Irish Fencing News

October 1996


The Olympics.

 IAFF News.

 New Safety Regulations.

 Presiding Seminar.

 FIE News.

 Fencing People.

 Technical Stuff

Dates for your Diary

Competition Report/Results


Welcome to the first edition of Irish Fencing News. Irish Fencing News is designed to keep Irish Fencers informed of what is going on in the world of fencing, both at home and internationally. It will keep you updated with the activities of the FIE and the IAFF so that you are aware of the decisions that may affect you and your sport. It is also a vehicle for the exchange of views and opinions of Irish fencers. In future editions, it is hoped to have a ‘Club News’ and a Letters section, but this is dependent on your input. So please, help make Irish Fencing News a success; put pen to paper. All submissions will be welcome and considered for publication. However space is limited and material may be edited.

  • The editor is Máire O’Reilly and your input to Irish Fencing News should be sent to her at 2, Irwin Court, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. Irish Fencing News will be issued in January, April, July and October. Deadlines for submission of material will be 15 December, May, June and September respectively.
  • The Olympics

    Through late July, Irish fencers scoured the TV listings to see what time their sport would get some coverage. Eurosport did us proud. There was more fencing coverage in July 1996 than has ever been before on television in Ireland. Of course, there were some gripes

    about the times it was on or the quality of the commentary, but no matter how good it was, people would have found something to complain about and would have had all the answers as to how they could have done it better. Nonetheless, we must all be agreed that it was better than anything we have seen before and hope that it will have raised some awareness of the sport I, for one, overheard people who knew nothing about the sport talking about it, even if only briefly, in Dublin hostelries.

    This year saw the introduction of Ladies Epee into the Olympics -won by Laura Flessel of France, who only began fencing five years ago.




    IAFF News

    The 1996 AGM was held in Ballinteer on the 12th June 1996. The committee for the 1996-1997 year was elected: Tom Rafter, Chairman, Nuala McGarrity, Hon. Secretary; Anne-Lise Mion, Hon. Treasurer; Deirdre Donegan, Yvonne Murphy, Fiona Delamere, John Ryan, Tim Bouchier-Hayes, Ed Condren and Máire O’Reilly, Committee Members.

    Aideen Neary stepped down as Treasurer after many years of hard work in that position.

    Nuala McGarrity reported that two copper pistes had been ordered (they have now been delivered, ready for the new season).

    A change in the IAFF year has been set, so that licences are now valid for the fencing year from September to the following August, rather than the calendar year. 1997 licence fees fall due in September 1996 and will be valid until August 1997.

    New Safety Regulations

    Plans were also set to bring Irish fencing more in line with international safety standards:

    FIE masks (800 Newton bibs) will be compulsory from the Irish Open 1996; 350 Newton Jackets and 800 Newton plastrons will be compulsory from the Irish National Championships 1997; 800 Newton jacket and plastron compulsory from the Irish Open 1998 and 800 Newton Breeches from the Irish Open 1997. A limited number of regulation masks will be available for hire at the Irish Open, on a first come, first served basis.




    Fund Raising:

    The issue of fund raising was also discussed and it is hoped to run a race night early in the New Year.

    Presiding Seminar

    George Kolombatovich, who presided the Men’s Epee team final among other events at the Olympics in Atlanta, was kind enough to interrupt his Irish holiday in June this year to present a very informative seminar. Although attendance was low due to short notice, all who were there agreed that they had learnt much.

    The seminar went on longer than expected, and in the end the group had to adjourn to a local hostelry.




    Dates for your Diary

    November 1996
    2nd/3rd Federation Cup /Dublin Epee DUFC
    16th N.I. Intermediate & Under 14 Novice Belfast
    16th /17th Schull Novice Cup Cork
    30th/Dec. 1st Irish Open* Glenageary
    December 1996
    14th Derry Open Derry
    January 1997
    19th/20th Northern Ireland Open Belfast
    February 1997
    2nd/3rd Duffy Team Epee DUFC
    16/17th Intervarsities DUFC
    23rd/24th East of Ireland UCD
    March 1997
    1st/2nd Junior National Ballinteer
    8th/9th South of Ireland UCC

    April 1997
    7th/8th Irish National Glenageary
    TBA Junior Open Oisin/Phoenix
    * Deadline for FIE 800 Newton Bib Mask NB limited number of masks available for hire on the day. First come, first served!

    All competitors are reminded that the smooth running of competitions is dependent on entries being recieved on time by the organisers. How can events possibly be expected to start on time if the organisers don’t know until five minutes before the start who is entering? Your Federation supports the charging of late entry fees where applicable.

    All clubs organising competitions should inform the IAFF committee of changes to dates, venues, ETC. , as soon as possible.




