Irish Fencing News

April 1997

In this Issue:



Presiding Workshop

Sort Your Head Out

Improve your fencing vocabulary

Race Night Results

Safety Update

Presiding Workshop

Competition Report/Results

Report from the Front-Line

Dates for your Diary

Club Contacts

Articles for Sale

Busy, Busy, Busy........

What a busy time it has been for Irish fencing since the last issue of Irish Fencing News. At home there have been the Nationals, both senior and junior, the North, South and East Opens, the Duffy, the Intervarsities, the Maynooth One Hit Epee and the most fiercely fought friendly - the North-South match. Ireland has also been represented at competitions overseas - the Junior World Championships in Tenerife as well as competitions in Basle, Monale, Glasgow, Birmingham and Slough.

The year’s major fund-raising event was held in February and despite a very disappointing attendance, a profit of over £1500 was made. This will be put primarily towards equipment. Had more money been raised, it would have meant more equipment, courses, etc., the type of thing fencers commonly say they don’t get enough of. It’s your sport and it needs your support. In the future it may become even more dependent on your support, as a result of a major administrative change in sports grant management (see Funding for Fencing).

In this issue, we also share the news and views of fencers other than just the editorial team. Keep them coming - it’s your forum. (And it means that the editorial team don’t have to work so hard - we like that.) Remember all you have to do is email us at

Come On, Ref!

One of the biggest problems at Irish competitions is the shortage of competent referees which means unfair demands are constantly being put on the same people at competitions. Apart from unfairly advantaging or disadvantaging fencers, lack of available decent referees often means that competitions are dragged out, making it difficult for fencers to stay focused and stay warm, risking potential injury. The chance to change that has arrived. On 19 & 20 April, a two day refereeing workshop will be held in Ballinteer by international referee, Ron Howard. Both days will comprise theory and practise, and you will need to bring electric equipment - both foil and epee.

If you think good referee standards are important, be there. If you don’t, then don’t ever complain about a referee again.

To contribute towards Ron’s expenses and fee, there will be a charge of £20 per attendee. A club discount will apply for three or more attendees from the same club. A 50% discount will apply to unwaged. Information and workshop details enclosed.




The Costello Cup For Sportsmanship

Sadly, in the very first issue of this newsletter we had to carry an obituary for Stephen Costello, who was regarded by all those who were lucky enough to meet him as one of the finest sportsmen to grace Irish fencing.

His friends felt very strongly that Stephen should be remembered in a positive way, that future generations of fencers should know his name, and the sort of man he was, so they decided to present a trophy in his memory. The following is the citation that will accompany every presentation of the Costello Cup:

This Trophy is presented in memory of Stephen Costello, who fenced from 1976 to 1994, and who represented Salle Duffy for several years. A consummate sportsman, Stephen’s unfailing courtesy and generous nature epitomised the true spirit of fencing.

In acknowledging your contribution to the 1997 National Fencing Championships we hope that you will continue to uphold these values in the future.

This cup is presented by his friends

Daphne Wynne, Helen Quinn and Julian Hynes, Antoinette Walker, Tony Quinn, Paul Cullen, Peter Steiof, Jonothan Seah, Pat Flynn and Vincent Duffy

The very first recipient of the Costello Cup was, fittingly, Conor Nagle, who is currently the youngest fencer to represent Salle Duffy in individual and team events.

Funding For Fencing

In the past, the purchase of some equipment and some financial support to fencers selected to compete in overseas competition has been funded through grants applied for by the IAFF. The Department of Education provided a grant to the Olympic Council of Ireland at the beginning of each year. The OCI then allocated and managed the funds for each sport, based on the case put forward by their administrative organisations. They did this extremely efficiently and sporting bodies always knew how much money was in the kitty and were funded promptly, until now!

The Department of Education has decided to relieve the OCI of this function, and from now on will allocate and manage the funds itself. The cogs of government departments move slowly and although the decision was made early in the year, sporting organisations still do not know what funds will be available or how they will be managed.

Top End Home

Competition Pistes

Use of electric pistes makes an enormous difference at competitions, especially for Epee - just ask anyone who has had to fence in a recent competition without them. The IAFF continues to try to improve competition standards and now has 6 electric pistes, the most recent of which were received early this year.

