Below is a list of local recruitment agencies. If you are an employer or if you're looking for a job, please email us and we will post your entry below. Click here to mail us or go to the end of this frame and use our fill-out form to post your jobs: wanted or offered - FREE of charge! |
Wexford Recruitment |
A local recruitment agency with a good selection of jobs in the area. |
Address: 20 Upper Georges Street, Wexford |
Tel.: (053) 23700 |
FÁS Jobs Ireland |
A national website with local courses and jobs. Updated daily. |
Web: www.fas.ie |
Tel.: 1850 66 77 66 |
Monster.ie |
A massive site with all sorts of jobs on offer, in Wexford and around the country. Great site. |
Web: www.monster.ie |
Jobs Wanted/Offered Form |