Universal Design!
The guest on this programme was Alexis Donnelly from the Computer Studies Department of TCD. The event at which he spoke was organised by the Irish Internet Association. Nelius Lynch, Head of the Government Webmasters' Group and Mark Magennis from Frontend.com also addressed the seminar.
The website of the Irish Internet Association is:
Alexis recommended the following resources and websites:
Mark Magennis recommended the following sites:
http://www.vischeck.com/index.shtml http://www.w3.org WAI checklist: WAI resources: Tablin: The Wave: http://www.temple.edu/inst_disabilities/piat/wave/ Wai-ig discussion list:
Mark's company's website
is http://www.frontend.com Also you can find the Access-ie discussion list at: http://access.frontend.ie/ |
He also recommended a book on the topic: WEB Accessibility for People with Disabilities by Mike Paciello. CMP Books, Lawrence, Kansas. ISBN:1-929629-08-7.
Write to the programme at intothenet@ireland.com