Family History Society
P.O. Box 36, Naas, Co.Kildare, Ireland
Updated 15 May 2009
This year the Society is celebrating its 25th anniversary, having being
established in 1984. We are currently developing plans to celebrate.
The first celebration of the Society's 25 years is the emergence of the
new website. An Online Bookstore for the sale of the Society's publications
and a Members' Only area are currently being developed and will follow
over the next few months.
Saturday 20th June 2009 - All Day outing.
Organised by the Irish Genealogical Research Society. IFHS will be joining them for this outing.
Visit to Newbridge House, Co. Dublin & Battle of the Boyne Interpretative Centre, Co. Meath.
Cost €55. Full details of outing are shown on the Society's Website on Meetings page.
Numbers are limited so early booking is essential. Open to Society members
Update on 1911 Census from the National Archives.
"We have had a number of queries as to timescales for placing future counties online. We apologise for the delay in responding to you all.
Although we placed Antrim, Kerry and Down online in December, we encountered a number of errors in transcription, as well as some missing material. We have requested our partners to review the material with a view to improving accuracy. These three counties, with improved data quality, along with Cork, Donegal, Wexford, Galway and King's County (Offaly) will be placed online by the end of May.
Some material was never microfilmed, and has hence has not been digitised (Valentia in Co. Kerry is a case in point). We will supply information about missing material for each county, as well as arranging to have it digitised as soon as we can.
The National Archives would like to express its appreciation to our users for your very important feedback on transcription errors. This feedback has proved beneficial in our overall assessment of the quality of data being provided by our digitisation partners in this project. It is hoped that corrections submitted by members of the public for Antrim, Kerry and Down will be included in the forthcoming launch, but they may have to wait until the next one due to shortage of resources.
Further tranches of counties will comprise:
1. Limerick, Mayo,Waterford, Armagh, Carlow, Cavan, Clare, Fermanagh,
Kildare, Kilkenny and Leitrim;
2. Londonderry (Derry), Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Queen's
County (Laois), Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary, Tyrone, Westmeath and Wicklow.
At present, we hope to be placing the first listed tranche online by mid - July, and the second tranche by end -August, but this is subject to our being satisfied that the data meets our required levels of accuracy.
In September, we will be rebuilding the site to include full transcription of all of the data on the household forms for 1911, including religion, occupation, relationship to head of family, literacy status, marital status, county or country of origin, Irish language proficiency, specified illnesses, and child survival information.
1901, with all data transcribed, will be launched towards the end
of 2009."
New PRONI Name Search database launched
The new PRONI Name Search database allows you to search pre-1858 will indexes online.
The first set of indexes to appear in Name Search are:
- the index to pre-1858 wills which are to be found in various collections in PRONI
- a selection of diocesan will indexes
The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) is committed to making its archives more widely available. While PRONI's eCatalogue has made access to PRONI's archives easier and speedier, in most instances it does not provide information on the actual content of the archives. PRONI has therefore embarked on a project to improve access to content by producing or reproducing indexes to some of the most popular records.
This project is PRONI's Public Service Agreement commitment in the Programme for Government for the next 3 years from 2008 to 2011.
Forthcoming indexes will include the surviving fragments of the 1740
and the 1766 religious census returns.
6 May 2009
Irish Roots Magazine Special Offer for Month of May
20 April 2009
Friends of Medieval Dublin
11th Medieval Dublin Symposium
Saturday 23 May 2009
Robert Emmet Theatre (Room 2037), Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin
09.30 Registration and opening remarks. Seán DuffyADMISSION FREE: All WELCOME. Seats do not need to be reserved in advance.09.45 'Forty years a-digging' revisited - after ten years. Linzi Simpson
10.30 Urban plot development: excavations at nos. 118-124 the Coombe. Claire Walsh
11.10 Tea & coffee
11.30 Christ Church cathedral and the tale of two cloisters. Michael O'Neill
12.10 Two nations?: Gaelicization and cultural exchange in late medieval Dublin and the Pale. Sparky Booker
12.45 Lunch
14.00 Excavations at Portmarnock: from early medieval enclosure to late medieval vill. Colm Moriarty
14.40 Dublin in the dynastic poetry of 11th- and 12th-century Leinster. Edel Bhreathnach
15.15 Tea & coffee
15.30 Adventures in the Pill: early waterfront structures at Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin. Teresa Bolger
16.10 The Third Dimension: relationships between architecture, urban design and archaeology in modern Dublin. Niall McCullough
7 April 2009
News from Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations (CIGO)
30th March 2009
Dear Friends of CIGO,
Following on from the oral evidence given by CIGO & APGI representatives to the Northern Ireland Assembly's Scrutiny Committee for Finance & Personnel in relation to the Civil Registration Bill 2007, the Committee has now published its report in which it supports the proposal to include parents' names in all future death registrations in Northern Ireland.
You can read more about this issue here.
With all good wishes,
Steven Smyrl
Executive Liaison Officer
IFHS is a constituent member of CIGO
Federation of Family History Societies announcement.
"Important Information on changes to the General Register Office website
From the 1 April 2009, General Register Office (GRO) information for the public will move from our current website ( to join the website Directgov. It is intended that a full launch, supported by a Press Release, will take place on 7 April 2009.
Directgov is a cross-government supersite, the aim of which is to host information on all public services in one place.
The new website address for GRO is This will take users to an area entitled "Registering Life Events". As well as providing easy links to the GRO online certificate ordering service, it will contain information on the registration of birth, adoption, stillbirth, marriage, civil partnership and death as well as guidance on family history and the use of the General Register Office birth, death and marriage indexes.
The current GRO web address ( will remain active and will host a "homepage" that will guide visitors to GRO information via links.
I would be grateful if you would make the necessary arrangements to amend any reference you may have to the current GRO website address on your website or on printed literature to show the new web address of Since the web address will remain active, changes to your printed material can await the next print run.
The web address for the GRO online ordering service remains the same and can be found at . This page can also be easily accessed via
If you have any queries regarding this initiative please contact the GRO communications team at
Philippa McCray
Administrator (Acting)
Federation of Family History Societies"
I.F.H.S. is an Associate member of FFHS
27 March 2009
Irish Times Archive Free Friday 27 March to Sunday 5th April
To mark the Irish Times' 150 Anniversery Free Digital Archive access
is available from Friday 27th March to Sunday 5th April. Articles
can be printed and downloaded for free. See their web site
20 March 2009
103.2 Dublin City FM Looking Back with Donal O hUallachain
Conor Dodd, one of our speakers on Saturday 18th April, will be a guest
on Donal hUallachain's radio programme on Friday 10th April at 8.30pm.
Looking Back is a local history show where the presenter Donal, delves
into the past and discusses Dublin's local history. Conor will be speaking
with Donal about Military research, the subject of his talk to IFHS.
The show is repeated on Monday morning 13th April at 11am. So do listen
in if you can.
Eneclann has recently announced some new releases. Of Irish interest are:
Upper Lough Erne in 1739
HMC Franciscan Manuscripts
Deserted Children in Dublin 1854 (Download)
Real Life in Ireland 1904
Working Class Conditions in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Also available as a FREE DOWNLOAD is the digitised Philimore's Pedigree Work: A Handbook for the Genealogist.
See Eneclann's website
for further details.
14 March 2009
Who Do You Think You Are Show 2009
Two Irish IFHS members, Joan Sharkey and Mary Beglan, attended the recent
Who Do You Think You Are Show, which was held in London on Friday 27 February
to Sunday 1 March. This popular show was well attended and there was a
good Irish presence this year including Irish Roots Magazine, Eneclann,
National Library of Ireland, National Archives of Ireland, Public Records
Office of Northern Ireland, Ulster Historical Foundation and the Irish
Family History Foundation.
There were many lectures held throughout the
3 days and it was difficult at times to know which to attend. Often the
selected ones clashed with others held at the same time. On Friday Joan
and Mary attended the WDYTYA interview with Ainsley Herriott, one of the
celebrities from the BBC series.
As usual these interviews were both interesting and entertaining and Joan and Mary made sure to have a good front seat. Following the interview Joan managed to get Ainsley's autograph and also had her photo taken with him. Although he was being rushed off to his next appointment he chatted to them and said he was heading to Dublin the following week for a friend's party.
![]() Ainsley and Joan |
![]() Irish Roots Julie and Maureen Phibbs with John Hamrock |
In addition to the many lectures organised by Society of Genealogists,, FindMyPast and others there were numerous exhibition stands
to visit over the course of the three days.