These are available for use at any official competition. A deposit is payable on collection of the pistes and is refunded on their safe return. Competition organisers should give as much notice as possible of their piste needs and are responsible for collection, laying and return of pistes. Contact:

Sort Your Head Out

Most fencers who compete will have experienced off days. There are always things to blame - the venue, the referee, the organisers, the car, the bus, the opponent’s equipment, the floor, noise on the next piste, the weather and countless other causes. The true cause, no matter how much you want to deny it, is more likely to be the fencer. Working on concentration, motivation and competition preparation are just as important as footwork, blade-work and lessons, but are frequently not given much attention.

UCD run short evening courses - 10 lectures over 10 weeks - on sports psychology, which look at these areas. The course covers theory and practical aspects of improving motivation and concentration. It is one of the most popular adult education courses in UCD, and needs to be booked in advance. The next one will start in October, running to December. For information, phone UCD administration. Last year, it cost £40, and from all accounts, any one who has attended felt it was well worth it.

Top End Home

Race Night

Although attendance was disappointing, the Race Night held on February 20 went off smoothly, raising a grand total of £1,558. Some of the proceeds will be put towards the costs of the Presiding Workshop

Winning horses were:

1. Oh Dee by No Breeding. A Neary
2: Ramirez Oisín FC
3. J ohn Field Buddies
4. Robin’s Nest R. Owen
5. Two Under F. Murphy
6. Lannie E. A. Mion
7. Haven’t a Clue A M Ryan
8. Westland Boy F.Tucker
9. Auction Race B.McGarrity


The organisers of the Race Night apologise unreservedly for the omission of a race sponsored by Matthews Agri-Services from the programme.

The Age of Technology

Thanks to a small grant from the Department of Education towards administration costs, the IAFF moves into the age of technology and round the clock accessibility, with the recent acquisition of a fax/answering machine. The fax number is 298 4039.

Safety Regulations Update

It has been decided that the requirement for an 800 Newton Jacket will be deferred to the Irish Open 1997. 800 Newton jacket and breeches will be compulsory from that competition. Please remember that this requirement is not a frivolous idea, Irish fencing must come into line with international regulations or the sport will not be treated seriously and will suffer as a result.




Improve your Fencing Vocabulary

Abstain French for "so sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

Advance Forward motion made by male fencers toward female fencers, usually resulting in a three-yard penalty, a red card, and a slap across the face.

Attack in Preparation: When you sneak up and hit your opponent while they're still putting on their uniform.

Balestra Male ballerina.

Barrage: Shelling your opponent with cannon fire from several miles away.

Beat 1. How you feel after fencing.

2. What sabre fencers do to each other.

3. What foilists never lose.

Change of Engagement: Selecting a new fiancee.

Corps-a-corpse: 1. Sin of the Fleche.

2. French for "full contact fencing."

Coupe Little foreign car fencers often drive.

Croise A French pastry.

Derobement: The Houdini-like motions required by fencers to escape their straightjacket-like fencing uniforms.

Disengage: Getting rid of your fiancee, usually by fencing too much.

Engagement: Absolutely required before performing a Change of Engagement or a Disengage.

En Garde: French for "On Guard," a paranoid state in which the fencer believes everyone is out to get him.

Feint: What you do after fencing too long, in full uniform, on a hot summer day. Also known as heat stroke.

Feeble: What old fencers eventually become.

Fleche: What fencers do it in.

Forte: What permanent en garde fencers live in.

One-Two: Basic fencing dance step. Followed by "Cha-Cha-Cha."

Passe: Close manoeuvre made by male fencers towards female fencers, always resulting in a black card and the male fencer being Maced.

Pommel: Beating your opponent senseless with the hilt of your weapon, for sabre fencers only.

Redoublement: Pause during the bout for the fencer to take another breath mint

Selections from ‘The Dictionary of Funny Fencing Terms’ retrieved from the Internet courtesy of Paul Bouchier-Hayes





You will see that once again a licence form has been enclosed with your newsletter. It is important that every Irish fencer holds an up to date IAFF licence. Without your licence you cannot vote at an AGM and you are neither insured nor eligible to compete for national title. Also, your IAFF licence automatically affiliates you to the FIE which is necessary for any fencers who wish to compete in overseas competitions.

When your Federation applies for grants or funding for Irish fencing, one of the considerations made by the official bodies - FIE, DoE, OCI - regarding such applications is the number of registered participants, i.e. IAFF members.

