Irish Fencing News

February 1999


Guess Who?

Better TV Viewing for Olympics 2000

2000 and Beyond

Five Nations Tournament-

Franco-Irish Exchange 1998

Competition Report/Results

Fencing People

 Equal Opportunities for Women!

Annual General Meeting

Technical Stuff

 Mental Training and Fencing Performance

 Irish AAI Vice President


Hello There!

Well, here we are, back again! Sorry IFN hasn’t been around for a while, your editors have been pre-occupied with little things like new jobs and being newly-wed and...(we won’t bother you with all that stuff!)

The main thing is that we are back and waiting to hear from you.

IFN has made a giant step into the 20th Century and can now accept contributions, comments and bribes via email to:

We’ve also got a scanner now, so if you have pictures to share, pass them on with your name and address on the back if you want them returned.

All we ask is that you keep your piece short, and spell people’s names properly!

If you would like to receive a copy of IFN please email us stating whether you want to receive your copy by email or post. (and please tell us if you would like a copy sent to a friend).

We would be delighted to receive contributions to the newsletter, all you have to do is email us at

IFN subscription request

A Word from your Chairman

I am taking this opportunity to ask all of you to read very carefully and take on board the letter which the IAFF has sent out on the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland. This letter has been sent to all our affiliated clubs and all coaches involved in fencing.

It is in the interest of us all that this code is adhered to rigorously. All clubs affiliated to the IAFF and all individuals licensed by the IAFF will be required to comply with the recommendations set out in the Code.

If any of you have not seen the Code and wish to obtain a copy, please contact Nuala McGarrity, Hon. Secretary of the IAFF at

I also take this opportunity to wish you all a good Fencing Year.

Tom Rafter




Better TV Viewing for Olympics 2000

Several changes are on the cards for Olympics 2000, which are described by the advocates as a way of making fencing a more exciting spectator sport. The transparent mask will allow television viewers to see the emotions of fencers and coloured kit will enable them to tell one country's fencers from another's. There are also plans to remove the wire connecting the fencer to the electrical apparatus. However, as yet a prototype clear mask has not been approved and there are still issues to be addressed where two countries use the same colour. Assuming approval the transparent mask will be obligatory in World Cup competitions, Grand Prix events and World Championships from the Tableau of 64 onwards as of May 1 1999. National Federations will have to submit the fencing uniforms of their athletes to the FIE for approval of colours and designs . At the World Championships and Grand Prix events, if a fencer does not have the uniform in national colours approved by the Executive Committee, he or she must have two sets of breeches - one in white and one in royal blue, so that the fencer can be identified if he faces an opponent in the same situation. The referee will draw lots to decide who wears the royal blue breeches. This is due to come into effect from June 1999.

Guess Who?

Can anybody guess who these two might be? Just to confuse you, this picture appears on the prospectus for St. Conleth's, but as far as we know they are NOT schoolboys. - see our crossword for a hint.

mystery fencers




2000 and Beyond
Development Strategy for Irish Fencing

In order to prepare a strategy for the consolidation and development of the sport of fencing in Ireland, representatives of all fencing groups were invited to attend a consultative meeting which was held on the 19th April 1998. Participants were invited to submit their perceptions of what they feel are the major issues facing Irish fencing. When the submissions were examined it was found that almost every fencing group share the same concerns, mainly the need to develop and fund the sport, both at "grass roots" and international levels.

Five Nations Tournament

The Republic of Ireland has been invited to participate in a Five Nations Tournament. The other teams are Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. The competition has run for many years as a quadrangular and in recent years had been looking for a fifth team to extend the competition.
Teams of three in each of five weapons are entered from each country. All five teams fence each other in each weapon under the relay system. The competition takes place on the weekend of 10/11 April in Colchester.
Selections for the team will be announced after the Irish Senior National Championships. The event will receive part funding from the IAFF; a fund raising pub quiz will be held on 24 February.




Annual General Meeting

 The Annual General Meeting of the IAFF was held on Sunday 10 January, with the highest attendance in several years. The minutes from the previous AGM were read and signed. There were a few issues outstanding which the incoming committee will need to address, including an increase in membership which was agreed over a year ago. So be warned - if you haven’t already got your license for this year, you should get it quickly!

Another outstanding item was the issue of a ranking system. The accounts were discussed and it was noted that the funds received from the Dept of Sport to fund international athletes were reduced in 1998. Without exposure to top level competitions, it will be difficult for our top fencers to maintain their current positions. This will increase the pressure for fund-raising events in the forthcoming year.

