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Annual General Meeting November 20th 1999 It is with great pride that I give an account of iapce first official three years. Schools and individuals have responded with great enthusiasm to iapce - over 350 school communities are part of the network. So Many Needs... In that three years a variety of needs has been identified and responded to in specific ways. The role of the Year Head, the Class Tutor, the disaffected student, stress and discipline are some of the issues that have received attention. We set about listening to teachers and then trying to support and resource them. The:Year Head Course now completed by over 500 teachers in eight centres nationally was a huge undertaking. The commitment shown by facilitators, coordinators and participants was extraordinary. It is hoped that this course can continue in the coming year. University Course in Pastoral Care. The
launching in Kilkenny of the NUIM Certificate in Pastoral Care was a very
significant milestone in our history. A capacity iwenty-five participants
are engaging in a very comprehensive experiential study of pastoral care
that will have wide ranging implications for their school communities. The
partnership with the National University of Ireland, Maynooth and the
Kilkenny Education Centre is a source of particular pride to us as it
affords iapce a key opportunity to link with pivotal institutions. It is
hoped that the model being developed will be available in other centres in
the year 2000/01. Social, Personal & Health Education. iapce
is crucially concerned with the development of this area in schools. We are
fortunate that Anne Potts is our representative on the NCCA committee
examining SPHE. She has been Chair of this committee - we congratulate her.
iapce has offered a one day workshop to groups of 25 or more teachers in the
area of understanding and teaching Social, Personal and Health Education,
emphasising resources and methodologies. It is important that all the many
and various supports available in this area be made accessible to schools. Courses
and Publications. iapce have developed 14 plus inservice courses for teachers, parents and students. We are fortunate in the personnel we have available to us in facilitating such courses. We acknowledge the significant financial assistance of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundatioxi particularly in relation to publications and secretarial back-up. |
Regional Development. iapce must take root regionally if it is to truly impact on the Irish educational scene. Great efforts have been made by many individuals in various parts of the country. The Year Head Course has been a most successful focus for regional activity to date. Nonetheless it is this development of regional outreach to schools that requires our energy as we move to the next stage of our development as an association. The establishment of the Certificate Course in Kilkenny is a major step we have taken in this past year to honour this commitment. A seminar is being offered in Limerick in mid-February that will also hopefully further regional links. I take this opportunity, as National Co-ordinator, to recognise the efforts of so many who have called meetings, posted letters, set up rooms - it is a tribute to the true pastoral values of these individuals. Other Services. iapce continues to offer a wide range of support to schools. Individual school in-service and consultancy continues. The Newsletter is continuing to develop as a key point of communication and as a resource for schools. iapue is also seeking to support third level colleges of education. Making Connections. iapce is linking up with many groups espousing similar values. These connections are vital in our efforts to resource, support and challenge what is happening in our school communities. We have a close and valued connection to napce. We are also members of a grouping of department and voluntary agencies concerned with the education of the whole person. Gulbenkian Foundation. This foundation located in Portugal has a branch in England. Through the good offices of our friend Chris Watkins contact was made with Simon Richey who has supported our efforts to avail of Gulbenkian funds. The foundation, among other concerns, is keen to support organisations seeking to promote pastoral care in schools. They provide 'seed funding' for the initial stages of development and encourage the recipients to seek on-going support elsewhere. We
are grateful for the vital assistance the Gulbenkian Foundation has given
to iapce. This three year relationship with the Gulbenkian Foundation has
now ended. It has been invaluable in our early years and we pay tribute to
their work and look forward to an association with them into the
future.National Executive.As National Co-ordinator, I have been supremely
fortunate in the membership of the executive. There is a tremendous sense
of shared values and commitment. Each in his/her own way has been more
than generous with their time and energy. Meetings, attendance at
conferences and seminars, staffing courses, writing articles, endless
phone calls and letters - their dedication has been exemplary. On behalf
of iapce I thank them one and all - Maeve Martin, Donald Moxham, Teresa
Nolan, Aidan O'Reilly, Anne Potts and Ned Prendergast. I also want to pay
tribute to the support of Marino Institute of Education - the relationship
has been and continues to be both supportive and resourceful. It is
appropriate to also thank Geraldine Carberry who as iapce secretary has
been an invaluable addition to the team. Into
the Future. A
new year begins with a whole set of different challenges. We hope iapce
can help you meet these challenges in your particular context. This year
we hope to extend our services to be of support to more and more of our
members so that we can live up to our motto - Caring for the Person in
Education. Luke
Publications | Programmes | Newsletter | Contact Us | Services | Membership Copyright iapce. Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9. |