Please remember that IAFF licences now run from September to August, not January to December. Your Federation offers Life Membership for the very reasonable sum of £150.00. Current NIAFU licence holders can now affiliate for £3.00. Renewal notices for the 1997/1998 season will be sent out to all current licence holders during the summer.

Safety Regulations Update

It has been decided that the requirement for an 800 Newton Jacket will be deferred to the Irish Open 1997. 800 Newton jacket and breeches will be compulsory from that competition.

Please remember that this requirement is not a frivolous idea, Irish fencing must come into line with international regulations or the sport will not be treated seriously and will suffer as a result.




Competition Report
At Home - Abroad

At home

The Duffy Team Epee and the Intervarsities, two major team events, were hosted by DUFC. Following the men’s section of the Duffy Team Epee, DUFC laid on a reception which adjourned en masse to the Pavilion Bar. Female participants in this event proved, once again, that they are far more resilient than their male counterparts by attending the festivities and still arriving in time for their competition the following morning.

The Intervarsities dinner featured a "Miss Intervarsities" competition and we understand that DUFC provided a strong candidate for this event.

Results of the Boat Race are unknown, possibly due to the participants being somewhat incapacitated by their efforts. UCD was the overall winner of this year’s Intervarsities, and their ladies team also flew the flag at the Duffy Team Epee.

We await the results of the colours match between DUFC and UCD.

Gerry Cahill, President of DUFC, was delighted to tell us that Ulster Bank provided £100 towards the cost of running the Intervarsities. Thanks are due to John Anderson, Deputy Manager, Ulster Bank, 130 Lr. Baggot Street for the bank’s generosity on this occasion.

The East of Ireland Championships was hosted by UCD. It was good to see a substantial entry from our friends in Northern Ireland. Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen organisational problems, the ladies foil final was delayed until after the venue’s official closing time, so very few people were able to stay to see it, however the second day ran smoothly and to schedule. The inclusion of Lifestyle vouchers with the presentations was considered to be a great idea and much appreciated by the recipients.

At the Junior National Championships, Peter Delany generously provided two beautiful new trophies for the Junior National Ladies’ and Men’s Epee Championships. It seems fitting that Simon’s name is the first on the cup. (Hat trick next year, Simon?).

The South of Ireland Open was, as always, one of the most enjoyable events on our calendar. This year Isabel Delaney and Eamonn McGrattan shared the All Weapons Trophy between them - the day when ladies have their own All Weapons award must be getting nearer. Special mention must be made of the Garnish House where guests are spoilt rotten.

Maynooth One Hit Epee. This unique event attracted thirty competitors, although it seems fencing was not the only attraction for QUB.

The North-South Match was run, for the first time, to the Italian Relay system. Our team did us proud, especially Paul Bouchier-Hayes who rescued the sabre from defeat by scoring thirteen hits in the last section. Well done everybody, commiserations to the gallant Northern team, who no doubt will be looking forward to the return match next year.

The Senior National ran on the same weekend and at the same venue as the North-South. As is fitting of the National Championships it was a hard fought tournament with some unexpected victories.

There were three special presentations made at this event. Olympian Brian Hamilton, who represented Ireland in the epee team at the Rome Olympics 1960 was belatedly presented. with a medal to mark his participation in that event

John Bouchier-Hayes received an award in recognition of his unfailing support of Irish fencing, for example the wearisome task of presiding late into the night for the North-South and then over the two days of the National. Thank you again John.

The third award, the Costello Cup, was made to Conor Nagle. More information about this award on the front page.

This season welcomed a number of new faces to competition fencing, and it is to be hoped they will all keep entering in the future. Novice competitors should remember that there are two events on the calendar specifically aimed at beginners, the Schull Cup (Foil) in Cork held annually during November, and the Junior National Championships (Foil and Epee) held annually in March.

Some competitions this year suffered because of a shortage of scoring equipment, although between the IAFF and all the clubs there should be just enough to get us by. One way to address this problem might beif each club would provide a list of the equipment they are willing to lend for competitions, together with the right contact who can be asked in good time before an event. If this information is forwarded to Irish Fencing News, we will be happy to compile a list of what actually is available on loan and exactly who should be contacted in each club and include it in the June newsletter.

Sorry we had no on-the-spot report from the Northern Ireland Open, but hopefully we will hear about the North-West for next issue?




