22nd June |
High Heath.
Overcast with heavy rain most of the day. |
Heavy rain has caused fair damage to the flowers. Heath Speedwell on the left and Ragged(er) Robin on the right.
Two more colour variants of the Common Spotted Orchid.
What appears to be a fungal rust on Yellow Rattle. |
And a specimen that requires a bit of attention. The top-left part of the leaf would appear to show the entry point of a leaf mine, but the whole 'mine' is devoid of frass (dung). The image shows a spreading fungal infection of the leaf. The pale spots are raindrops on the camera lens. |
Two flies on Common Spotted Orchid. Melanostoma scalare on the left
and a tiny (5mm) Robber Fly on the right.
Finally, a very cute blunt-petalled version of the Common Spotted Orchid.
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