    FIE News

    Elections for the new FIE committee were held in Atlanta just before the Olympic games got underway. The big surprise was the return of the chairman, Mr. Rene Roch. It had been thought that his financial record over the past two years would have seen him ousted from the position, but he defeated the only other candidate, Mr. Jeno Kamuti by a very narrow margin of only 1 vote. The count was 44 to 43 with one abstention.

    Fencing People

    Great fencer’s names are often bantered about knowingly in clubs (and pubs) by a small number of individuals who seem to know all sorts of facts about these people. Through the Who’s Who column, all of us can be in the position of those knowing few. In this issue, we profile one Olympic champion and one well-known Irish fencer.

    Badea : -Ladies Foil Olympic Champion

    Badea won her first Olympic individual gold medal this year in Atlanta, beating the Italian, Vazzali, in the final. The twenty-six year old from Romania has had a successful track record, winning the world championships in 1995. Her job as a PE teacher helps her to keep the fitness level required to fence at this level and like many of Atlanta’s finalists, she is left-handed.

    Twomey, John - Irish Men’s Epee National Champion

    From a fencing background, John took up the sport in 1980, at ten years of age, in Ballinteer Fencing Club. He is currently Irish National Epee champion. Although primarily an epeeist, John has also won national foil titles. In 1991, the same year he achieved his first FIE ranking, John moved to Estonia, where he has spent the last five years studying and training with the Estonian National team. In the past, he has also trained in Germany and Spain. John is now living in London and so we hope to see more of him at Irish competitions in future.




    Competition Report

    At Home

    The Trinity Cup

    The year’s fencing calendar kicked off on the 12th October with the Trinity Cup.

    This is the first year of the event which honours Red Skelton and his many years of contribution to Irish fencing. Red has been the Honorary President of Dublin University Fencing Club from 1984 to 1995.

    The format of the competition is unique in Ireland - a five weapon relay competition to 25 hits. The weapon order is selected randomly at the beginning of each match, adding an extra element of suspense to the competition. The format stimulated fencers to review their team tactics for every match.

    A splendid perpetual trophy was presented for the event by Mr. Red Skelton. Fittingly, the inaugural competition was won by the team from Trinity College.

    1st: Trinity College
    2nd University College Dublin
    3rd Elite/Salle Duffy





    Stephen Costello
    Irish fencers will be shocked to hear of the death in early October of Stephen Costello. Stephen, who was only in his late thirties died of Leukaemia just ten days after its diagnosis. He had fenced both foil and epee for many years at Salle Duffy. He was liked by all and acknowledged to be a gentleman and a true sportsman.

    Stephen will be missed by his parents and family, as well as the Irish fencing community. As a mark of respect to Stephen, a minutes silence was observed during the prize giving ceremony at the Trinity Cup.

    Sue Wojchiechowska
    Irish fencers will also be shocked to hear of the death of Sue Wojchiechowska (nee Wrigglesworth), after a ten year battle against cancer.

    As well as winning many British youth championships, she was the four times winner of the international Under 20 Perigal cup and was 5th in the World Youth Championships in Chicago in 1970.

    At senior level, she represented Great Britain many times. Her last World Championship appearance was in 1985, where the British ladies foil team reached the last eight. Several Irish fencers will remember her particularly from this competition, where the Irish and British teams shared the same hotel.

    Later that year she married the British National coach, Ziemek Wojciechowski.

    Sue will be missed by her friends and family and by fencers in her own country and internationally.

    Technical Stuff

    The level of technical knowledge among fencers is somewhat varied, some people know all there is to know, some people know just enough to get by and some people are completely lost. For instance, when a foil won’t register, or an epee just ‘dies’, how many people can correctly identify the fault? So, for our less technically-informed fencers:

    The Broken Epee

    For those who do not understand the workings of the epee and the foil, just remember that when the point is depressed, the circuit is made in epee, but broken in foil. There is generally less to go wrong with epee than with foil, but many would argue that it seems to give more trouble. This is due to the two springs in an epee point, the larger having to support a weight of 750 grams and the smaller having to be set for the correct travel of the point (not less than 1mm) using special gauges.

    These springs often go out of adjustment in an epee competition, and it is not unusual to see a number of epeeists on hands and knees adjusting weapons.

    It is essential that the guard and blade be kept free from rust, as this is an insulator, and can cause a hit to be registered against you. If you cannot reproduce the fault, the hit will stand.

    It is also important to have a point that fits into the barrel without any slack. If there is slack, a hit made at an angle can cause the small spring to miss the contacts at the end of the wire, and will not register.

    Finally, one should make certain that the bodywire socket is clean and free from oxidisation, and that the earth screw, which is the wide pin hole that holds the socket assembly together, is tight.




    PS: Don't forget to email us at Irish Fencing News wants to hear Irish Fencers' News!