Iniscealtra National School

Mountshannon Co. Clare


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Current Date/Time 2

Comenius Project Seminar in Derry

In late November 2004, following an invitation from the Western Education and Library Board in Northern Ireland, the school attended a Comenius Contact Seminar in Derry. The purpose of the seminar was to allow schools from different parts of Europe to meet and exchange ideas with a view to identifying common themes which the children from a number of countries could then explore in a school project.

At the seminar, our school formed a partnership with schools in Belgium, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic and Spain. The working title for the project is The Euro Explorers where the children in each school will study the culture and lifestyle of each other's country in depth over the next three years. Using information technology - such as emails, bulletin boards and video-conferencing - there will be ongoing contact between the children. The children's knowledge and understanding of Europe and our role in it will expand considerably and they will have good fun in a learning situation.

The project must first be approved by the Irish Authorities and detailed planning will be underway during December and January.

The Euro Explorers teacher group at its meeting in Derry in November 2004:-
Back row from left - Monika Godlewska (Poland), Ligita Kukanauziene (Lithuania), Julia Dinusova (Slovakia), Katty Vanhoecke (Belgium), Jim Collins (Ireland).
Front row from left - Cristina Hernandez Perez (Spain) and Pilar Iglesias (Spain).

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