Our Writing |
A Day to Remember by Karl |
It was my birthday. I
wasn't going to do anything because I was sick, but I was looking forward to
getting my presents. I didn't think the day could get any worse but at least I
wasn't in school. But I wasn't going to stay in on my birthday anyway. The day
did in fact get worse. Here's what happened. The present my Mam and Dad got me
didn't work. My brother gave me twenty euro the day before my birthday and the
next morning he took it back. So I went to my friend's house that day. It was a windy day, a very windy day. We were playing basketball with a basketball pole that was not stuck in the ground, it was the one where you put water in the base but it didn't have any water in it. My friend and his friend were on a half day. So we were playing basketball when the pole fell over. A little spike at the top where you hang the net went right into my head. I got three stitches. I was half bald and I wasn't able to wash my hair for a while. So that day was one to remember. |
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A Day to Remember by Stacey |
Normally I would stay
at home for Valentines Day, but this year, seeing as it was sunny that day,
Susan, my Mam, my Dad, Leon, Jamie, Darren and I all went on a picnic. We
brought lemonade, apple juice, apples, sausages, sausage rolls, biscuits, jam
tarts, crisps, sandwiches and cake to eat and drink. We went up the hills to a
field, and sat under a shaded tree. We ate all the sandwiches, sausages,
sausage rolls, apples and we drank all the apple juice. And then Susan, Leon,
Jamie and I went off to play chasing, and to give my Mam , Dad and Darren some
quality time alone. And anyway they told us if we left them alone for a while
we would get cake. Anyway Susan was on. She was chasing me, but when she ran around the tree, she bumped into Leon and they both fell different ways, Leon fell on tufts of grass, while Susan fell on an ant hill. She shot up immediately and started to scream. We all started to laugh at her jumping around. It was so funny. Well anyway after that we all ate the cake and all the other food. I had a great time it was definitely a day to remember. |
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Special Olympics by Nicola |
I know a girl called Ann, who has a disability. She left school and now works part-time in a supermarket. She gets on very well with people. She's helpful and loves to talk to you. But there's one thing that she's really good at and that's swimming. She goes every week with her friends. She is the best I know. Her dream is to go to the Olympics and one day I hope it comes true for her. | |
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Olympics by Katie |
Different people different people
All around the place Some small some tall With all a different face Everyone has a talent Big and small It's the way they use them That matters most of all. The Olympics are fun The Olympics are great I don't know why people could hate The wonderful things it can do For me and for you. |
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A Day to
Remember by Sarah |
I'd been doing kickboxing for a year before I got
sparring gear. I'd not been sparring for long before I was in a sparring
competition. It was called "The Best of the Best". Even the name would put you
off. It was a Saturday morning and we were told to be there at 11am. The fee was 10 Euro. My Cousin Niamh (who was sparring too) my aunt, my sister and my Dad had come. For an hour we just walked around watching other types of fighting. Then they called my group, "White belt to orange belt sparring". We lined up at table 1. I was really nervous now, the " butterflies" had turned into "wasps". I felt sick. I was first to spar, the girl I was sparring was taller than me but I won. Then Niamh sparred and won. After two more spars and wins, I was in the final, with Niamh. In the end after being hit a lot Niamh won. I was still happy because 2nd is just as good as 1st. |
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Should homework be abolished?
