12th November |
Last NIFG fungal foray of the year to Errigal Glen, near Garvagh, Co. Londonderry.
Dull all day with extended heavy showers. The foray was essentially rained off towards the end. |
I've found this species hard to find in any kind of condition, but this is a superb specimen of Polyporus badius growing on dead Spruce. Cap about 8 cm. across.
Coprinus micaceus is recognisable by the glittering cystidia. Caps about 15 mm. across. Nice to see the Xylaria hypoxylon in the background. |
And these are Dead Mans Fingers - Xylaria polymorpha, found on a dead beech trunk. |
Exidia thuretiana is a very common gelatinous fungus on dead twigs. |
I was given Oudemansiellia mucida - Porcelain Fungus - as the id for this one. I think those gills look too far apart for that to be correct. Specimen about 8mm. across.
At last a decent shot of Scutellinia scutellata - an Eyelash Fungus. Specimen about 3 mm. across. |
Tremella mesenterica - Yellow Brain Fungus - is parasitic on other crust fungi.
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