At the Irish Roots stand Mary met up again with Maureen and Julie Phibbs who now produce Irish Roots Magazine. Here she also came across another Irish member John Hamrock, also over from Dublin. John wrote Tracing your Roscommon Ancestors which was reviewed in the 2008 journal. |
We hear that the show will be held again at the same time next year at the same location.
Following the show Joan and Mary stayed on in London and spent 2 days
researching at The National Archives in Kew before heading back home.
6 March 2009
Dublin City Library & Archive Family History Day
138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
28 March 2009 9.30am - 3.30pm
Admission Free. All Welcome
Family History Day Programme
09.30 RegistrationAll welcome10.00 'Know your Surname' Seán Murphy UCD
10.45 'The New Dublin Freeman and Trade Guild Database' John Grenham M.A.P.G.I.
11.30 Tea / Coffee
12.00 'Searching for the Stoker Family' Douglas Appleyard
12.45 Lunch (not provided)
2.00 'Can I Trace Emigrants?' Paul Gorry M.A.P.G.I.
2.45 'Ireland's Court Records - What Survived 1922?' Steven Smyrl M.A.P.G.I.
3.30 Finish
Dublin City Library & Archive - 12th Annual Sir John T. Gilbert Lecture
On Thursday 22 January 2009 the twelfth annual Sir John T. Gilbert Lecture was held at Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street. The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Councillor Eibhlín Byrne, was chairman for the evening. City Librarian, Deirdre Ellis-King, welcomed the capacity audience and introduced the Lord Mayor.
The twelfth lecture was given by Professor Colm Lennon, Department of History, NUI Maynooth. Professor Lennon's lecture, Dublin's civic buildings in the early modern period, was well received by the audience.
This lecture will be published by Dublin City Public Libraries before the end of 2009.
A Podcast is available to download at
Linen Hall Library extends opening hours
17 Donegall Square North, Belfast BT1 5GB, Northern Ireland
From 19 February 2009 the Linen Hall Library are introducing a trial period of longer opening hours on Thursdays and Saturdays.
On Thursdays the Library will open until 7.00pm and on Saturdays the Library will open until 4.00pm.
Please tell a friend and support the longer opening hours.
Our full opening hours from 19 February will be:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm;
Thursday 9.30am - 7.00pm.
Saturday 9.30am - 4.00pm.
Federation of Family History Societies announcements.
The following announcements received from FFHS which may be of interest to some members.
The Manuscripts reading room will be temporarily closed for refurbishment from 5pm 17 April 2009 for approximately six months.
Please note that this is a change to the previously advised closure date.The distance enquiry service will continue as normal. Access to original and microfilmed records will be through the reading rooms at London Metropolitan Archives (advance notice will be required for original document orders)
For further information please see the website at or email
Philippa McCray
Administrator (Acting)
Federation of Family History Societies
PO Box 8857
LE17 9BJ
Glasnevin Cemetery due online.
Notice on website states:
"This service is already open to genealogists, to open a new account with pre-loaded Credits, please email us at genealogy@glasnevincemetery.ieImportant announcement from the National ArchivesWe are delighted to announce our commitment to extend this service to members of the public from 8th April 2009. From that date you will not require an account to search our archives.
This service will provide access to our extensive database containing more than 1 million records dating as far back as 1890.
A standard Burial or Cremation search provides details on the deceased from our records. An extended burial search also includes details of all others buried in that grave."
Restrictions on productions of original documents
Due to shortages of staff, we have very reluctantly decided that, with effect from Monday 2 March 2009, the production of original archives to readers must be restricted as follows:
1. The Reading Room and the Microfilm Room will remain open as normal, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, between 10.00 and 17.00The operation of these restrictions on productions will be closely monitored by the National Archives during the week running from Monday 2 to Friday 6 March, and some changes of detail may be made in subsequent weeks.2. Original documents will be produced as normal from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 16.30
3. However, no documents will be produced between 12.30 and 14.30
4. A reader may have up to 6 documents on order or held out at the same time between 10.00 and 12.30
5. However, not more than 3 documents may be on order or held out at the same time between 12.30 and 17.00
6. If a reader has 6 documents on order or held out at 12.30, s/he will not allowed to order more until the number on order or held out has been reduced to 2 or fewer
7. Every effort will be made to minimise delays in productions, but it is inevitable that:
- all documents ordered during lunchtime will not be produced until some time after 14.30;
- some documents ordered in the late morning will not be produced until some time after 14.30
It is hoped that the imposition of these restrictions on productions will be sufficient to enable the National Archives to maintain its existing levels of service to the public in other respects.
David V Craig
Director of the National Archives
27 February 2009
5 February 2009
'From Speed to Rocque: the growth of early modern Dublin' Lecture
Tuesday 17 February 2009 at 6.30pm, National Library, Kildare St.,
Dublin 2.
Admission is free; booking is not required.
To mark the publication of Irish Historic Towns Atlas No. 19,
and in conjunction with the Royal Irish Academy, Professor Colm Lennon
will give a talk entitled 'From Speed to Rocque: the growth of early modern
Dublin, 1610-1756' in the Library's Seminar Room on 17 February at 6.30pm.
30th January 2009
Latter Day Saints - Ireland Civil Registration Indexes.
On the 23rd January LDS placed online a free transcription of the indexes to the Ireland Civil Registration indexes of all Births, Marriages and Deaths from 1864 to 1958 (Republic only from 1922) and Non-Catholic Marriages from 1845-1864. It is available on their Pilot FamilySearch website and was created from LDS copies of the indexes only and does not contain exact dates or images of the original records. For the first few days following the launch, digital copies of the index pages were also available but these have now been withdrawn.
From their web site select Record Search Pilot from the dropdown menu option Search Records. A Link is also available from the Home Page under What's New - See prototype for searching millions of records
Select Europe and scroll down to specific link.
Federation of Family History Societies announcement.
"On 25 October 2007 the Prime Minister announced that he had asked Paul Dacre, working with Professor David Cannadine and Sir Joseph Pilling, to chair an independent review of the '30 year rule', under which most government records are transferred to The National Archives and made available to the public by the time they are 30 years old.
The review team's final report was published on 29 January. Details can be found here
Roger Lewry
(FFHS Archives Liaison)"
The Irish Family History Society is an Associate member of FFHS
29th January 2009 New Database Added - Electoral Lists (1939-40)
These records are lists of those registered to vote in Dublin city in
Dail and local elections, for use in polling stations at election time.
This online database covers the year 1939-1940. The full series of electoral
lists 1938 to 1964 is available in the Dublin City Library and Archive
Reading Room.
Who Do You Think You Are? Show, London Friday 27nd February, Saturday 28th and Sunday 1st March 2009
Once again this popular show is taking place at the Olympia, London,
England. Full details of tickets costs, Shows, Lectures and Exhibitors
can be found at their web site
Ainsley Harriott, Lesley Garrett and Matthew Pinsent who appeared in the last BBC series will be appearing live in the Who Do You Think You Are? Theatre
There will be a good Irish presence at the show again this year including Irish Roots Magazine, Eneclann, National Library of Ireland, National Archives of Ireland, Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, Ulster Historical Foundation and the Irish Family History Foundation.
Some IFHS members will be visiting the show.
28th January 2009
New Dictionary of Irish Architects launched.
The Dictionary of Irish Architects, an on-line database, was launched on 28th January 2009. It contains biographical and bibliographical information on architects, builders and craftsmen born or working in Ireland during the period 1720-1940, and information on the buildings on which they worked. Some 6,000 individual architects or architectural practices are included in the DIA, as are more than 40,000 building references. The project has been supported by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism.
It was created and compiled by Ann Martha Rowan. The Dictionary is a
work in progress. Members will recall that Ann Martha Rowan spoke to the
IFHS about her database some years ago. It will be a very valuable resource
for those researching the history of Irish Architecture.
26th January 2009
Federation of Family History Societies announcement.
"The Family History Event will be taking place on Sunday 3rd May 2009 at the Barbican Centre, London.For a full list of exhibitors, details of the Lectures Programme and further information about the show, please visit
Philippa McCray
Administrator (Acting)
Federation of Family History Societies"
The Irish Family History Society is an Associate member of FFHS
23rd January 2009
Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
On 16th January 2009, PRONI launched their new online Electronic Catalogue (eCATNI) containing over one million catalogue entries, approximately 60% of PRONI's total catalogue entries, with the remainder to be published on an ongoing basis.
