1st September |
Original Hedgerow, leg 2.
Frequent heavy showers. |
It was good to get a few insects again after the recent rain. This 7-spot Ladybird is missing a few spots. Not all that unusual - many Ladybirds have missing spots or extra ones, or large ones or small ones. The size of this one leaves me in no doubt, however. |
A nice shot of a group that I don't (yet) have references for. A blow-fly. |
The hoverfly Helophilus pendulus is very busy when it's hot. This one was still just long enough for a quick shot. |
These Snail-killing flies are quite distinctive. They lay their eggs on or near snails and the larvae are parasitic on them. One of the Tetanocera sp. |
This is an attempt to put some kind of scale on some of my findings. If I said the ichneumon on the left was about 15mm long, you might get some idea of the size, but just look at the size of the minute ichneumonid in the right-hand image. It must be about 2 mm. long at most.
A leaf-miner on Creeping Thistle. No id, yet. |
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