The Wheels Of The Capitalist Machine Will One Day
Stop Turning As They Will Be Clogged With The Blood Of The Workers

By Tim Jaffa

Euros and cents, pounds and pence,
a severed dogs head on a white picket fence,
the workers are trapped in the nightmare of capitalism
and it's wheels will crush us all.

Red, white and blue is coming for you,
once you touch it, you're stuck, it's like sticky glue,
we work for a pittance under a big yellow m
and it's wheels will crush us all.

24 hours of ads television,
with subliminal messages of mass consumerism,
you're being programmed to buy, to oil the machine
whose wheels will crush us all.

One day we will force it to come to an end,
there's only so much of our souls we can spend,
first you will break, then buy again
and it's wheels will clog with the blood of the workers.


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