PRONI visitors have already been making use of the eCatalaogue onsite
since it went live in the PRONI Search Room on 10 November 2008. The eCatalogue
is the end result of the electronic catalogue for Northern Ireland (eCATNI)
project and brings PRONI in line with other National and International
archival institutions.
13th January 2009
Federation of Family History Societies announcement.
"You can find this posting and a copy in PDF Format on the FFHS Website
1911 Census goes liveThe Irish Family History Society is an Associate member of FFHS the 1911 Census has gone live on the Internet at The site is a pay per view site in partnership between FindMyPast and The National Archives. The site will not be part of the FindMyPast system and will not be available for viewing as part of their subscription services, although log-in details and pay per view credits will work on either site.
The census will go live on the FindMyPast subscription site later in 2009.
The Federation of Family History Societies hopes that you will be able to further your research and carry it forward into a key period of the 20th Century, which included the build up to the First World War and Suffrage for Women. There will only be one more census that we can use in the first half of the 20th Century and that is the one for 1921 as the Census for 1931 was burnt during the Second World War and there was no census taken in 1941 due to the war, although a National Register was made for the issue of identity cards.
The release is ahead of the usual release date of the first working day of the year following the 100th anniversary of the taking of the census; for the 1911 this would have been the 3rd of January 2012.
The Information Commissioner has made a ruling in 2006 about the availability of the 1911 Censes and the early release is explained in this ruling.
The 1911 Census also differs from the previous censuses in that it is the original householder's schedules that have survived and not the enumerators' books we are used to. As a consequence of this the amount of data is greatly increased and the paper copies are stored on 2 kilometres of shelving, approximately 8 times larger than previous censuses.
This increase has meant that it has taken much longer to prepare them for public access and much credit goes to the teams at the TNA and FindMyPast for getting this done.
From today there will be a staggered release of the information in the 1911 census. This will include images and transcription data, but with sensitive data held back, in line with the Information Commissioner's recent ruling. From 3 January 2012 the public will have full access to the entire 1911 census, including the information not accessible in 2009. Researchers anywhere in the world will be able to search across the fields of the census by name, address or The National Archives catalogue reference, and download high-resolution digital images.
Natalie Ceeney, Chief Executive of The National Archives said:
"The 1911 census holds more information than the 1901 census. It is also the first census where the householder's schedule has remained the master entry, rather than the enumerator's notes, so researchers are actually able, in most cases, to view their actual ancestors' handwriting when looking at 1911 census entries. This will be an invaluable resource for anyone who is working hard to trace their family's history."
Also available are the enumerators' summary sheets which give information and statistics on their locality. These will be added to the site when all the household schedules are complete…
Basic facts about the 1911 census
The 1911 census of England and Wales was taken on the night of Sunday 2 April 1911. Over 8 million schedules were delivered to householders around the country.
The completed forms provide us with personal details of the 36 million people who were living in England and Wales at the time, offering a fascinating insight into the state of the nation nearly 100 years ago.
The census shows the name, age, sex and marital status of each person, as well as giving details of their occupation, birth place and nationality. The 1911 census also asks for additional information about married women: how long they have been married and how many children have been born to that marriage.
The 1911 census has been called 'the fertility census' as it lists the total number of children that a woman had given birth to; this information is especially valuable to family historians as it accounts for children no longer living at home as well as those who had died before 1911.
Census returns are a key source for people tracing their family history, as well as those studying local, social and political history. For family historians, one of the main attractions of the 1911 census is that, for the first time, it is the original householder schedules that have survived so we can see our ancestors' own handwriting, complete with any unsolicited additional comments that they might have made.
Information recorded for each person:
· Name and Surname
· Relationship to head of family
· Age and Sex
· Marital condition
· Profession or Occupation
· Birthplace
· Nationality
· Infirmity (eg deaf, dumb, blind, lunatic, imbecile etc.) Note: this information will not be available to view until the census is officially opened in January 2012. At the request of the Information Commissioner these details have been obscured in the images that are made available prior to that date.
Additionally, details recorded for married women:
· Years married
· Children born to present marriage, living or deceasedSome interesting entries found by the transcription team include:
· A mother of five children whose occupation is listed as 'slave to family'
· An opinionated household head, evidently affronted by the invasive nature of the census, who writes:
· 'Put some charge on goods coming from abroad... Could you not find something better to do than ask about children that have been dead over 56 years?
· The return for one household lists the family cat as a domestic servant, giving the feline's nationality as 'Persian'. We hope the enumerator appreciated the joke…I hope that this release will enhance the research experience for those of you who probably thought that they would need to wait another three years for the information.
Best wishes for successful research in 2009
Federation of Family History Societies (FFHS)"
8th January 2009
Journal of the Irish Family History Society Volume 24 2008.
A group of volunteers got together on Tuesday 6th January to pack the journal for posting to our members. Unfortunately we were unable to pack and post before Christmas. Our usual packers John Heueston, Eddie Brennan and Mary Beglan were joined this year by Chairman Gerry Cahill and fellow committee members Joan Sharkey and John Dyer.
We managed to pack all journals in the one day and they were left in the local sorting office on the way home. We were pleased to hear reports that some members received their copy in the post the following morning. We were so busy packing we forgot to take photos of the group. We did remember, just in time, to take some photos of Joan and John Dyer as they delivered the journals to Harmonstown Sorting Office.
![]() Loading |
![]() Delivery |
Editorial Mary BeglanCopies of the journal are available to non-members at a cost of €10 plus postage. See Publications page for details.
Artane Industrial School 1901 Census (Part II) Brian Wray
Mother Berchams Hughes F.C.J. (1861-1925) Patricia Moorhead
Language in a Boat Dr Dymphna Lonergan
The Elusive Sailor - George Frederick Kierans Joan Sharkey
Rev John George Frederick Schulze (1764-1839) - Addenda G. Rex Meyer
Serving the State with Eighteenth Century - The experience of a Skerries family Dr Maghréad Ní Mhurchadha
The Life and Times of the John Shea-Lawlor B. L. Margaret Jordan
Gentleman Donovan - Market Gardener and Publican Judy McDonnell
Newberry Hall, Carbury, Co. Kildare James Robinson
The Duffy and Sillery Families of Mentrim, Co. Meath Richard Flatman
From Inistioge to Indiana - A Genealogical Guest John S. Dyer
Country Life in Particular in the Barony of Carbury Sam Holt
A Strong Willed Ancestor Maureen Hambrook
The Dowlings or Doolans of Carricknaughton, Athlone Eamonn Dowling
Reviews - Books & C.D.'s
24th December 2009
National Archives - 1911 census digitisation.
The 1911 Census records for Antrim, Down and Kerry were made available
online on 23rd December 2008. Dublin was put online in December 2007.
Publication of the remaining counties will follow up to mid-2009. Donegal,
Cork and Wexford are the next counties to be digitised. More precise timescales
will be posted on their web site when available.
22nd December 2008
Fifteen Year Membership Certificates.
![]() FHS Committee members Eddie Brennan and John Dyer were among the group of Society members who received their Fifteen Year Membership Certificates in 2008. The certificates were presented to Eddie and John by Hon. Chairman Gerry P Cahill following our committee meeting on 17th December last. Certificates to the other members were posted in December. |
12th December 2008
National Library of Ireland launches new manuscript research guide to women in Irish History
NLI recently launched their online Research Guide to Women in Irish History compiled by Dr Sonja Tiernan.
The introduction to the guide states "The National Library of Ireland's holdings constitute the most comprehensive collection of Irish documentary material in the world and offer an invaluable representation of women's roles in history and heritage. Documents relating to individual women and organisations pertinent to the history of women are distributed throughout the collections of the National Library. This research guide outlines the procedure to locate sources for researching women's history which are contained in the department of manuscripts and provides a brief description and contextual background of relevant collections. It is noteworthy that sources concerning women in history may also be contained in other collections or records not specifically mentioned here …"
Papers available include those of Teresa Brayton (1868-1943),
poet, literary nationalist and author of the old Irish song, 'The Old Bog
Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) an Anglo-Irish writer, known for
her children's stories and for her novels of Irish life and the Irish nationalist,
Gonne MacBride (1866-1953), born at Tongham Manor, near Farnham, Surrey.
Copies of the guide are available to download from the NLI website at
5th December 2008
Irish Historic Towns Atlas.
