
20th December


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.

Continued experiments with the new macro lens.

Cloudy, but with a little rain in short bursts.

Almost a repeat of the subjects from 16th December, but in much worse light and with the new lens. Coprinus atramentarius (left) and Tubaria furfuracea (right).


The Jew's Ear - Auricula auricularia.


Staying fungal, a cluster of Candle Snuff fungus - Xylaria hypoxylon.


A side shot of Common Daisy.

A very late (and atypical) Germander Speedwell. Flower about 8 mm across. And a little shot of Herb Robert.


An extremely late sprig of Meadowsweet (left) amd Nipplewort (right).


I think this lens has potential in 'portrait' shots.

The fertile underside of Hartstongue fern.

Veronica persica - Field Speedwell - and one of its seedpods.


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