Holy Family National School

Newsletter October 2001

  Welcome back to everybody after the summer holidays. It may seem like ages ago but I hope you all had a good summer-despite the weather! We welcome back Mrs. McKeon after her career break and also Michael McGuane after a short break in the west. Welcome to the new children who have come to our school, especially the children in Junior Infants. Finally, welcome to our two new members of staff - Miss Loughney and Miss O'Dowd - both of whom have created quite an impression with their colleagues, children and parents.  
  School Secretary 
  We were very sorry to lose our secretary, Brenda Cowlard, during the summer. Brenda was a very efficient, organised secretary and a very pleasant person in her dealings with teachers, children and parents. We wish her well in her future career. Our new secretary is Honor Melia and we look forward to working with her over the coming years. 
  Swimming has resumed in Naas swimming pool for children in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. The maximum number allowed per session (70) have enrolled. Due to increased transport costs we had to put up the fee to £30, but it is still good value for eleven sessions with three qualified swimming coaches employed to teach the children. 
  School Improvements  
  Each year the school receives from the Department of Education and Science a grant to carry out minor works to the school. Over the summer new ceilings were put up at the entrance hallway; a new fire alarm system was installed and new kitchen units were fitted in the staff room. 
  Parents' Association  
  The Parents' Association recently presented the Board of Management with a cheque for £3000.00 - part of the proceeds of last year's fund-raising projects, such as the Voluntary Contribution and the children's sponsored walk. It is a hard fact of life that most of that money had to be used for the day-to-day running of the school for the last year. Increased oil prices were a major factor last year. With the increased number of pupils in the school, complete with the government's increased funding per child (capitation grant), it is hoped that any funds raised by the Parents' Association in this school year will be used to buy educational equipment for the children. 
  As a staff, we had decided that this year we would make a particular effort to increase the profile of music as a subject in the school. To that end we have arranged for 27 children to attend and participate in the National Concert Hall on October 22nd. On Sunday, December 9th, a choir of 35 children will join thousands of other children in the Hallelujah Christmas Concert at the Point Theatre. Preparations are at present getting underway for both events, under the direction of Mrs. Mc Keon. 
  Over the last few months we have received a number of computers from various sources. We received a computer and printer from Kelkin Ltd (thanks to Mary Rooney); four computers from South Dublin Co. Council (thanks to Jim Walsh, Maple Grove) and one computer and assorted software from Tesco, after children made a tremendous effort last year collecting tokens. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Frances Martin, who organised the collection of thousands of tokens. As we stated earlier, Michael Mc Guane has returned and has been employed by the B.O.M. to provide computer classes every Tuesday. After school computer classes resume on Tuesday October 9th from 2.45 to 3.45pm. Early booking is advisable.  
  The revised curriculum is being implemented in a phased manner over the coming years. After in-service training for teachers last year in English and the Visual Arts, these two subjects are being implemented in full this school year. In-service training in Maths, Irish, Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) takes place this year. 
  Gaelic Football 
  We have, at present, two boys' teams (U-11 and U-13) and one girls' team competing in the Dublin Primary School League. Using a mini-bus to ferry children to and from matches is extremely expensive (it costs £100 per trip). Any parent willing to volunteer transport even for one evening would be very much appreciated. 
  Football forecast 
  We ran a very successful football forecast for the All Ireland football final. However nobody predicted the correct score - in fact, most people were way off the mark. We decided the fairest thing to do was to put all the names who predicted a Galway win into a hat and the following five people win £20 each: John Mather, Irene McCormack, Barry Ryan, John McGrath and Shay Timmins. 
  School Rules 
  As we start off another year there are a few rules, which we ask for your co-operation in implementing.
1) The staff car park is for staff cars only. In the interests of children's safety, it is not to be used for dropping off and collecting children. It is essential that this rule is complied with. We ask for your co-operation in this matter but, if it is not forthcoming, the gate will have to be closed each morning. Parents of children attending Play School are also being informed of this rule.
2) If you have to drop a lunch or book to your child during the day please leave it at reception and it will be delivered to your child with minimum disruption to the class.
3) School starts at 9.00a.m. When the children are taken in, work starts immediately. Please ensure that your child arrives on time. Parents collecting their children from the Infant classes at 1.45p.m. are asked to do so punctually, as the Infant teachers are often required to mind other classes. It is understandable that, from time to time, a parent will get caught in traffic, but persistent lateness is inexcusable and does cause considerable disruption.
  French Classes 
  Names are now being taken for an after school French class, which will take place on Thursday evenings. The response so far seems to be quite good and classes will be starting very soon. 
  Stars In Your Eyes 
  The Parents' Association is well advanced in its preparations for a major fund-raising event, which will take place at Citywest Hotel on Friday November 2nd. A similar event was organized two years ago and proved to be an outstanding success, both socially and financially. It turned out to be a great "parish" night with support coming from parents, past-pupils and from other people who had no association whatsoever with the school. Tickets are at a very reasonable price of £10 (which includes cabaret, supper and disco) and early booking is advisable, as many people were disappointed the last time.
Tickets are available from any member of the Parents' Association or from the school. I would earnestly request all parents to support this event, the proceeds of which will be used to purchase musical equipment for the school.
    School Closings 
  Other Newsletters:  April 1997
    October 1997
    March 1998
    April 1999 
    October 1999 
    November 1999 
    November 2000 
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