Irish Historic Towns Atlas No. 19, Dublin, Part II, 1610 to 1756 by Colm Lennon, published by the Royal Irish Academy in association with Dublin City Council, was launched on Wednesday, 3rd December 2008 in the Rotunda, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2. IFHS members, Hon. Chairman Gerry Cahill and Mary Beglan attended the launch.
Dublin Part I, to 1610 by Howard Clarke was published in 2002. Dublin Part II traces the growth of the city from 1610 to 1756. The histories of over 2000 sites (streets, markets, schools etc) are referenced in the extensive topographical index and explained in the accompanying essay. A composite reproduction of Rocque's plan (1756) is one of a range of maps and views presented in large format.
Format: A3 format with cover, historical detail of over 2,000 sites,
22 large-format high quality maps, reconstructions and views. Cost is €30.
See their web site
Click "Buy online" for details.
The IHTA have produced many atlases to date including Armagh, Belfast,
Trim, Kilkenny and Kildare. Full details of all their publications
are available on their web site.
The IHTA is based at Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. Jennifer Moore, Editorial Assistant, spoke to the Society on October 6th 2008 to expand more on the project.
IHTA 19: Irish Historic Towns Atlas No. 19, Dublin, Part II, 1610 to
1756 (2008)
ISBN 978-1-904890-44-7
17 November 2008
National Library of Ireland - Self-Service copying (Photocopying and Digital Cameras)
The National Library has recently announced the following changes to copying services.
From Monday 10th November 2008 readers will be permitted to photograph material from the Library's Collections (Printed and Manuscript) using their own digital cameras in designated self-service copying areas in the Main Reading Room and the Manuscripts Reading Room.
In addition to this, Self -Service copying - both photocopying and photography using digital cameras - will be available during normal Library opening hours including lunch time, evenings and Saturday mornings.
For details of the conditions of use, exemptions, copyright guidelines and the preservation and handling guidelines for the printed collections see information sheet Self-Service Copying (Photocopying and Digital Photography).
For specific terms and conditions which apply in the case of the manuscripts collection see Guidelines for Use of Digital Cameras by Readers in the Manuscript Reading Room .
For full details see National Library website
12 November 2008
Eneclann Ltd, Dublin, launch New CD-ROM.
World War 1 Irish Soldiers: Their Final Testament
Compiled & Edited by Kiara Gregory. Kiara is a member of
Ref: ENEC016 ISBN:
Price: EURO 24.71 (ex VAT)
This publication is a detailed catalogue of 9,000 surviving wills of Irish soldiers who died in World War 1. During the war soldiers sent to the front line were encouraged to write their last will and testament, if they did not survive these wills were registered, 9,000 of these wills are deposited with the National Archives of Ireland. These documents have never been published before, and this CD contains copious details, including an estimated 18,000+ names (soldiers, witnesses, beneficiaries and relatives) and is fully searchable. It is an essential resource for those interested in the Irish experience of WW1 as well as genealogists and family historians tracing Irish family members in the early 20th Century.
To celebrate this new launch, and the hard work and dedication of the compiler, Kiara Gregory, Eneclann are offering a special launch 20% discount online. To get this discount please use the discount code "kiara" when making your purchase. This discount will only be valid until 30 November.
Further details can be found on Eneclann's site at:
'Ireland's Memorial Records: World War 1 1914-18'. This title normally costs EURO 78.43 (ex VAT)
To commemorate the end of World War One Eneclann are also offering a MASSIVE 50% discount on our edition of 'Ireland's Memorial Records: World War 1 1914-18'. This title normally costs EURO 78.43 (ex VAT) and contains a complete edition of the eight volume work, along with many other details. The objective of these volumes (3,177 pages) was to preserve the names of over 49,000 Irishmen who lost their lives fighting in the Great War, World War I, 1914-1918. It is the most complete record known to exist and was published in 1923. This edition is a fitting digital testament to that original aim and was launched 2 years ago by Minister O'Donoghue at the National War Memorial Gardens in Islandbridge. See Eneclann's web site for more details.
Note re Irish VAT (Sales Tax): This is charged on all customers
from the European Union at 21%, but customers from North America, Australia,
and anywhere outside the EU shop at Eneclann's site tax free.
Federation of Family History Societies announcement.
10 November 2008
" and FamilySearch Announce Agreement to Digitize and Index Existing Canadian Censuses Initiative provides online access to a comprehensive collection of Canadian censuses Toronto, ON -, Canada's leading online family history Web site, is pleased to announce a joint initiative with FamilySearch International, a non-profit organization that maintains one of the world's largest repositories of genealogical resources. The joint initiative will allow the organizations to improve online access to a comprehensive collection of Canadian censuses. As part of the agreement, FamilySearch will digitize and index Canadian census records that has acquired. These digitized and indexed records will then be made available to members on the company's Web site, and the indexes will be available for free to the public at The images will be free to qualified FamilySearch members and all FamilySearch family history centres.The Irish Family History Society is an Associate member of FFHS
FamilySearch will deliver images and indexes to for censuses from 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1916, to launch online in 2009. In return, will provide indexes to FamilySearch for the 1891 and 1901 censuses.Maggie Loughran
Joint Administrator, Federation of Family History Societies"
7 November 2008
We recently received an email from Gordon Smith of Naval-History.Net in relation to his web site which now has the complete Royal Navy and Royal Marine casualty lists from pre-1914 to 2008, including both World Wars. These are listed both alphabetically and chronologically by ship.
By including the inter-war and post-war years, providing background information and allowing for the addition of photographs of those lost, he hopes you will find these pages a valuable complement to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site.
There is also considerable supporting information on battles, actions, convoys, warships, merchant ships and ship losses on
The BBC's "Who Do You Think You Are?" magazine included a review
of the site in their June 2008 issue.
The A.G.M. of the Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations (CIGO) is set for Tue 18 November 2008 in the Freemasons Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 (off Kildare Street) at 7.00. This will be followed by a talk by John Waters who recently featured on RTE's Where Was Your Family During The Famine? Programme.
The Irish Family History Society is a member of CIGO
Federation of Family History Societies announcement.
The following announcement received from FFHS relating to WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? LIVE 2009 show will of interest to many of our members.
TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? LIVEThe Irish Family History Society is an Associate member of FFHS live event format of the hugely popular BBC TV series, Who Do You Think You Are? takes place for a third consecutive year at London's Olympia on the brand new show dates of 27 February - 1 March 09 and promises to deliver the most comprehensive resource for any family historian.
Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE, sponsored by and powered by The Times Archive, is a one-stop-genealogy-shop which showcases 200 exhibitors who collectively provide you with records, information and services for you to take your research one step further. Nowhere else will you find the level and range of expertise to help you research the lives of your ancestors as well as a mix of celebrities from the TV programme to both inspire and entertain.
The show will be brimming with well-known historians each offering an insight into moments of our history in workshops as well as one-to-one sessions. Visitors can look forward to seeing new, exciting features which delve deeper into the subject including area. Here's a preview of what's in store:
SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS FAMILY HISTORY SHOW with - held for the 17th consecutive year, this is the place to speak directly to family history societies from across the land. You'll also find specialist researchers and businesses who provide a rich research resource unlike any other.
ASK THE EXPERTS - get a 20 minute one-to-one session with an expert. Ever felt like you wanted to speak to someone face to face who could help you with a problem? A visit to this area of the show is a must for anyone who is stuck and needs help.
SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS WORKSHOPS - with over 80 seminars running during the event you'll be sure to find one to help you with your area of research. Drop into a workshop and hear from the UK's leading specialists plus overseas experts who can help you take your search abroad. Plus, a brand new Regional Workshop in association with The Federation of Family History Societies is being introduced to help you tap into knowledge from regional experts from up and down the country.
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? THEATRE - here you will hear the stories from celebrities from the TV show first hand. Plus, you can quiz them yourselves as you have the chance to ask them the questions about their story!
MILITARY MEMORABILIA CHECKPOINT - find out the stories and history of your military artefacts and heirlooms by the most respected experts in the UK.
NEW AREAS - this year you can also expect to see areas dedicated to DNA, photography and preservation of memories, ancestral tourism and travel and International record holders.BUY 2 FOR 1 TICKETS!
The Federation of Family History Societies is giving you the chance to buy two tickets for £20* - that's a saving of £20! To claim this special offer, simply call 0844 412 4629 or visit and quote FFHS241If you wish to book for a group of 10 people or more, you can buy two adult tickets for £16* - just quote FFHSGROUPS
* £2 transaction fee applies. 2 for 1 offer ends 20th February 09. On Door standard entry tickets priced at £20 each. Workshops and theatres are included in the ticket price but entry is provided on a first come first served basis and is subject to availability.