Northern Ireland Open

Men’s Foil :
1. J. Davis (Inst. Old Boys) 2. A. Eames (Leicester.) 3= P. Forrester, (Sussex House), G. Forster (Woking.)
Ladies’ Foil:
1.A Miekle (QUB), 2. I. Delaney (UCC) 3= Y. Nawaz (QUB), M. O’Reilly (Ballinteer)
Men’s Epee :
1. A. Dempsey (DIT/Salle Duffy), 2. S. Delaney (Salle) 3=. D. Quinn (UCD), J. Reville (Scotland)
Ladies’ Epee:
1. F. Haldene (Ajax), 2. P. Wilson (UK), 3= I Delaney (UCC) +Not Available
1. R. Cohen (UK) 2. T. Cromie (Aberdeen), 3= A. Myles (Dundee) A. Reynolds, (Woking)
Men’s U18 Foil
1. D. McBirney (Edinburgh), 2. C. Hegarty (Salle Duffy), 3= S. Delaney (Salle Duffy), C. Nagle (Salle Duffy)
Ladie’s U18 Foil
1. L. Irwin (Victoria), 2. C. Reed (Victoria), 3= C. Mason (Victoria) J. Savage (Victoria)

Duffy Team Epee

1. Cardiff (UK) - S Kingston, M. Kingston, R. Davenport, Sub: N. Lee.
2. Salle Duffy I (Irl.) -A. Dempsey, S. Delaney, C. Hegarty.
3=. Salle Duffy III (Irl.): P. Lee, A. Bouchier-Hayes, M. Fitzpatrick.
Leipzig (Ger.)
- T. Ronzheimer, S. Fellmann, S. Molloy, Sub: J. Augermann
1. UCD (Irl.): G. McGrattan, A. Lennon, A. Walker, Sub: G. Fitzgerald.
2. Les Femmes (Irl.) Y. Murphy, A-L Mion, D. Kelly.
3=: DUFC (Irl.):
D. Geraghty, C. Griffin, O. O’Connor.
UCC: (Irl.): I. Delaney, M-E Perraud, E. McCormack.


1st UCD
Men’s Team: E. McGrattan, D. Quinn, S. Bowen
Ladies’ Team:G. McGrattan, A. Lennon, A. Walker, G. Fitzgerald
2nd DUFC
Men’s Team: P. Bouchier-Hayes, S. Rooney,M. Lavin, M. Carey
Ladies’ Team:D. Geraghty, C. Griffin, O. O’Connor
3rd DIT
Men’s Team: R. Owens, A. Dempsey, D. Gilhooly, J Butler, J. Carey
Ladies’ Team:
Y. Murphy, Michelle, L. Larkin

East of Ireland

Men’s Foil:
1. P. Dyte (DUFC 2. E. McGrattan (UCD.) 3= P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC.) J. Thiessen. (UCD)
Ladies’ Foil:
1. M. O’Reilly, (Ballinteer), 2. A. Miekle (QUB) 3= I Delaney (UCC), Y. Nawaz (QUB)
Men’s Epee:
1. D. Quinn (UCD), 2. E. McGrattan (UCD) 3= M. Carey (DUFC), M. O’Brien (ASPTT)
Ladies’ Epee:
1. G. McGrattan (UCD), 2. I. Delaney (UCC), 3= D. Donegan (Oisín) A. Lennon (UCD)
1. J. Ryan (UCD), 2. M. Flavin (DUFC) 3= P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC) L. Najy (QUB)

Junior National

Men’s Foil:
1. E. McGrattan (UCD) 2. P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC) 3=S. Delaney (Salle Duffy) C. Nagle (Salle Duffy)
Ladies’ Foil:
1. F. O’Riordan (Oisín), 2. D. Donegan (Oisín) 3= G. Fitzgerald (UCD), G. Walsh (Salle Duffy)
Men’s Epee:
1. S. Delaney (Salle Duffy), 2. C. Hegarty (Salle Duffy) 3= M. Carey (DUFC) C. Nagle (Salle Duffy)
Ladies’ Epee:
1. D. Donegan (Oisín), 2. F. O’Riordan (Oisín), 3=G. Fitzgerald (UCD), S. Silk (UCD)

