Island Hunt Branch
of the Irish Pony Club                   
Co Wexford, Ireland

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Links to sites that may be of interest to members

The Irish Pony Club 

Carbery Pony Club, Co.Cork

The UK Pony Club

The Euro Pony Club is made up of national pony clubs from 17 countries in Europe including Ireland

Show Jumping Association of Ireland organises showjumping in Ireland

Irish Pony Society- Northern Branch

Dublin Horse Show held at the RDS in Dublin every August 

Teagasc - Sports Horse Advice - some useful hints

Australian Pony Club

New Zealand Pony Club

American Pony Club

Connemara Pony Society of Ireland 

Dressage Ireland Organises dressage in Ireland

Irish Horse Society - commercial directory and free classified ads

International Sport Horse Show, 18-21 Sept 2003 Punchestown 

Equestrian Federation of Ireland National governing body for all equestrian sport except racing. A 32-county body responsible for all international competitions in Ireland and that sanctions all Irish riders and horses competing abroad at international events. 

Irish Horse Board promotes the Irish Sports Horse and maintains the stud book. Plenty of information including horses for sale and stallions online. 

Irish Army Equitation School Founded in 1926 - lots if interesting facts on their website

Eventing Ireland Organises competitions which combine dressage, showjumping and cross-country

Association of Irish Riding Clubs 121 affiliated clubs, 8 regions, 3000 members

Horse Ireland News, classified ads, good links

Irish Equimarkets News, lots of information, classified ads

Irish Farmers Journal has a section on horses

Irish Thoroughbred Marketing has interesting information on the racing industry including where to buy a racehorse

Irish Horse Trader a new website for advertising horses and ponies for sale

If you find any interesting sites that you think we should include please contact Ted O'Morchoe 0402-37911 or email islandponyclub at