
26th October


Approach to new bridge over the River Finn on the way to Drumboe.


Showers for much of the day.

Recently-disturbed soil is often interesting. I found this Sun Spurge - Euphorbia helioscopia - in an area where I hadn't seen it before. In fact the species is new to the site. I hadn't even noticed that it hadn't appeared before. The photographs show: Fruit, male flowers and the plant habit.



My attention was drawn to this budding Rhododendron by a casual observer. Everyone is commenting on odd flowerings and strange weather.


My local Knapweed is long past flowering, but there were several flowering specimens by the river.


And the Ash is wasting no time preparing for next year. This bud is still associated with a green leaf.

And the Smooth Hawksbeard - Crepis capillaris - is making its second push. This should last for a couple of months, yet.

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