A new committee was elected with two changes; outgoing are Ed Condren and John Ryan and the Federation acknowledges their hard work and contribution through 1998. The officers remain the same, with Tom Rafter as Chairman, Nuala McGarrity as Honorary Secretary and Anna-Lise Mion as Honorary Treasurer. The new committee members are Brendan Twomey and Miles Lavan. Deirdre Donegan, Yvonne Murphy, Tim Bouchier-Hayes, Michael Ryan and Máire O’Reilly were re-elected.

Fencing People

Goodbye Old Friend

Fencing lost another good friend in 1998. Vinnie Duffy passed away after a long illness.

His wife Moira, and his sons and daughters would like to thank everybody who came to salute him, it meant a great deal to them. I can't say any more, except that he is sorely missed.

Thanks for everything Vinnie,

love, Oisín FC.

Odds and Sods

 DUFC's redoubtable Muriel Pasquier has decided she has had quite enough Guinness and Franglais and has headed home. Au Revoir Muriel!

Oisín's Stephen O'Brien finally took the plunge with Rachel who insists she is the one to put the spring back in his epee.




Technical Stuff

To celebrate the introduction of Ladies Sabre into mainstream fencing, IFN thought it would be nice to let all you aspiring female sabreurs have some insight into the fun part of electric sabre, so if you come across the following problems, you will know how to defend yourself against those pesky yellow cards....

Box displays white lights.
1) The sensor is malfunctioning or jammed.
2) The wire in the sabre is broken, or not fastened securely.
3) The mounting bracket for the sensor is loose.
4) The body wire is loose in the socket.
5) The body wire is broken. Switch to foil setting, and diagnose as for foil.
6) The scoring apparatus is broken. Switch to foil setting and diagnose as for foil.

There is no light when a touch is made.
1) You are not hitting hard enough.
2) The opponent's lame' has dead spots.
3) The opponent's lame' or mask is not connected.
4) The sensor is malfunctioning.
5) The clip is not properly wired to the weapon.
6) The opponent's body wire is broken.
7) There is a break in the scoring apparatus on the opponent's side. This may be in the reel, floor cable, or scoring box.
8) There is a short in the body wire. Switch to foil setting and diagnose as for foil.
9) There is a short in the scoring apparatus. Switch to foil setting and diagnose as for foil.

Box indicates a touch following weapon contact or a parry.
1) You aren't parrying well enough.
2) The weapon is shorting to the lame'. Insulate the edges of the guard and the pommel, or hold the weapon in such a way as to prevent the contact.

Wrong lights go off when a touch is made.
1) The scoring box is on the wrong weapon setting

Just for Fun


Solution in next issue




Mental Training and Fencing Performance

Winning is 90% mental and 10% physical just as training is 90% physical and 10% mental' (Dick Jockums, 1908).

This is the first in a series of articles about techniques to help fencing performance and examines self - talk and imagery training.

Historically, physical practice has been the predominant method of improving athletic performance, although the benefits of mental training have been recognised for some thirty years. Within the last decade researchers have confirmed the value of mental practice and its part in effective coaching is well documented.

Fencing movements are more comprehensive and differentiated than those of many other sports. One difference is the asymmetrical and phase-delayed movements of hand and foot. Smooth hand- foot co-ordination is difficult to teach because it is very different from natural movements. To help the learning process, coaches give verbal orders relating to hand and foot movements; fencers can continue to learn and improve movements by giving themselves the orders using the self - talk method. Language can communicate wishes to the brain and appropriately structured language can dramatically affect body actions. Self - talk is an important element both learning a new skill and in determining what should be done and how to attempt it. This method can be used by experienced fencers when learning new move combinations or memorising the required rhythm for the movements.

Self - talk is particularly helpful where lack of confidence in competition causes unexpectedly poor performance. Calm internal dialogue relating to a detailed commentary on performance can re-focus the mind and build self confidence. By contrast, self - talk in an angry, self- effacing manner is not constructive and can further undermine self confidence and make concentration more difficult. Self - talk can also help during the warm-up to get into the right frame of mind.

Experienced fencers can enhance their performance by imagery training, looking at themselves from outside performing with perfect technique and full commitment. Seeing themselves winning boosts self-esteem, helps them practice longer and harder and makes them feel more confident. Self -criticism plays an important part in this process, ensuring that the view is realistic and relatively close to a fencer's capability.

Just as important as visual imagery is kinaesthetic imagery, where the fencers not only see, but also feel physical contact with their opponents. Sensing changes of distance and movement, how a weapon handles, the weight and movement of the blade, as well as seeing the action in the mind's eye before the movement is carried out help the fencer to deliver the movement with greater precision.

An important part of this training is in correcting poor technique or tactics. Having identified the fault, the fencer can by repeatedly executing the action correctly in his mind - both 'seeing' and 'feeling' it, can improve his execution of the move. This kind of training requires vivid recall with all the senses, but it can be highly beneficial. Such recall can be improved through simple exercises, such as trying to repeat a few lines of television dialogue, trying to list all the shops you pass on a regular journey, etc.

