
17th January


Murvagh beach, south Donegal.


Wet and windy.

Two Lecanora lichens on rocks near the dunes: Lecanora campestris on the left, with perhaps Lecanora helicopsis - a seashore lichen - on the right.



And another two on Spruce further inland. Note the beetle bore-hole to the top left. Possibilities are Buellia punctata (top) and Cliostomum griffithii (bottom).

Two shots from the dunes. On the left, the Marram grass that forms the dunes and on the right seedlings of, I think, a Gallium. If so, then Lady's Bedstraw would be a good guess given the location.


And on the grass verge, a pristine specimen of Hogweed - Heraclium sphondylium.

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