Update on National Archives 1911 Digitisation Project.
The following notice was recently added to NAI web site.
"The records for 1911 are being digitised first, then those for 1901. The 1911 Census records for Antrim, Down and Kerry will now be placed online in December, rather than October, as previously hoped. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience. Publication of the other counties will follow, in the order listed below, between then and mid-2009. More precise timescales will be posted when available."See National Archives website for future updates
Barack Obama's Irish ancestors - the Kearneys.
Visit Eneclann's web site
for details of their extensive research into Barack Obama's Irish links
to the Kearney family from Moneygall Co. Offaly. Working back from
known information of Falmouth Kearney, Obama's 2nd great-grandfather, Eneclann
has taken the family tree back to c1698.
4 August 2008
22 July 2008
Federation of Family History Societies announcements.
The following announcements received from FFHS relating to British and U.S. research will of interest to many of our members.
FamilySearch Teams with and others to Broaden Access to All Censuses for England and WalesSALT LAKE CITY-FamilySearch have announced that it is joining forces with, The Origins Network, and Intelligent Image Management-companies that specialize in providing online access to British family history resources-to make significant British historical record collections more broadly available online. The first joint initiative seeks to publish online indexes to censuses for England and Wales from 1841 to 1901. The 1841 and 1861 Census indexes are the first targeted under the agreement and are accessible now at and
In the agreement, FamilySearch, in conjunction with The Origins Network, will provide digital images for the 1851, 1871, and 1881 Censuses. It will also extend the 1871 Census index. will provide FamilySearch copies of its English and Welsh Census indexes from 1841 to 1901. The Federation of Family History Societies will help complete the index for the 1851 Census.
Initially, users of will be able to do a free search by record type, given name, surname, age, gender, place of birth, and relationship to head of household (relationship was not recorded in the 1841 Census). The free search capability at will include additional fields of data in the future. Users will be able to search the full indexes and view original images for free at FamilySearch's 4,500 Family History Centers or for a nominal fee at
The addition of's English and Welsh Census Collections to FamilySearch's online databases will increase the use of the valuable record sets and increase traffic to
FamilySearch will utilize its impressive online community of volunteer indexers to add more fields of data to select censuses. When finished, the improved census indexes will be available on,, and Individuals interested in volunteering as online indexers for British historical projects can do so at
See News for more information.
FamilySearch and Team to Publish New Images and Enhanced Indexes to the U.S. Censuses
SALT LAKE and FamilySearch, have announced that they will exchange records and resources to make more historical records available online. The first project is a joint initiative to significantly enhance the online U.S. Federal Census Collection (1790 to 1930). The original census records are among the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
FamilySearch is digitally converting master microfilm copies of the original U.S. Federal Censuses from 1790 through 1930 and, under this agreement, will give these improved images to All census images and indexes will be available on for subscribers. As projects are completed, images will be available for free in NARA reading rooms and FamilySearch's 4,500 Family History Centers., which currently offers indexes and images to the entire publicly available U.S. Federal Census Collection, will give FamilySearch copies of its existing census indexes. Through its online indexing system and community of volunteer indexers, FamilySearch is already indexing select censuses. FamilySearch will merge the indexes with the new FamilySearch indexes to create enhanced census indexes, which will be added to both sites. Indexes to the enhanced censuses will be free on for a limited time as they are completed. Indexes will also be available for free on
The first census exchanged is the 1900 U.S. Census. FamilySearch completed a 1900 index in addition to's original. In the new index, FamilySearch added several new fields of searchable data, such as birth month and birth year, so individuals can search for ancestors more easily. The two indexes will be merged into an enhanced index, available on both sites. The new 1900 census images are now available on The enhanced 1900 index will be available for free for a limited time at and ongoing at will also provide FamilySearch its original 1920 U.S. Census index. Using the index as a first transcription, FamilySearch will create a new second index with added fields and arbitrate any discrepancies between the two indexes. The 1920 project is currently in progress. Individuals interested in helping create the improved index can volunteer at Once completed, the enhanced 1920 index will be available on both sites and will link back to images on
The 1850 through 1870 (partial) and 1880 and 1900 U.S. Censuses can be searched currently at; all publicly available U.S. Censuses are already available on
See News for more information.
British Library collection moves programme.
In January 2009, the British Library will be starting a collection moves programme of low-use items. This is the largest programme of moves that have been undertaken since the opening of St Pancras in 1998.
The transfer of low-use items to a new storage facility in Boston Spa, West Yorkshire, will take place in phases. This first phase will see 10.6% of their total collection transferred to Boston Spa. During the first phase, these low-use collections will become unavailable to Readers. The embargo period will start in January 2009 and last for a minimum of nine months. This period of restricted access will not affect St Pancras' high-use material such as rare books, manuscripts, maps, sound archive and music scores.
The collection moves are taking place as the British Library needs to vacate current leasehold storage buildings. Firstly, they fail to provide adequate environmental conditions. Secondly, the Library does not have the opportunity to extend the leases. The moves will allow the British Library to rationalise their collection storage, provide future growth space and continue to act as guardians of the national collection.
The planned closure of the newspaper library in Colindale and the transfer of the newspaper collections form a part of Phase Two of the Collection Moves programme, starting at the end of 2009. The material stored at Colindale will be transferred on a staggered basis, and will only be unavailable to Readers whilst in transit. This is expected to be a matter of weeks. Moving the hard copy collections to the state-of-the-art storage conditions in Boston Spa will considerably improve their lifespan. Microfilm will be stored and available at St Pancras.
More information on this can be found at:
I.F.H.S. is an Associate member of FFHS
11 July 2008
Certificate in Local History 2008-2009
The Certificate in Local History, run by the National University of
Ireland Maynooth, will be offered at Dublin City Library & Archive,
Pearse St., Dublin 2, beginning this autumn. The course runs from mid September
2008 to end April 2009 and the tutor is Dr. Seamas O Maitiu.
Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings, from 18.00-21.00.
For more details, download:
History Brochure 2008-2009 (PDF, 267KB)
Local History Brochure 2008-2009 (MS Word, 52KB)
Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations is petitioning the Government to open the 1926 Irish Census.
News from CIGO website
"CIGO has long called for the early release of the Republic's 1926 census returns. These returns constitute the first snapshot of the Free State's population only four years after the creation of the State. Eighty-two years have elapsed since the census was compiled and few people from that time are now still living. Also, the data that was recorded in 1926 cannot be deemed 'sensitive' in terms of the information recorded in contemporary census records. CIGO argues that as the 1926 census holds vital genealogical information for so very many people born in Ireland before the commencement of civil registration, then these records should now be made available to the public. There is certainly a precedent for this as the 1911 census (which covers all of the island of Ireland) was first made available at Dublin's Public Record Office of Ireland (now the National Archives) in 1961 - only 50 years after it was compiled!
The Genealogical Society of Ireland is also firmly behind the campaign to get the 1926 census returns released to the public and as such has announced that it is to propose the publication of a parliamentary Bill providing for such access. The Bill is likely to be initiated through the Seanad (Senate and the Upper Chamber) of the Houses of the Oireachtas (the Republic's parliament). This move is very much in-line with CIGO's own policy and - in addition to CIGO's current negotiations with the Central Statistics Office (the body which controls access to all census records created since the foundation of the State) - we will be supporting GSI's Bill. Obviously - with only a slim chance of success - the campaign needs all the support it can harness and CIGO implores all those with an interest in Irish genealogy to support both it and GSI in anyway they can. Everyone who is interested in this issue can help the success of the campaign by signing CIGO's petition which is to be presented to Brian Cowen TD, the Taoiseach [Prime Minister] of Ireland."
For more details see
To support the '1926 Census' campaign see CIGO's on-line petition which
can be found at:
The Irish Family History Society is a member of CIGO.
Federation of Family History Societies announcements.
The following announcements received from FFHS relating to British research
will be of interest to many of our members.
New name and new orders signal UK expansion for Scotland Online22 June 2008Scotland Online, the leading internet services business and the parent company of family history website, has re-branded as brightsolid, in recognition of its evolving position in the UK business market and growing range of online expertise and products. The company is experiencing significant growth, helped by new business across the range of its activities.
brightsolid has recently acquired the leading family history company The company also won the contract to digitise, license and publish the 1911 Census of England and Wales from The National Archives in Kew. In addition brightsolid operates, which is a partnership between the General Register Office for Scotland, the National Archives of Scotland and the Court of the Lord Lyon.