South of Ireland Open

Men’s Foil :
1. E. McGrattan (UCD) 2. P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC.) 3= C. Hegarty (Salle Duffy) J . Thiessen, (UCD)
Ladies’ Foil:
1. I. Delaney (UCC), 2. M. Pasquier (DUFC) 3= A. Tibergien (DCU) D. Wynne (Salle Duffy)
Men’s Epee:
1. E. McGrattan (UCD), 2. C. Nagle (Salle Duffy) 3= M. Carey (DUFC), D. Prendergast (UCC)
Ladies’ Epee:
1. A-L Mion (Elite), 2. I. Delaney (UCC), 3= M. Pasquier (DUFC) D. Wynne (Salle Duffy)
Men’s Sabre
1. P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC), 2. E. McGrattan (UCD), 3= M. O’Sullivan (UCC) J. Ryan (UCD)
Ladies Sabre
1. I. Delaney (UCC), 2. D. Wynne (Salle Duffy)
All Weapons (Shared):
E. McGrattan (UCD)/I Delaney(UCC)
Under 18
C. Nagle (Salle Duffy)

Maynooth One Hit

Men: 1. A. Bouchier-Hayes (Salle Duffy) 2. N. White, (Carlow RTC), 3. P. May (Maynooth)
Ladies: 1. D. Donegan (Oisín), 2. E. Carden (Maynooth), 3. M. Cotter (Maynooth)


1st South
Men’s Foil: P. Lee, E. McGrattan, A. Dempsey
Men’s Epee: A. Dempsey, E. McGrattan D. Quinn
Men’s Sabre: P. Bouchier-Hayes, E. Condren , J. Ryan, D. Quinn
Ladies’ Foil: I. Delaney, G. McGrattan, M. O’Reilly ,
Ladie’s Epee: I. Delaney, D. Geraghty, A-L. Mion.

2nd North
Men’s Foil: C. Kelly, G. Davis, P. Forrester
Men’s Epee: C. Cruise, A. Murphy
Men’s Sabre: D. McCusker, T. Cromie, M. Grimley
Ladies’ Foil: Y. Harun, A-L McQuilken, Y. Nawaz
Ladies’ Epee: F. Haldene, B. Harron, Y. Nawaz

Senior National

Men’s Foil: 1. P. McCaffrey (Salle Boston) 2. A. Dempsey (DIT Kevin St.) 3= S. Delaney (Salle Duffy.) J. Twomey. (Ballinteer)
Ladies’ Foil: 1. A L. Mion, (Elite), 2. I. Delaney (UCC) 3= A-L McQuilkin (Kosaka), M. O’Reilly (Ballinteer)
Men’s Epee: 1. D. Quinn (UCD), 2. E. McGrattan (UCD) 3= J. Twomey (Ballinteer), S. Delaney (Salle Duffy)
Ladies’ Epee: 1. I. Delaney (UCC), 2. F. Haldene (Ajax), 3=, B. Harron, A-L Mion (Elite)
Sabre: 1. P. Forrester (Sussex House), 2. J. Ryan (UCD) 3= P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC) T. Cromie

Costello Cup

Presented to Conor Nagle





Slough Open

Men’s Epee: A Dempsey 5th

London World Cup

J. Twomey and D. Quinn competed, results not available at time of going to press.


M. O’Brien and D. Quinn competed, results not available at time of going to press.

Basle Grade A

A. Dempsey eliminated in DE. S. Delaney and C. Hegarty also fenced, but did not qualify for DE.

See "Report from the Front-Line"

Birmingham Open

Seven Irish fencers entered this event. P. Lee entered men’s foil, results not available at time of going to press. A-L Mion seeded third in the ladies’ epee poules, losing only one fight out of ten, and achieved ninth place. D. Donegan and S. Silke reached the last sixty-four. There were ninety-seven entries in the men’s epee. N. O’Cleirigh and D. Quinn eliminated in first round of DE - D. Quinn made thirty-sixth place, E. McGrattan made it through to the final thirty-two where, after a dramatic battle, he was defeated 15 - 14 by Perrity who went on to come third.



One hundred and four fencers entered the men’s epee event in Tenerife in March. Simon Delaney had a great competition, making it into the last sixty-four - well done, Simon.


The men’s epee had an entry of seventy fencers, with Chris Hegarty representing Ireland. Chris fenced strongly and only barely missed the last thirty-two, being beaten 15-11. His final placing was thirty-fourth - well done to you too, Chris.

