Irish Fencing News

April/May/June 2000


Anti Doping

Junior World Championships


New Competition

A word from your Editor!

Your newsletter is in production again - we hope to have a print edition available in June. If you want a copy, you know what to do......

IFN subscription request

Anti Doping

In line with other Irish and international sporting organisations, it was agreed at the 5th AGM of the Irish Amateur Fencing Federation that an anti-doping policy will be implemented. See the pages on the IAFF site.




Junior World Championships - April 2000
Siobhan Byrne reaches 19 in the Junior World Championships and 22 in the Cadets at South Bend, Indiana - She is currently ranked World No. 16 in the FIE Classement - well done Siobhan!
Well here it is, a brand new website which we hope will become exactly what you want. That all depends, of course, on your input, so please tell us what you want!
New Competion in Cork!
A new competition will be held in Cork on Saturday 17th June, at the Lee Maltings. It will be an open competition, starting with foil, then epee, and if time permits, sabre. The numbers of entrants will determine whether the pools are mixed or not. There will be a minimal entrace fee of £3 or £4 to cover the prizes, which will be slightly different than the usual fare. Also, for the virtue of beginners, the present competition will exclude those who have won a senior title. However, if the fencer has won, for example, foil, he or she can still fence epee and sabre. There will be the usual entertainment laid on! Contact Dan Daly at




PS: Don't forget to email us at Irish Fencing News wants to hear Irish Fencers' News!