
30th November


First trip to Drumboe after the frost.


Dull and cool.

Plenty of Autumn colours in these shots of Amethyst Deceiver - Laccaria amethystina.


Two shots of a small Marasmius growing on moss in association with Ivy on an Oak tree. Marasmius bulliardii, I think.


I found a Hogweed specimen in bud and photographed that for the page. Then I rounded a corner and found this newly opened flowerhead. So it wins the position on the page. I'll monitor the other one to see if it flowers into December.


Ramalina fraxinea is one of the larger tree lichens on the patch. This specimen is about 8 cm. wide by 10 cm. long.


Yellow Pimpernel leaves appear to turn red on some plants. That will be the result of withdrawal of chlorophyll for re-use in next year's leaves.

Many of the fallen Sycamore leaves have these pale patches. Must be some kind of fungal action. Oak leaves have something similar.

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