This programme was recorded at a talk given by Pam Mullan at the Ilac Centre Library on Thursday, July 12th 2001. Pam is a corporate reading consultant who is interested in helping people read more efficiently on paper and on screen.
Her website is at the following address:
She recommended the following sites where you can get e-books:
http://www.amazon.com (Buy eBooks online) http://www.barnesandnoble.com (One of the better services. They have a free course called "eBooks: The Future of Learning.") http://www.questia.com (You pay for access to their books and articles) http://www.netlibrary.com (Pay to access) http://www.ipl.org (A public service organisation at the Michigan School of Information. Can be browsed by author, title or by Dewey decimal classification.) |
To learn more about the developing standards for ebooks go to the following site:
The following resources will also offer more details about e-books:
For information about
libraries and e-books: |
Fergal O'Reilly's company is at the following web site:
Write to the programme at intothenet@ireland.com