Lots of interesting links (compiled by C.W.)



http://www.beehoo.com/ Bee keeping websites from around the world.
http://www.veggievan.org Biodiesel feul website. From Fryer to the feul tank.
http://photos.yahoo.com/shawnantaya Photo album of eco building and other stuff.
http://www.strawbalecentral.com   generic site on green building, and sustainability in general.
http://www.greenbuilder.com/  Good proactive site on sustainable solutions
http://www.gnat.net/~goshawk Photo diary of building a cob home
http://www.cmpbs.org/Pubs.html Interesting publications here.
http://www.interlog.com/~ewood School for builders of sustainable homes and communities.
http://www.rdrop.com/users/krishna  Interesting site with articles on many aspects of sustainable living
http://www.island.net/~elkec/index.htm Design consultants.
http://www2.cr.nps.gov/tps/briefs/presbhom.htm  Conservation site. 41 articles on renovating old houses
http://www.permacultureinstitute.com/  Permaculture site. Worth a look if interested in permaculture.
http://home.earthlink.net/~dlombard/ Green Building news. lots of articles.
http://cedterra.freeweb.org  Trilingual site
http://brooksdata.net/personal/adobesim  Adobe for desert regions like Ireland where it doesn't rain at all at all. Good example of adobe building.
http://twistedroad.com  Personal diary of building straw/cob home in texas. Good detail photos. well worth a look in.
http://eco-living.net  Resource site, loads of links, especially to other communities. A must for research.
http://www.webcom.com/penina/spirit-and-place/welcome.html  Christopher Day site-A must for anyone who wishes to design and build.
http://www.efn.org/~robtb  A guy into natural building.
http://www.ecolearningcenter.org  Education centre on sustainable living
http://www.deatech.com/globalance  Worthy info on creating a balanced world.
http://www.BuildingGreen.com Environmental Building News.
http://www.tree.org  Tree site might be interesting.
http://www.cobworks.com  Cob site. They offer to build you a cob home for free.
http://www.strawhomes.com/build/here/now.html Natural Building & Permaculture Convergence. Info on interesting conference. in June.
http://communities.msn.com/ArkansasCobbers  Straw and cob building in Arkansas.

