ADAPT PROJECT (1998/1999)

Building the Information Society

Using Information and Communications Technology to enhance the Performance and Development of Self-Directed Work Teams

Adapt is a European Training and Development Initiative aimed at helping employees to adapt to new developments required to improve organisational competitiveness. Adapt provides funding to support innovative initiatives in organisations under a number of headings (called measures) one of which is called "Building the Information Society"

Our Adapt Project is funded under this measure and is entitled "Using Information and Communication Technology to Enhance the Performance and Development of Self-Directed Work Teams.

The project has 5 key elements:

1. Research of Information Needs

The Sifa Adapt Project Target Team are carrying out a research survey to determine the key information needs of our team members with the help of a professional researcher Isobel Butler. The findings will be benchmarked in some of our partner organisations.

3. Providing a User-Friendly

Information/Communication System

The Project Target Team will be trained in various types of Information / Communications Systems and will develop, with professional assistance, a user-friendly application to deliver the necessary information and manage necessary communications requirements

2. Training in Understanding and

using Information

Using the results from the research we will develop training initiatives (both classroom and multi-media) on understanding and using information. The Project Target Team will receive this training first and evaluate its effectiveness. Understanding Information Business Performance, Financial Results Quality Results, Sales & Marketing, Manufacturing Information

Understanding Information and Communications Technology

Use of Computers, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Electronic Mail,

Internet & Intranet, Multimedia


4. Certifying Competence in

Computer Skills

Three SIFA employees will be qualified as examiners/testers for the European Computer Drivers Licence Certification. The Project Target Team will follow the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Programme and become certified in computer skills. This qualification will also be available for other employees.

5. Evaluating the Benefits for Performance and Employee Development

The objective of the project is to develop training in information and communications and use of associated technology in order to improve performance and to enhance the development of our team members. One of our partners, Trinity College, will evaluate the effectiveness of the project outcomes/ products in achieving this objective.


  European Computer Driving Licence

The ECDL establishes standards for everyone who uses computer in either a professional or a personal capacity. It is a certificate that verifies your competence, declares your computer skills and makes you readily mobile within Irish business and across the Community.


The ECDL is for anyone who wants to certify their computer skills according to a pan-European industry standard. Each user gets a Skill-Card, this card records the skills you demonstrate in each of the 7 modules, as you pass the module sucessfully you will get a Licence on completion.

The Modules are as follows:

· Basic Concepts of IT

· Using a Computer and Managing Files

· Word Processing

· Spreadsheets

· Databases / Filing Systems

· Presentation and Drawing

· Information Network Services

Sifa has in the last few days become an authorised test centre for the ECDL after firstly 3 employees becoming tester for the site, being audited by ECDL Ireland Ltd

Project Teams

The Steering Team

General Manager Conor O’Brien

Human Resourses Manager John Driver

Financial Controller Kenneth Mc Cauley

BPC Manager Bernie Harten

Pharma Manger Werner Kunz

Project Co-ordinator Noelette O’Sullivan

Other Members Angela Cahill

Kathleen O’Leary

Karen Lenihan

The Target Team

Pharma Gordan Daffy

Kieran Carmody

Timothy Murphy

Shane Grimes

BPC Michael Carmody

Terence Bulter

Patrick Griffin

Des Hayes

Maintenance Brendan Shine

Warehouse Patrick Mc Carthy

Quality Control Sarah Duff


National Partners

Computer Products


Flexible Multimedia

Nortel Telcom


Trinity College

University of Limerick

Transnational Partners

1. Institut fur Berufliche Bildung


Bahnhofsplaz 9

26721, Emden


2. CRS4

via Nazario Sauro, 10

09123 Cagliari








Work to Date

1. At present we are researching into the

information needs and a technological

solution for the project by the method of

distributing a questionnaire to all

employees to complete.

2. We have been accepted as a Test Centre

for the ECDL to produce test and

correction of same for employees wishing

to be certified in ECDL Computer


3. Our First Transnational Partnership

Meeting was held on May 25th, present

were a contingent from CRS4 our

Sardinian Partners, a group of our national

partners, members of the Steering and

Target Teams. The aim of the meeting

was to look at areas of commonality

between both projects (SIFA LIMITED, &

CRS4) and lend support and co-operation

to each other for the duration of the












4. We have also had a visit from Helen Newman

from Leargas - The Exchange Bureau, who

are the agency to help us manage our projects

with the assistance from their Technical

Support Unit.

Transnational Partners


CRS4 Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia. Is an interdisciplinary applied research centre, working in the fields of simulation advanced modesl for the solution of large-scale computational and multimedia problems, scientific visualization and

high speed networking.

Objectives: Their main objective of the

VISION Project is to set-up an on-line database for the diffusion of Sardinian Culture.





IBB - Institute for professional training, an educational establishment with 25 locations in Germany engaged in the retraining and continue studies of the employed and unemployed in different areas.

Objectives: Improving qualification in new technologies of information and communication such as multimedia, internet etc of employers and leadership in SME’s and unemployed.











Adapt Phase I

"Formation of a Self-Directed Work team in a New Pharmaceutical Environment"

SIFA’s ADAPT project was undertaken under Measure 2 of ADAPT: Managing Change for SMEs.


The SIFA Project was aimed at employees and managers in organisations which are developing a team-oriented approach, and at organisations wishing to develop multiskilling and teamworking capacities. The training plan necessary for the project comprised a mixtire of technical and team training, In addition, training was planned for management in order to assist them in deveoping a team-centred environment and in overcoming learning blockages. As well as the technical training, the project undertook extensive training in teamwork which was crucial for the overall sucess of the project. Again this probed positive, and produced the development and testing of a number of teamwork training modules.


The Adapt Technical Support Unit will shortly publish a "Product Directory" for Adapt Phase One (1996-1997).

Adapt Phase I - Continuation

SIFA is now part of a group of 4 Companies working on developing the impact of the results of their respective Adapt I projects.


Group Members

Guinness Ireland Group


Aughinish Alumina Ltd

Golden Vale Plc



1. Cross testing the products developed

under Adapt I by the partners in order to

refine those products.

2. Evaluating and refining the products

based on the learnings

3. Developing a suite of common products.

4. Developing new products to add to this


5. Disseminating this suite of products

6. Develop a best practice guide to



The Groups first meeting was held on Monday 13th July at SIFA.