The next time you see a fencer wandering around the hall, mumbling to himself and fencing his pretend opponent remember he's not mad, he's just improving his chances of beating you.

There will be more about mental training in future issues.




Pub Quiz

A Pub Quiz will be held shortly. The funds raised will go toward funding the 15-person team representing Ireland at the Five Nations Tournament in April. Clubs are asked to encourage a strong turn-out from their members and friends to ensure for a fun night and support for the team going to Colchester. If you can donate a table prize or spot prize, all the better.

Contact Brendan Twomey for details

- (01) 473 2103


Shirley Duffy was re-elected as one of the four vice presidents of the AAI, the International Academy of Arms, at the organisation's elections in Vichy at the end of August. Shirley has been actively involved in the AAI for many years and has served several terms as vice president. The president of the AAI is Belgian fencing master Marcel-Henri Dubois.




Dates for your Diary

East of Ireland Open - 6 weapon
Venue: Sports Hall, Belfield, Dublin 4
contact: UCD - tel 706 7108 fax 7061151 email:
24 Pub Quiz to support the 5 Nation's Team
Venue: TBA
contact: Brendan Twomey 01 473 2103
27/28 27-28 Junior National Championships - 5 weapon
Venue: Our Lady's National School, Ballinteer, Co. Dublin
contact: IAFF - Nuala McGarrity - 01 298 4039
South of Ireland Open - 6 weapon
contact: UCC - Dan Daly email
13/14 Senior National Championships - 5 weapon
Venue: The Roadstone Sports Centre, Kingswood Cross, Naas Road, Dublin 20
contact: IAFF - Nuala McGarrity - 01 298 4039
20 DIT Novice Foil
Venue: DIT Kevin Street, Dublin 2
contact: Richard Noonan - 01 660 7657

Equal Opportunities for Women!

It is on its way, but unfortunately not for Sydney 2000 - Ladies Sabre.

Included as a demonstration sport at the World Championships in October, it will be officially introduced to the World Championships this year in Seoul and to the Olympics in Athens in 2004. The advent of the sixth weapon will give women fencers a new opportunity, as well as a more level playing field for all weapons trophies. It seems that UCC's long support of women's sabre has finally been justified! Oisín FC introduced the first Irish sabre competition specifically for women in 1998, and UCD are including a women's sabre trophy in the upcoming East of Ireland, so we can safely say that Ireland is keeping up to date in this regard!




Franco-Irish Exchange 1998

Maitre Sirven and students

Maitre Albin Sirven and Fan Club

The Franco-Irish Exchange was held in September, in two separate sections, firstly a training camp for those brave souls who were (avail)able to trek down for a five day endurance test in the National Coaching and Training Centre, in Limerick University, at the hands of Maitre Albin Sirven of CREPES. Much work was done, Liam O'Hagan was peeled off the wall and the entire group repaired to Bunratty Castle where songs were sung of the brave deeds and amazing feats performed.

The majority of the Limerick entourage also attended a workshop held in Belfield Sports Centre where they could continually inform their fellow attendees that this was nothing compared to what they went through during the week!

Seriously, the Training Camp and Workshop gave all participants a great opportunity to benefit from the skills of a wonderful "coach of coaches". Maitre Sirven has the ability to make his students give 101% without noticing the effort. The work was hard, but it was fun too, and please come back soon, Maitre!




Competition Report
At Home - Abroad

At Home

ELITE Double Victory - 1998 Trinity Cup Champions, Elite, successfully defended their title at this year's five-weapon team event.

NAGLE - Strong Performance in NI OPEN: - In the Northern Irish Open, Conor Nagle put up a valiant performance, fencing foil and epee simultaneously. Conor took second place in the Men's Epee, came third in the Men's Foil and won the Cadet Foil trophy.

IRISH Double in Duffy: - For the first time in three years, Irish teams took both trophies in the Prof. Patrick Duffy Team Epee, well done UCD. IFN is very pleased to report that the men’s event boasted a turnout of 19 teams, while the ladies had the pleasure of a team from the UK) which included the Veteran World Champion Sylvia Geen.

Carrickfergus Castle The Carrickfergus Cup

The second year of the most picturesque competition IFN has ever visited. Epee and Sabre in one day - and lots and LOTS of stairs. The ideal competition to get you fit!!!!!!! Contact Jonathan Courtney (080 1232 841995/ in May if you want to join in the fun. (IFN's vote this year for most attractive presentations.)

pic: Tilman Schaefer and Muriel Pasquier of DUFC on the battlements of Carrickfergus Castle

Intervarsities - UCD triumphed on their home ground with a closely-fought victory. The proceedings were recorded by TnaG, so brush up the Gaeilge and watch out for the broadcast on Thursday Feb 11 @ 20:00! 1998 Miss Intervarsities, "Delicia" compered the main event, which was won by UCC's representative, apparently the judges were considering personality over looks.


