10th August.

Lots added to the site make sure and check out the YOINKS page where we see a master of thievery at work caught mid-swipe. Some of the pictures from Ians birthday are on a new page in the photo galleries. Check out the other shit aswell Oh and feel free to e-mail me or sign Guestbook.Coming soon the rest of the pic's from KY baby Ian O'grady's Birthday shindig. WORD!

ps. MacRants coming your way soon!



20th july

Ahoy, Ahoy the site hath returneth!

That whole virus thing was just a big joke, ah ha. Nimda! oh Mel you and your pranks, well we've had our shots and used our tropical creams and are begining a brand spanking new era here. Ian "the lovely lady" O'grady will hopefully be sending some literary genius my way as we saw with the Galway cookbook(pucker) and the now legendary "font of the week".

Dingo Dules of "Dingo's Lair" has played Den of Dinny.org out for a FOOL and jumped ship. We should expect a world of bizaare and somewhat deviant content from the man the Cambodian natives call "hoooti cha cha" which loosely translates into THE GLITTER MAN!.

Well mmmph! there it is! the first update for a mighty long time. the site should be up and running as smooth as that smooth and juicey drink which is pretty darn smooth let me tell you. Well on a personal note Get well soon Shane were glad to hear you getting better and Happy Birthday to our very own Ian "in the Navy" O'grady. Heres a pic of Ian and myself in our younger years. Ian is the strangely feminine looking child to the left and I'm the Rodney Trotter lookin beast of a man to the right.Click Here

PS: Make sure and visit our sponcer who have made all this possible. The link is on the bottom of the page, thanks.


Coming Soon.


Newz of the World

The Ten Worst...

Photo Galleries.




Freddy and his fantazmo frige home.

Stories from Ian and the Dingo.

The Drunk-u-lator.

Some MuttonHead Games.