by Stephanie |
It started off when Nicola, Sophie, Leona, Katie
and I were on team one and Sinéad, Máire, Sarah, Susan and Stacey
were on team two. We thought homework should be abolished but team two thought
homework should stay. So we were not talking for two weeks until our teacher
Miss Little (we called her Miss Little because she was small) came up with a
plan for both teams to write down a few reasons why it should or shouldn't be
abolished. This is our team's list: it should be abolished because it's boring, it takes up a lot of your time, you only go over the things you have done during the day which you have done for the whole lesson which is stupid. This is team two's list: Homework shouldn't be abolished because sometimes it can be fun, sometimes it's easy, it helps you with the work that you did during the day and you get to do it on your own because in school you have all the class shouting out the answer at you. When our teacher had read both of them she thought the two of them were good. So she let the class read them out and vote. Half voted no and half voted yes it should. So it was up to the two teams to vote. We had two days to think about it. So we all decided to say homework shouldn't be abolished because our principal wouldn't be happy and he would have given us extra homework. |
The Flyaway Swing by Sophie |
One summer's day I was swinging on a swing. I fell
off. I got back up again. I was swinging so high that I kept going up. I closed
my eyes. I didn't come back. I was going up for ages. Suddenly I stopped going up. I sat on my swing for ages. There were clouds everywhere. They looked so fuffly and white. I thought I was in heaven. Shortly afterwards I got off and walked. Then I saw some people and they all had pink hair and dogs that have tails on their heads. I went home and told my mam about the day. She was surprised and she thought that I was dreaming, but I know for sure that I wasn't. |
My Family by Philomena |
A family is made up of people who care for each other and love one another. When I am sick my family is always there for me. I know my sister is so annoying and my little brother is too, but I love them just the same. I have a big brother who is eighteen years old. He is in college and he works in City West Hotel. I have a sister who lives in America and she is 34 years old. She has three children, two girls and one boy. Their names are Catherine, Lauren and Michael and I will tell you all my family names: Bernadette, Syl, Sophie, Kieran, David, Susan and Judith. | |
A Strange House by Leona |
One day I was playing football in the street when I heard a noise; it sounded like a window smashing. Oh no, I had hit the worst neighbour's house. It was old and strange. I don't think anyone lives in it. My Mother says an old woman lives there. I have never seen her? After a couple of minutes my father came home and saw the window and he said I have to go and say sorry. When I rang the doorbell a butler opened the door and said "You rang?" Then an old women came up to me and asked did I break her window and I said yes. She said I have to pay her back and clean her house for two weeks. I said okay. In those two weeks that strange house wasn't that strange anymore. | |
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Poem by Patrick |
W is for the cold wind
I is for the snow which covered the lakes and streams this is called ice N is for not very nice weather at all T is for I loved the way the snow covers the trees E is for the evenings, cold and dark R is for the robin. |
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The Cat by Laura O |
Name: Quasar the eight eyed
cat. Age:124. Normal Look: white 2 eyed cat. Super Hero Look: Winged cat with eighteen eyes. Sidekick: Batty the cat with nineteen lives. Special Powers: Sight for future, he can fly , supersonic strength. One day on duty Bow the crimeminister of Pow Wow Kitty Empire called Lucky, got Katnapped by a devious bulldog called Buster, escaped from Pussington Jail. Oh news just in: Quasar saved the day AGAIN! |
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Super Dad! by Susan |
The strangest thing happened to my
Dad the other day. When he was at work he was involved in an accident. When
something was being delivered to his site the string broke and this liquid
poured all over him! He was in hospital for three weeks. When he got out he told my mum he felt strange. One day lasers came out of his eyes and it blew up our toaster! My toast for my breakfast was in there. It flew over onto my plate. It was quite burned. "There goes my breakfast,"I said . "What happened?" said my mum. "I don't know" said my dad. He was just as stunned as I was. My mum, dad, and I promised to keep it a secret. So we did. Soon after the burned toast incident my dad discovered new powers. He became much stronger. As you know already he has lasers coming out of his eyes, he could also stretch his arms and legs really far! That was when my dad became a superhero! My mum and I made my dad's costume. It's really cool! One day I was kidnapped. Someone knew about my dad's powers and he wanted them for himself. He thought that my dad would come and rescue me. Which he did, but my dad thought of a good plan that would save me and put this evil guy in jail. When I was captured I was taken to an old warehouse in town. The evil guy was my dad's best friend. My dad came and rescued me in the end. Paddy, the evil guy was put in jail. From that day on everyone knew that my dad was a real HERO! |
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