The brightsolid brand was developed after extensive research among major customers and other key stakeholders. While there was an overwhelmingly positive response to the company's reputation, it was felt that it could do even more to emphasise the high quality and range of its products and services. The new name reflects the research conclusions that the company was seen to be "bright" in terms of its people and approach, and "solid" in terms of its resilient infrastructure and delivery.
brightsolid is owned by publishers D.C. Thomson (DCT) and Noble Grossart Investments (NGI).
GRO (General Register Office) digitisation plans appear to have stalled.
In the August edition of Ancestors magazine published by The National Archives (TNA) it is reported that 'The digitisation of Britain's most important set of national family history records has hit the buffers and there is currently no timetable to restart the project.'
The report states that the main contractor for the project, Siemens IT Solutions and Services Ltd, has pulled out. With parts of the project named DOVE, MAGPIE and EAGLE it is tempting to think of the whole planning exercise as having been bird brained.
James Hall, the new Registrar General and Chief Executive of the Identity and Passport Service (IPS), is expecting an emergency internal strategic review to report its findings by the end of September.
For full details on this visit:
Ministry of Defence asks for views on transfer of historic records to TNA.
The Ministry of Defence has launched a public consultation process regarding the transfer of historic Armed Forces Service Personnel records to The National Archives (TNA).
Members of the public are being asked for their views on the process the Ministry of Defence has developed to transfer to The National Archives records of soldiers, sailors and airmen who served in the Armed Forces between the two World Wars and for those who were members of the Home Guard during the Second World War.
For more information visit: 3 page document is available to download. The TNA has indicated its wish to take all service personnel files up to the end of National Service in 1963. The records of personnel who served during the First World War which have been transferred to TNA have proved a popular public resource, particularly for genealogists. TNA is therefore keen to begin transferring other historic service records that MOD continues to hold.
Those collections that are in scope for early transfer to TNA include:
" Approximately 170,000 records for soldiers with dates of birth of 1895 or earlier who served beyond the end of the First World War.
" Approximately 45,000 records of airmen who enlisted in the Royal Air Force up to 1928.
" Approximately 4.5 million records of those that enlisted in the Home Guard during the Second World War.
" Approximately 60,000 cards detailing ratings who enlisted in the Royal Navy from 1924 up to the outbreak of the Second World War.The consultation period will close on 30 September 2008.
Military Archives - temporary closure
The Military Archives will be closed until further notice, due to staff
training and stocktaking. Any inconvenience caused to researchers is deeply
regretted. Queries should be addressed by post to: Military Archives,
Cathal Brugha Barracks, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Updated 17 June 2008
6 June 2008
The General Register Office (Northern Ireland)
With effect from 1st June 2008 the General Register Office (Northern Ireland) has increased its fees as follows:
Index search, including 4 free verifications, is now £12
Each verification from a Register entry is now £3
The 'assisted search' of Registers is now £26 per hour
Full certified copies of events, with details supplied, will now cost
28 May 2008
The National Library of Ireland allows public access to Roman Catholic parish registers for Cashel & Emly, Cloyne and Kerry.
The National Library announced recently that access is now available to their microfilm copies of Roman Catholic parish registers from the dioceses of Cashel & Emly, Cloyne and Kerry. While access to Cloyne and Kerry was allowed subject to permission from the Diocese, access was not allowed at all to the Cashel & Emly registers. For further details see
The National Library have updated their Family History - Parish Registers
Guide, while is available on their web site, to denote this change. The
online listing of the parish registers and their microfilm call numbers
has been updated to show the call numbers for all parishes including Kerry
and Cashel & Emly. See NLI web site
under Family History.
25 May 2008
15 May 2008
The Times (London) Limited Free access.
At the recent Who Do You Think You Are Show held in London in May 2008 the new Times online archive was launched. The online archive covers the period 1785 to 1985. The Times digital newspapers has been available for many years in Libraries, Universities and such like. The newly re-designed web-site is now aimed at the general market and includes many articles of historical interest.
Over the next months, The Times will be adding post-1985, as well as The Sunday Times from its launch in 1822.
For a limited period of time, all of the Times Archive will be free.
However, it is necessary to register with Times Online to view articles
that you have searched for.
Report on Annual General Meeting 2008.
The IFHS held it's AGM on Saturday 14th April in the Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse St. Dublin, which was well attended.
The Hon. Chairman, Mary Beglan read the minutes of the 2007 AGM followed by the Chairman's report. Mary updated the meeting with the current position regarding various matters. As we are all aware the Dublin 1911 census went live in December 2007 and the remaining counties are due over the course of the next two years.
The General Register Office Research Room has now moved to Lr. Abbey St. The indexes are now available once again on open access; however the 5 day limit on photocopies still applies. The Irish Family History Foundation's website was officially launched in March aboard the ship "Jeannie Johnston" on Dublin Quays. Patricia Moorhead and Mary Beglan attended the launch. Mary asked about the lack of a search facility on parents' names when she was advised that this was scheduled to be looked at in April. Some recent changes were announced with regard to the Registry of Deeds. With effect from May 1st 2008 there will be no charge for a daily search of public records prior to 1970; however the cost of a copy memorial will increase from EURO 12 to EURO 20.
Mary Beglan advised that IFHS had recently registered a new domain address ( She advised the meeting that we are currently in the process of setting out our requirements with an IT specialist and expect to progress this over the coming few months.
The Hon. Treasurer, John Heueston followed with the Hon. Treasurer's report, when he gave a detailed report on the Society's finances. Last year John spoke on the withdrawal of the Credit Card facility. He told how the PayPal facility, which was set up last December by our webmaster Ian Johnston, was working well with many members renewing online, as well as a number of new members.
The election of Officers for 2008-2009 and committee then took place.
Gerry Cahill was elected Hon. Chairman for the coming year, taking over
from the outgoing Chairman Mary Beglan who held the position for the past
five years. Mary has taken on the position of Editor of the Society's various
The Office Bearers for the year 2008/9 are:
Hon. Chairman: Gerry P. Cahill Vice Chairman: Eddie Brennan Hon. Treasurer: John Heueston Hon. Editor: Mary Beglan
Committee: Mona Germain Dolan
![]() |
. | Incoming Hon. Chairman Gerry P. Cahill with Hon. Treasurer John Heueston |
During the Any Other Business section of the meeting a number of questions and comments were made including news of the IFHS web site. Mary Beglan advised that that we hope to include a Member's only section which we are currently unable to do on our free web page.
The A.G.M. was completed at 12.30 approx. A number of us had a light lunch upstairs in the Dublin City Library Café and enjoyed chatting with our fellow members. Others enjoyed lunch at a nearby café at St. Andrew's Resource.
As always a special thank you also goes to the Dublin City Library & Archives for allowing us the use of their premises and for their help throughout the morning.
Finally we thank all our members who attended the A.G.M.
A separate note about the afternoon talks appears on our Meetings
10 May 2008
1901 Census of County Clare CD-ROM by Society of Australian Genealogists.
The Society of Australian Genealogists ( recently advised us of their new CD-Rom which provides a fully searchable transcription of the 1901 Census of County Clare, Ireland. Details of more than 112,000 individuals are included. Advanced search features allow searches by name, occupation, age, county of birth, place of enumeration and much more - 38 searchable fields! For Windows 98, XP and Vista.
Special pre-publication price of AUS$35, includes GST and ordinary post
within Australia. Available at this special pre-publication price ONLY
if order is received by 31 May 2008.
1 May 2008
Author requests help:
We have received the following in an e-mail from Mr Turtle Bunbury:
"I am presently writing a history of the Dublin Docklands from Sheriff Street to the Pigeon House. I wonder if you or your members might be able to recommend persons familiar with this area who I might talk to in coming months. If you would rather give them my phone number or email, that would be fine by me.
Best wishes,
Turtle Bunbury"
Turtle Bunbury
Lisnavagh House, Rathvilly, Co. Carlow, Ireland
Mob: + 353 - (0) 87 - 6453 486
Mr Turtle Bunbury is a best-selling author, scriptwriter, travel writer
and historical consultant based in Ireland. His next book 'The Irish Pub'
will be published by Thames
& Hudson in September 2008. His most recent book 'Vanishing
Ireland' was shortlisted for the Easons Irish Published Book of the Year
Award 2007.
