Chat Rooms and Web site competition.

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Web Site Competition


If you have a website and if you are a fulltime student at first, second or third level, you might like to look at the following website where you can enter your site in a competition: We talked to Anna Maria and Eoin in studio who told us that you can also avail of free web space at this site.

Chat Rooms

Richard Butler recommended the following site as a useful one for businesses:

The following site allows you to enter a chatroom with graphics:

If you want to download the software for ICQ chat you can go to:

Win a book on Into the Net

If you would like to win a copy of Richard Butler's Book The Internet Demystified you need to answer the following question: What do the letters 'www' stand for?

Send your entries to including your name, address and e-mail address. The closing date for entries is March 2nd 2001.




 Write to the programme at  

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