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I.A.S. Committee 2008-2009

The Society is a democratic body governed by the Committee, which is elected at the A.G.M. The Committee comprises the four officers and the five other Committee Members.

President: Deirdre Kelleghan
Vice President:John O'Neill
Honorary Secretary: James Kelly
Honorary Treasurer:David Branigan
Other Committee Members
Patricia Carroll
Val Dunne
John Murphy
Mike Murphy
James O'Connor

Other Office Holders

Curator of Instruments: vacant
Librarian: Robin Moore (Acting)
Director of Observations: John O'Neill
Editor of Orbit: vacant
Public Relations Officier: Deirdre Kelleghan
Membership Secretary: John Murphy
Editors of Sky-High: John O'Neill and Liam Smyth
Director, V.S.O.G.: John O'Neill
Webmaster: John O'Neill

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