20 April 2008
16 April 2008
National Library of Ireland's Strategic Plan 2008-2010
The National Library has recently launched its Strategic Plan 2008-2010.
Hard copies of the plan are currently available in the National Library
and can also be downloaded in PDF in English and Irish from the Library's
On the 29th March 2008 Dublin City Library announced that additional parish registers were added to their databases at their Pearse St. premises. These registers are in addition to those previously available in the Library and on the Dublin Heritage web site for the present it will be necessary to visit the Library to view these records.
The additional Parish registers available are:
Clondalkin CI
Clondalkin CI Clondalkin CI Clondalkin RC
Palmerstown RC
Rathfarmham RC
Sandyford RC
St. Agatha's RC
St. Andrew's RC
St. Audoen's CI
St. Audoen's RC
St. Catherine's CI
St. Catherine's RC
St. James's CI
St. James's RC
St. John's CI
St. Jude's CI St. Kevin's CI St. Mary's RC Haddington Rd.
St. Matthew's CI
St. Michael's & John's RC
St. Michan's RC St. Nicholas Within CI
St. Nicholas Without CI
St. Paul's CI
St. Peter's CI
St. Stephen's CI St. Werburg's CI
Taney CI
Burials Marriages Baptisms
Baptisms Baptisms Baptisms
Baptisms Baptisms
Baptisms Baptisms
1724-1900 1732-1891 1778-1896
1857-1901 1883-1904 1798-1876
1744-1869 1688-1863
1838-1912 1704-1805
National Library of Ireland - Self Service Photocopying now available.
The National Library recently introduced Self-Service Photocopying on Reading Room Floor.
The service is available to readers subject to (i) the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 (details avaible in the Library) and (ii) the following exceptions:
" Books published prior to 1880
" Books from the Library's rare books and special collections including
the LO, Joly, Dix and Thom collections
" Items larger than A3
" Books which are bound very tightly and do not open flat, including
some paperbacks
" Books with fine historical bindings
" Damaged and/or fragile books including, for example, those with detached
covers or spines, loose pages or plates, badly torn pages or brittle paper
" Books with spines which are thicker than 8cm (3 inches)
" Folded pullouts which are larger than the book
" Any other material considered vulnerable by Library staff
While readers may not themselves photocopy any of the material described above, it may be possible to have the material scanned or photographed by Library staff. Staff are happy to advise on alternative forms of copying.
All items must be examined by a member of the Library's reprographics
staff before being copied.
Registry of Deeds - Changes in Fees effective 1st May 2008.
Various changes to the Land Registry Fees come into effect from 1st May 2008. Of those of direct interest to genealogists are:
General search, without limitation, each day, by each member of the Public against all indexes prior to 1970 Nil. (This was previously €6 per day)
For every certified copy of a memorial or application €20.00 (This was previously €12 each)
For full details see Land Registry web site
23 March 2008
13 March 2008
IFHS recently received this exciting news from CIGO: Dublin's Glasnevin Cemetery to go 'On-Line'
Glasnevin Cemetery, once known as Prospect cemetery and which opened in 1832, is well known to the folk of Dublin as the last resting place of many of its deceased citizens. It covers a vast area of over 120 acres in which over the years there have been approximately 1.2 million burials. Although there is no rule barring non-Catholics from being buried there, it has generally been used only by the capital's Catholic citizens. Non-Catholics have generally favoured Mount Jerome Cemetery, on the Southside of the city, which was first opened in 1836.
Recently, one of CIGO's Executive Liaison Officers (Steven Smyrl) was asked by Glasnevin to give it the benefit of his experience about what genealogists would expect to obtain from an on-line service allowing access to the Cemetery's computerised registers. Having done their homework about modern practices relating to releasing data on the Internet, Glasnevin hopes it will be ready during the coming weeks to launch the service. It will be a pay-per-view service and all funds raised from it will be used to maintain the cemetery. Given that the vast majority of the Cemetery's plots are family graves, the records - which stretch back 175 years - record invaluable information about Dublin families. In light of the lack of 19th century census records for the capital, this information is all the more precious. You can read more about the subject here and here.
See also
25 February 2008
31 January 2008
17 January 2008
National library of Ireland. Irish Times Digital Archive available to readers.
Readers can now gain full access to the Irish Times Digital Archive in the Library's reading rooms.
The fully searchable Digital Archive contains exact reproduction of
all editions published by the Irish Times from 1859 onwards. There is also
a Text Archive which contains
all articles published on including the Irish Times online
and Breaking News from 1996 onwards.
[Note. The Irish Times Digital Archive is also available in Dublin City
Library & Archive, Pearse St., Dublin and in public libraries]
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland Web site re-launched
PRONI's web site was re-launched in early January 2008. They have undertaken a comprehensive redesign of their website.
In addition to the Ulster Covenant and Freeholders databases previously available the web site now includes the 1858-c.1920 Will Calendars Index. The index to wills is based on the entries in the will calendars which summarised every will proved and all letters of administration granted. There are over 148,000 entries. This is the first phase of a project to index and digitise all the early wills that were proved in the District Probate Registries of Armagh, Belfast and Londonderry from 1858 to c.1900. It provides a fully searchable index to the will calendar entries for these 3 District Probate Registries with the facility to view the entire will calendar entry for each successful search. The second phase will link the index entries to both the will calendar entries and the copy wills on the History of Probate page.
Other additional features as detailed in their News archive are:
o A 'New to archives' section aims to help visitors new to research
by explaining what archives are and how they can be used.
o The 'About PRONI' and 'Visiting PRONI' sections gives extensive guidance
on what visitors can expect when coming to PRONI and the services that
are available. There is
also useful information and contacts for overseas visitors planning
a trip to PRONI.
o 'Your records' gives advice and guidance on how visitors can look
after their own personal archives and how to deposit records with PRONI.
o PRONI's 'Your Family Tree' leaflet series has been updated
o The 'Frequently Asked Questions' page has been greatly expanded to
cover more topics and answer more queries.
Electronic catalogue. eCATNI
PRONI's web site states that they are currently converting all of its
catalogues from paper volumes into a computerised database or electronic
catalogue making it possible
to comprehensively search the contents of all the catalogues quickly
and easily by subject, place, person or any keyword.
PRONI is planning a phased launch of its electronic catalogue to begin
in Spring, 2008.
Fifteen Year Membership Cetificates
IFHS Committee members Pat Moorhead (left) and Mona Germaine-Dolan (right) were among sixteen Society members who received their Fifteen Year Membership Certificates in 2007.
![]() |
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Pat Moorhead | Mona Germaine-Dolan |
10 January 2008
Journal of the Irish Family History Society Volume 23 2007.
The 2007 journal was posted to Ireland members on Friday 4th January 2008 and the remainder were posted on Wednesday 9th January. We regret that we were unable to issue before Christmas as usual. A group of volunteers came in especially to pack the journals last week and many thanks to them for doing so.
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We hope you enjoy reading this year's journal. Articles include:
Editorial Richard Flatman.Copies of the journal are available to non-members at a cost of €12 plus postage. See Publications page for details.
Emigrants from Offaly to Nelson Helen Whelen
Lottery Win circa 1802! Margaret (O'Shea) Jordan
My Irish Ancestry - a 3x great granddaughter's view Elizabeth Kraus
A Clareman's Journey to the Antipodes Loreley A. Marling
Surprising Benefit of I.F.H.S. Membership David Wilkins & Peter Davies
Human Ballast on Cargo Ships Hilary Murphy
Bringing History to Life George R. Ingham
"What's in a Name" Peter R.B. Davies
Emigrated to Mexico Patrick Power
Assessing Australian Army Records Ignatius Fennessy OFM
Artane Industrial School Brian Wray
A Tully Lineage in Canada & USA from 1840' till to-day Ken Watson
'The Story of the Ringrose' Part II Ken Watson
Irish Methodist Newspapers - A Neglected Resource G. Rex Meyer
Have You Shaken Your Family Tree? Tony Duffy
Rathfarnham Burial Ground Kieran Swords
Book Review
10 December 2007
Public Records Office of Northern Ireland.
The following message has been issued by PRONI
Restricted late evening opening servicePRONI regrets that from Thursday 3 January 2008 it will be necessary to restrict the late evening opening service available to our customers.