Report from the Front Line

Aidan Dempsey, Chris Hegarty and Simon Delany travelled to Basle for a Grade A competition on 22nd February. This was the Dynamic Duo’s first opportunity to take part in a Grade A, but things did not turn out quite as planned. Irish Fencing News received this exclusive inside report.....................

Friday Lunchtime: In a rush to get to the airport on time. Going to our first Grade A, you can imagine the mix of excitement and nerves that we were feeling . We went to check in and, only slightly apprehensive, we trusted the girl behind the counter who assured us in soft tones that of course our bags would make it all the way to Basle.....

On arrival in Basle after a hectic rush for our plane in Heathrow, we proceeded directly to the baggage carousel to collect our precious baggage.

The British Team had travelled with us from London, and as their bags came out we became more and more aware that it was less than twenty-four hours until we fenced. Our excitement grew, but it now had an edge of tension added as all the British had happily rolled away and we were getting impatient. Our hearts nearly stopped when no more bags came out, but our hopes were suddenly raised again when another lot came out, only to be dashed all the more when the carousel stopped with an audible click. The groans of pain from all four of us will remain in my mind for a long time to come.

Arriving at the competition we found the organisers to be very helpful, they even drove Anne-Lise to the airport at midnight in the hope that our bags might have arrived on another flight. No joy. With one kit between three a decision had to be made and by picking names out of a hat, Aidan was chosen.

After scrounging for one and a half hours, Simon and I managed to get a kit of gear each, mostly from the Americans, who were so generous they even offered us their underwear and were surprised when we declined! We arrived on the piste cold but considering the circumstances we acquitted ourselves fairly well.

Apart from that the trip was quite nice and Basle does seem to be a lovely city, but that’s another story.

Your correspondents were:

Chris Hegarty/Simon Delaney

PS: Irish competitions aren’t the only ones with Ned Flanders.




Dates for Your Diary

19 April Presiding Workshop
Our Lady’s National School, Ballinteer
Mrs. N. McGarrity, (01) 298 4039
24 Apr.& 5 May

Eamonn Doran’s
Mr. C. Kelly, 080 1232 701 829

26 Apr

North West Open
MF, WF, ME, WE, & S (mixed) (Derry)
Mr. C. Kelly, 080 1232 701 829

17 May

Isle of Wight Open
MF, WF, ME, WE and Teams
Mrs. Be Keyte, PH: 0044 1983 647 046

18 May

Salle Duffy Tailteann Fencing Tournament
U17, U14 U12 Boys’ Foil
Mrs. Shirley Duffy, 269 3720

24 May

British Men’s Epee Open
Mr. K. Lovejoy, 0044 171 221 947

24 May

York Open
Mr Ymit Sina, 0044 1904 611 537

7 June

Inverclyde Open
MF, WF, ME, WE, MS, WS, Team
Mr. D. Rollo, 0044 1416 413 958

Club Contacts

Just because the competition season is over does not mean that fencing stops. Stay in touch with your fellow fencers.

Ballinteer: Tuesdays, contact Niall, 494 1874

Cavaliers: Wed/Fri contact Ted 087 2300247/6241119

Carlow RTC: Nigel c/o Students Union

DCU: Wednesdays, contact Tony 455 4276

DUFC: Mondays/Thursdays, contact Orla 608 1469

Elite: Sundays, contact Tom 843 3138

Kosaka: contact Marietta 080 1504 269321

Maynooth: contact Nicola 087 2300613

Oisin: Mondays/Thursdays, contact Deirdre 847 4815

Salle Duffy: Mon/Wed/Fri, contact Shirley 269 3720

Phoenix Tuesdays contact Richie 459 1333

Queens: contact Jonathan 080 1232 841995

UCC: Brendan 021 544322

UCD: Mondays/Thursdays, contact Gayle 283 5806




Articles for Sale

Nuala McGarrity has a number of FIE masks, gloves and weapons for sale. Contact: 298 4039

Social and Personal

Three Irish fencers have announced wedding plans this year - Orla O’Connor, Máire O’Reilly and Simon Rooney (not to each other!). Best of luck to all of you and your future spouses.


Suppliers Addresses:

Duellist: (tel./fax: 0044 181 747 9629) has taken over White Knights. Sporteo has closed down.




Finally, Last but Not Least

Many fencers are students at various levels and the editorial team would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best of luck in their exams.

PS Don’t forget to write to us at Irish Fencing News relies on Irish fencers’ news