
12th November


Last NIFG fungal foray of the year to Errigal Glen, near Garvagh, Co. Londonderry.


Dull all day with extended heavy showers. The foray was essentially rained off towards the end.

I've found this species hard to find in any kind of condition, but this is a superb specimen of Polyporus badius growing on dead Spruce. Cap about 8 cm. across.


Coprinus micaceus is recognisable by the glittering cystidia. Caps about 15 mm. across.

Nice to see the Xylaria hypoxylon in the background.


And these are Dead Mans Fingers - Xylaria polymorpha, found on a dead beech trunk.


Exidia thuretiana is a very common gelatinous fungus on dead twigs.

I was given Oudemansiellia mucida - Porcelain Fungus - as the id for this one. I think those gills look too far apart for that to be correct. Specimen about  8mm. across.


At last a decent shot of Scutellinia scutellata - an Eyelash Fungus. Specimen about 3 mm. across.

Tremella mesenterica - Yellow Brain Fungus - is parasitic on other crust fungi.

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