Ladies and Gentlemen we proudly present our new Baby: Zoë
Happy 10th Birthday World Wide Web: On 12.Dec.2001
The first publicly accessible Web page was launched 10 years ago in America. The site was
created by Paul Kunz at Stanford University ... but don't forget the one who
has single handedly developed the concept and the necessary server/browser technology:
Tim Berners-Lee at the CERN in
Geneva ... who has introduced Paul Kunz to his project exactly 3 month before ...

The Paul Kunz Web page, to access online his SPIRES database
A km-wide asteroid named "1998 WT24" glided by Earth about five times farther from
our planet than the Moon. The big and bright space rock was an easy target for Earth-
based radars -- and backyard telescopes. The animation, above, is a sequence
of Goldstone radar images of 1998 WT24 captured by S. Ostro and colleagues on Dec.17,

A powerful geomagnetic storm raged for nearly 15 hours Saturday after a pair of coronal
mass ejections swept past our planet around 0530 UT on Nov. 24th. In the United States
sky watchers reported auroras as far south as Arkansas. Guess what we had here in Ireland?
METEOR BLAST 18.Nov.2001:
It was a night to remember ... in the United States and Canada (Ireland on the other hand was blessed
again with a solid and dense cover of mist and clouds ... sorry to all of you if I made your mouth
water) ... A stunning display of Leonid meteors erupted after midnight on Sunday, Nov. 18th, when
Earth entered a dust cloud shed by Comet Tempel-Tuttle in 1766. Sky watchers in some places saw thousands of bright meteors
per hour! Earth has since exited that dust cloud and plunged into another, triggering meteor
outbursts over Australia and east Asian countries. Stay tuned for updates. Click here for more Photos.
Thu.18.December 2001
4 of the 5 have already found a new home ...
Thu.18.November 2001
No comment ...
Thu.18.October 2001
A special family upgrade ...
Thu.20.September 2001
Scary Hybrid Internet Worms (Virus) Loose
New e-mail and server worms have appeared. These worms are dangerously different
than virtually all other e-mail and network-borne worms and viruses: They can infect
a computer when a user simply clicks on the subject line of an e-mail in an attempt
to open it, or simply visits a Web page housed on an infected server. Click anywhere
for more information
Tue.11.September 2001
A very bad day for all of us ...
Sun.02.September 2001
Honey harvest 2001 is done ...
Sat.04.August 2001 / 13:00
Erwin's hot bachelor summer ... anno domini 4.August 2001
So. 15.July 2001
Guess who was here ...
So. 08.July 2001
We did it ... we finally ... did it ... the hay in 2001
It didn't break our hearts ... but nearly our good old (New Holland) baler ... and was therefore quit nerve
wrecking ... but, what's done is done ...
Thanks to: Mary, Jessica, Eileen, Anja, Gabrielle, Kai#1 and Kai#2, Kiki, Gabrielle, Linus
and Erwin ...
Sa. 09.June 2001
Happy 50th birthday Gaby ...