
26th January


Drumboe Wood.

I also did a bit of tidying up and added 10 new plant species from 2004 to the Species Index, which now stands at 1053.

Bright, with showers.

An algal infection - Phycopeltis arundinacea - on Ivy.


Numerous lichens on Lime, including: Graphis (top left and lower right), Lecanora (right), Pertusaria (left).

Another Graphis, showing a close-up of the fruitbodies.


This old Beech stump stands at the roadside. The cut diameter is about 1.5m. Is it dead? No...the right-hand image shows the resilience and sheer persistence of the tree: a tiny branch with last year's leaf.


This fungus also stands on the cut surface. Sample shown about 20 cm. across. Stereum hirsutum.

Another unidentified fungus: a thin red crust on Ash. And on the right, a bright red leaf-bud on Lime.



Something has been eating the Rhododendron leaf. I'll try to find out what it is this year. A weevil, maybe Vine Weevil.


Lastly, a close-up of Rhytisma acerinum - Sycamore Tar-spot, on a Sycamore leaf.

Specimen about 1 cm long.

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