http://adobe@egroups.com Join discussion groups of your choice.
http://www.cpros.com/~sequoia/  A cob site. Links to Becky Bee (leading cob builder and author of the difinitive The Cob Builders Handbook. Cool Book. Groundworks publishers.
http://www.cpros.com/~sequoia/gw.html Another cob site
http://www.inti-solutions.com/cob/ Cob
http://www.deatech.com/cobcottage/ Co Cottage company leading folks regarding cob building in USA. Also has books on cob
http://www.SustainableABC.Com/ Architecture site
http://www.earthbuilding.com/ Site of the Earth Building Foundation. Worth checking out
http://www.strawbalecentral.com/ Straw for all those strawbalers
http://www.efn.org/~andrewm/hhd/hhd.html Holistic Homes
http://www.twistedroad.com/links.htm Lots of links here
http://www.nxi.com/WWW/joinersquarterly/ Interesting Wood builders site.
http://www.nxi.com/WWW/joinersquarterly/links.html With Links
http://www.nwbuildnet.com/nwbn/sustainableecobuildingbook.html General Ggreen building site
http://www.cat.org.uk/services/contact.tmpl Cool Centre for Alternative Technology site i Walse
http://www.deatech.com/cobcottage/coboven.html Build A cob Oven Website.
http://www.deatech.com/cobcottage/pics/ More Pics of Cob homes and constructions
http://www.ethical-junction.org/dir/dirlist_catBC.shtml Interesting site worth a look
http://www.ibiblio.org/pc-activist/ Permaculture activist site.
http://members.optusnet.com.au/~pgan/  site of the Permaculture Global Assistance Network
http://www.ibiblio.org/london/permaculture.html permaculture resources here.
http://www.tortuga.com/permacultura/english/WEBSites.htm Some more permaculture websites
http://www.greenbuilder.com/sbc/ the official site of The Austin Sustainable Building Coalition
http://www.permaculture.co.uk/ Site of Permaculture Magazine. Essential reading.
http://www.village-bakery.com/ Great bakery in cumbtia
http://www.motherearthnews.com/ Mother Earth News website. Go with it.
More wonderful Cob websites. Cob is Cool
http://www.organic-europe.net/country_reports/ireland/default.asp Irish organic Farmers Association website. Standards for organic farming in Ireland.
Official organic standards body in Ireland
http://www.demeter.net/ Bio-dynamic standards in Ireland. Just taste the difference.
http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/7148/cobpics.html More cob pics.
http://www.northcoast.com/~tms/ dirtcheapbuilding.com. might be a good idea
http://www.megastep.com/cir3/ Centre For Implosion Research. Very interesting.
http://www.vortexscience.com/ Vortex Science: Applied Vortex Mechanics. New look at water and science
http://www.premier1.net/~loghouse/ THE LOG HOUSE BUILDER'S ASSOCIATION OF NORTH ... Site for log builders.
http://www.xroads.net/cabinfever/ More logs
http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/contents.html Info on green building.
http://www.greenbuilder.com/Sourcebook/strawbale.html More straw.
http://www.skillful-means.com/orgs.htm STRAW BALE & NATURAL BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straw/ More and more Straw.
http://www.scs.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/Links.html Permaculture links
http://www.northcoast.com/~tms/adobe.html Adobe, Rammed Earth, Cinva Ram for more earth
http://www.nahbrc.org/ToolBase/pandt/tech/abstracts/rmd_erth.html Rammed Earth Construction.
http://www.dnaco.net/~michael/domes/ Dome homes, space age but good idea
http://www.domehomes.com/ More Domes
http://www.webcom.com/penina/spirit-and-place/ Taking the spititual perspective.
http://www.vtf.com/timberframes.html Timber framing.
http://www.ofoto.com/ShareLanding.jsp?Upost_signin=BrowsePhotos.jsp&userid=5348287703&Un=1733467580&sessionid=6348287703&Um=2927757703&sourceid=2533302 Cool cob pics
http://www.fishace.demon.co.uk/outlet65.htm Aquaculture
http://homepage.tinet.ie/~naturaltechnology/index.html Reed bed technology. Waste water our greatest resource.
http://www.dha-pollution.co.uk/_private/text/reedsf.htm More reed beds
http://www.fone.net/~bobk/E%20%26%20M%20items.html  Some guys building and Earth Ship. Good site
www.sustainablefutures.org  Eco-tourism and sustainability.
http://www.imagegypsy.com/sbvault.htm Straw and cob Pic.
http://users.bluecarrots.com/laurence/default.htm  Designs to incorporate into building
http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-58759/Starteng.html   Flow form designs. Vortex Technology.
http://www.smartshelter.com/ Good network for sustainable builders. Good ideas
http://www.topica.com/lists/CambClimCal Lots of info on environmental issues. Lists to join.
http://www.cascadadelasanimas.cl/sergio Great Cob home in Chile
http://www.dirtcheapbuilder.com Books on building
http://constructionfibres.citeweb.net/ Strawbale in french and english
http://members.aol.com/dectire/MTQuonst.htm Diary of a couples dream home.
http://www.irishbeekeeping.ie/ Beekeeping a must.

The Permaculture International Journal Homepage

The Permaculture Global Action Network, Melbourne, Australia

Permaculture Information Service & Earth Repair Catalogue

The Permaculture Activist Magazine

Centro de Informacion y Comunicacion Ambiental de Norte America

Earthcare Enterprises - the experts on Bamboo, Gingers and Aquatic Plants

Pages of Links to other Permaculture Sites
http://csf.colorado.edu/perma/ Lots Of articles
http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london/permaculture.html lots of articles
Appropriate technology
http://www.permaculture.net  definitions of permaculture
http://www.permaearth.org  more permaculture

Other interesting Sites

World Resources Institute (technology...)
http://www.wri.org some very good research potential. Seems like there is a load of information here.

People Centered Development Forum
http://iisd1.iisd.ca/pcdf/  Social justice site.

Golbal Commons Institute
http://www.gci.org.uk/  Social and ecological justice issues

Link to Pages on Micro-Credit
http://www.partners-bsbdc.org/micrlink.htm  Micro finance.

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