World Championships

Twomey in Top 64 - A huge congratulations to John Twomey, who reached the top 64 of the Men's Epee in the World Championships, held in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland in October. John was one of five men representing Ireland at the event.

Also fencing in the Men's Epee were Daragh Quinn, Eamonn McGrattan and Michael O’Brien while Tom Rafter competed in the Veteran competition. In the main competition, Michael was eliminated after the first round, with the other three going through. Unfortunately John and Daragh drew each other in the first direct elimination round, which John won. He went on to beat a Slovakian and then drew the Russian, Kolobkov in the last 64. Kolobkov only narrowly beat John 15 - 13 and went on to come ninth. Based on his results last year, John was selected as a ‘carded’ athlete by the Sports Council. Carded athletes are from a variety of sports and receive special support and funding from the Department of Sports. He is the only fencer to have been selected and this result supports his selection. Since then, John took 22nd place in the Australian Grade A in Sydney in December. Daragh Quinn came 28th in the same competition. Their performances earn them both World Cup points.

Junior World Championships

Ladies Sabre - Irish Rank #13 - The first Junior A Grade in Ladies Sabre was held in early January in Budapest. Ireland was represented by Siobhan Byrne, a fourteen year old who has fenced for six years in Germany. She has already fenced in several German and other international sabre competitions, and produced the results required for selection. Until fairly recently Siobhan fenced foil, where she also had strong results and we hope to see her fence in the National Championships in March in foil, if not in sabre.




At Home

The Vinnie Sabre Cup
1. P. Bouchier-Hayes(DUFC)
2. A. Bouchier-Hayes (DIT)
3. P. Dight (Elite)
1. M. Pasquier (DUFC)
2. F. O'Riordan (Oisín)
3. D. Donegan (Oisín)

The Trinity Cup
1. Ballinteer/Elite - P. Lee, P. Dight, B. Twomey, A-L Mion, M. O'Reilly
2. UCD - E McGrattan, D. Quinn, C. Hegarty, S. Silke, G. McGrattan

The Schull Cup
Men Women
1 D. McGee (UCD)
2. Peter (DUFC)
3= T Schaefer (DUFC), A. Schofield (Oisín)
1 H. Mehay (UCC)
2. L. Donnelly (UCD
3= H. Schnappe (UCC) B. Spillane (DIT)

Federation Cup
1. E. McGrattan (UCD)
2. P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC) )
3= C. Nagle (Salle Duffy), A. Bouchier-Hayes (DIT)
1. A-L Mion (Elite)
2.M. Pasquier (DUFC)
3= D. Donegan (Oisín, C. Wong (DCU)

Dublin Epee
1. P. Baltyde (DIT)
2. E. McGrattan (UCD)
3= D. Quinn (UCD) R. Owens (Phoenix)
1. A-L Mion (Elite)
2. M. Pasquier (DUFC)
3=G. McGrattan (UCD) S. Silke (UCD)

Irish Senior Open Championships
Men's Foil
1. P. Forrester (QUB)
2. P. McCaffrey (Salle Boston)
3= T. Cromie (St. Andrews), E McGrattan (UCD)
Women's Foil
1. A-L Mion (Elite)
2. G. McGrattan (UCD)
3= M. Pasquier (DUFC) M. O'Reilly (Ballinteer)
Men's Epee
1.P. Baltyde (DIT)
2. C. Nagle (Salle Duffy)
3= P. Bouchier-Hayes (DUFC), A. deGroeve (Belgium)
Women's Epee
1. A-L Mion (Elite)
2. F. Haldane (QUB)
3= Y. Murphy (Phoenix), A. deGroeve (Belgium)
1. P. Bouchier-Hayes DUFC
2. M. Pibarot Paris
3= T. Cromie St. Andrews, E. McGrattan UCD

Northern Ireland Open Complete results not available
Men's Foil: P. Forrester (QUB)
Women's Foil: G. Warman
Cadet Foil: C. Nagle (Salle Duffy)
Men's Sabre: D. McBurney
Men's Epee: A. Exell
Women's Epee: F. Haldane (QUB)

Prof. Patrick Duffy Team Epee
1 UCD -E. McGrattan, D. Quinn, C. Hegarty
2. DIT - P. Baltyde, A. Bouchier-Hayes, D. Gilhooly
1. UCD - G. McGrattan, S. Silke, G. Fitzgerald
2. Phoenix - Y. Murphy, C. Roche, A-L Mion





PS: Don't forget to email us at Irish Fencing News wants to hear Irish Fencers' News!