Ideally Change oil every 3,000Km, or at least every 5000Km,
Change oil filter at least every second oil change, Use 10W40 oil
Oil Filters:
- Hiflo Filtro: HF 303.
- Filtrex: OIF006
- Champion: F301
- K & N: KN-303
- Genuine Honda filter + wrench: 15010-MW0-000.
How to change the oil/oil filter:
- Drain oil from the engine when it is still hot, (hot oil can burn you),
- Position the bike on it's side stand,
- Remove the oil drain bolt,
- Let the oil drain out,
- Turn the engine kill switch OFF (to make sure the engine does not start)
and turn on the starter motor for two seconds,
- Let the oil drain out.
- To get as much of the old dirty oil out as possibe you should let it drain
for 5 minutes, and then lift the bike off it's side stand and hold it vertical
for a few seconds to get that last bit of worn dirty oil out.
- Replace oil drain bolt and tighten to 35Nm (14mm copper washer),
- Replace oil filter every second oil change, tighten filter cartridge to
- Add 2.8 liters of oil after crankcase disassembly,
- Add 2.3 liters of oil after oil drain and installation of new oil filter,
- Add 2.2 liters of oil after oil drain.
Note: To re-use a copper washer: heat it until it is cherry red hot and
then dip it in water, this will soften the copper to make a better seal.
Take the oil level reading by following these steps:
- position the bike on it's center stand (on level ground),
- start the engine and let it idle for two minutes,
- switch off the engine and let it stand for ten minutes,
- Remove the dip-stick and wipe clean,
- Insert dip-stick, into oil filler neck, as far as it will go without
screwing it in and point it towards the ground,
- Remove and take reading.
Trouble shooting
Excessive amount of oil in the Air Box.
- Too much oil in the engine.
- Clogged Air Box oil drain tube.
- Clogged Crankcase breather tube.
Oil level too low.
- Normal oil consumption.
- Worn piston rings.
- Worn cylinder wall.
- External oil leaks.
Oil contamination.
- Oil not changed often enough.
- Faulty head gasket.
- Worn piston rings.
Low oil pressure.
- Faulty oil pump.
- Clogged oil strainer.
- Oil level low.
- Faulty pressure relief valve.
- Oil leaks.
High Oil pressure.
- Faulty pressure relief valve.
- Clogged oil filter or oil orafice
No oil pressure.
- Oil level too low.
- Broken oil pump drive or driven sprockets.
- Broken oil pump drive chain.
- Faulty oil pump.
- Oil leaks