The information found here is believed to be accurate as of the date it was posted to this website. While every effort is made to assure accuracy, the owner of this website, and any references to other websites, disclaim any warranty or representation about its accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness for any particular purpose.
This website may provide links to other websites. This website does not endorse nor warrant these sites, the organisations they may represent or thier product and services.
Users of this website assume full responsibility for the use of the information provided here. Users understand and agree that the owner of this website, are not responsible, or liable, for any claim, loss, or damage arising from the use of any information contained here.
All games and goodies are for amusement purposes only and no monies are exchanged.
All music on this website is for private use only. All artists must be contacted and permission granted before any downloading commences. All users of this website take FULL responsibility on any legal action taken on regards to downloading music from this website.
ONLY users who own original track or tracks listed may listen to the appropriate track or tracks. Users who do not own the original track or tacks are NOT permitted to listen to the track or tracks. Where the term 'This site' appears, it refers to "HOLMESPAGE.TK".