The Self-Service Microfilm Room will remain open: Customers can access:
· Church records
· 1901 Census
· index to the civil registers of births
· Place name and personal names index to the Registry of Deeds
· Tithe Applotment books,
· Abstracts of the 1858 -1900 wills
· Plus other popular sources available on microfilm or microfiche.The Search Room will also remain open as normal: customers can continue to use the
· catalogues, guides and indexes
· computerised wills database
· Irish Emigration Database of the Centre for Migration Studies
· Findmypast and Irish Origins websites subscribed to by PRONI.However, the last orders for documents produced in the Reading Room will be 5.30pm and not 8.15pm as at present. Any orders placed before 5.30pm will be fulfilled and customers can remain in the Reading Room to consult the records up to 8.45pm.
We will be reviewing the situation on a monthly basis and intend to resume the full evening service at the earliest possible moment.
6 December 2007
1911 Irish Census
"We are pleased to announce that the 1911 census for Dublin City and
County was launched on the internet as a free service on Monday 2nd. December
2007. To access this service go to web site
Other counties will be added on an ongoing basis with an expected completion
date of December 2008. It is hoped to have the 1901 census available
in 2009."
29 November 2007
New proprietors of Irish Roots magazine.
We have received the following notice which we repeat for our readers:
"Maureen and Julie Phibbs are pleased to announce that they are the
new proprietors of Irish Roots magazine. Maureen has many years genealogical
experience and her daughter Julie hails from a background of TV production
and journalism. The magazine will continue to be produced quarterly
and Maureen as editor looks forward to receiving contributions of a genealogical
and historical nature from all family history societies throughout the
Country in order to ensure that societies of this ilk continue to thrive.
Maureen can be contacted at
and the website is
The yearly subscription including postage is 21 euros for Ireland and 23
euros elsewhere."
22 November 2007
5 November 2007
3 November 2007
30 October 2007
Heraldic functions of the National Library of Ireland.
24 October 2007: Statement from J Gerard Danaher, SC, Chairperson of the Board of the National Library of Ireland.
Following public questioning of the legal basis of the National Library of Ireland's heraldic functions, the Board of the National Library suspended the exercise of those functions pending receipt of the advice of the Attorney General on the matter.
That advice is to the effect that, on a proper construction of the National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997, the Board can exercise the heraldic powers provided for in the Act although, with minor amendment, the wording of the Act could be made more succinct.
The Board of the Library has formally brought this advice to the attention of the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism and understands that the matter is under his consideration.
However, in light of the advice it has received, the Board is satisfied that it can exercise the heraldic powers conferred on it by the 1997 Act and has, accordingly, lifted its temporary suspension on doing so.
The Board is aware that doubts exist regarding the legal basis of heraldic
functions exercised in the State prior to the establishment of the Board.
Such issues that may exist or arise in that regard are matters to be addressed
by the State, and not by the National Library of Ireland.
22 October 2007
New records added to Irish Genealogical Online Record Search System
We have received the following notice from the Irish Family History Foundation -
As part of the continuing Irish Family History Foundation's Online Research Service (ORS) we are pleased to announce the availability of the records of the Roscommon Heritage Centre. This adds over half a million more baptismal, birth, death and marriage records that can be searched and purchased online.
Just go to the following site and login using your existing IFHF login details.
The ORS is a national initiative organized by the Irish Family History Foundation which co-ordinates and represents the county based genealogical centres on the island of Ireland. Over the coming months the records of other centres will become available firstly as individual county databases, and then these will be amalgamated into one Irish records database which will allow searching across all counties and sources.
Remember that you can purchase and spend your credit at any of the IFHF onlines centres.
The follow sites are currently live:
Armagh Ancestry
Swords Heritage Centre
North Tipperary
Genealogy Centre
Roscommon Heritage and
Genealogy Centre
We hope you find the sites useful, and we will keep you informed
as to when more Irish Family History Foundation Centres go online in the
coming weeks.
12 September 2007
150 years of 'Irish Times' goes online
Irish Times is expanding their database.
Follow this link to the news article:
Here are a couple of quotes from the announcement:
"Genealogists and those researching their ancestors should also find
the site of particular interest.
Birth notices, obituaries, social notices, court reports and inquests
give considerable insight.
Written in the language of the time, reports also reflect the social
and historical background of daily life."
"The site is accessible through
and pricing starts at €10 for a 24-hour pass. The official launch
event will
take place in the Mansion House on October 8th."
30 August 2007
Public Records Office of Northern Ireland - move announced to new premises.
On 23 August 2007 Culture Minister Edwin Poots announced that the Titanic
Quarter will be the location for a new, state of the art Public Record
Office of Northern Ireland.
In his announcement the Minister said: "My Department has committed
£30 million to the re-location of the Public Record Office of Northern
Ireland (PRONI) in the hope that everyone from the region and indeed visitors
to Northern Ireland can use the resources it holds. The new state of the
art facilities will greatly enhance public access, with the new building
being prominently located within easy reach of many transport routes.
Given the choice of location it is very appropriate that many of the records held by PRONI including some on the Titanic, will be returning home to where they were originally drawn up and written. The regeneration of the Titanic Quarter, which is a very high profile landmark site in Belfast, will formally put PRONI on the map as a must see tourist attraction for local, national and international visitors."
Trinity Quarter is located beside the new Belfast Metropolitan College
and within walking distance of Belfast City Centre.
The timescale for the new record office is to have it open to the public
in August 2010.
For the full wording of the Minister's announcement see PRONI's web
3 July 2007
Dublin City Library & Archive, 138/144 Pearse St., Dublin 2.
New to Holdings.
Newspapers. – The Evening Irish Times January 1902 – October 1921
The Daily Express July 1907 – December 1915
Dublin Electoral Rolls Database.
1937 – 1945
1949 – 1951
1954 – 1957
1962 – 1964
Database prepared by John Grenham Genealogist in residence Dublin City
Library & Archive.
12 April 2007
National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
A number of changes have recently taken place at the National Library.
1. With effect from Monday 16th April 2007 the National Library's premises in Kildare
Street will open to the public at the earlier time of 9.30am, Monday to Saturday.2. The Microfilm Reading room located off the Reading Room is reserved for Newspaper
microfilm only. Self serve printing facilities are available in the room and print cards
for €2 or €1 can be got from a dispensing machine or at the Reading Room counter.
Printouts costs 50c each.3. A second Microfilm Room is now available on the first floor level for
Catholic Parish registers and Manuscripts. Printing of these records is not allowed.4. The Catalogue Room is now for Copying only and a limited self service facility is
planned for books from 1880, which should be available within a few weeks.5. The Catalogues have been moved into the Reading Room.
6. PCs for accessing The Times Newspapers and other sources are now located in the first
floor Microfilm Room7. The Genealogy Advisory Service has now returned to the main building on the first
floor landing. The Genealogy Service hours are Monday to Friday: 10.00am-12.30pm;
2pm - 4.45pm.
England & Wales 1911 Census Digitisation – National Archives,
Kew, England.
The following notice was received from the Federation of Family History Societies. The Irish Family History Society is a member of FFHS.
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES ANNOUNCES ITS PARTNER IN DIGITISING THE 1911 CENSUSThe National Archives is delighted to announce that Scotland Online will partner the UK government's official archive in the forthcoming project to put the 1911 census for England and Wales online.
Scotland Online was established in 1995, and is one of the UK's leading Internet business solutions providers. In 2002, in partnership with the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS), Scotland Online established what is now one of the world's leading genealogy websites ScotlandsPeople
The 1911 census (document references RG14 and RG78) is huge - it currently occupies 2 kilometres of shelving at The National Archives. Comprising over eight million householder schedules and a further 38,000 enumerators' summary books, it details information relating to approximately 35 million people then living in England and Wales.
Once digitised the census will take up an equally large ½ a petabyte of computer memory or, physically, 800 data tapes. The digital scanning alone in preparation for digitisation will create 18 million images - 14 times the number of images created in advance of the 1901 census being launched online in 2002.
From 2009 there will be a phased release of the information in the 1911 census starting with the major conurbations. This will include images and transcription data, but with sensitive data redacted in line with the Information Commissioner's recent ruling. From 3 January 2012 the public will have full access to the entire 1911 census, including the information not accessible in 2009. Researchers anywhere in the world will be able to
search across the fields of the census by name, address or The National Archives reference, and download high-resolution digital images.Maggie Loughran
Administrator, Federation of Family History Societies
It will greatly assist us if members include their membership number
in all communications.
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