example of a corrie (cirque) lake in the British Isles.
You can take guided walks in the Comeragh mountains and the Nire valley. Climb up to Knocksheegowna and walk along Knockanafrinn ridge , see Counties Waterford , Tipperary, Cork and Kilkenny spread out beneath you . Visit Coumshingaun one of the finest corrie lakes in Europe. You can stand 1200ft above the lakes surface and marvel at the forces of nature that shaped such a place. The evidence of glacation is all around with several corrie lakes, pater nostra lakes and towering cliffs . You can take a more detailed look at the walks available.

See the smoking waterfall "Bean piobra " or walk along an ancient road crossing the mountain through the Gap . The Nire Valley has been inhabited since the early bronze age , 4,000 years , and many bronze age sites are still to be seen . Did you know that world famous physicist Sir Robert Boyle nearly drowned in the Nire river and a house in the valley saw an epic change in the Irish civil war.

We have all the flora and fauna associated with bogland and mountain in and around the Nire valley.You can see a different side of Ireland, a place where time is measured in seasons and everything has its place whether it's drinking a pint ,shearing a sheep , working a dog or dancing a set .

There is so much more to the Nire Valley it is rich in culture , song, dance and poetry, so why not come and visit use soon. We pride ourselves in our accommodation and the wealth of traditional night life available in the area . For those interested in golf, or horse riding we also boast of some very fine hostelries.