
19th September


Steeple Wood.

Updated caterpillar identifications on 10th September & 18th September.

Dull with showers.

Another Peziza, about 6 cm. across. These can only be identified  to species using microscopic techniques that I haven't mastered, yet. The little green larva looks like a Sawfly.


This Cortinarius nemorensis was identified by the lilac top to the stipe and the veilar remnants on the bottom. Growing under Beech.


This attractive little group of Deceiver - Laccarius laccata - was in the middle of a rarely-used pathway.


No identification problems with Helvella lacunosa.

This is certainly a Russula, but I can't find any lilac ones in the books. Maybe a faded specimen. Under Beech.


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