What is the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)?
LCVP is a full leaving certificate plus three link modules: (1) Enterprise Education, (2)
Preparation for Work and (3) Work Experience. LCVP makes links between the leaving certificate subjects and the real world, to give the students a better understanding of what they are studying and why they are studying it.
The LCVP can be described as a Leaving Certificate with a strong vocational
dimension. It provides students with the ability to realise their potential for self-directed learning, for innovation and for enterprise.
The programme balances the virtues of the traditional academic Leaving Certificate
with the development of skills and qualities which will prove relevant to the lives of students on leaving school for further education, the world of work, or the business of making a living.
The LCVP gives students every opportunity for access to third level education. LCVP
students have the same opportunity to proceed to universities and other third level institutions as students of the already established Leaving Certificate.
What I expect from LCVP by John Malone (LCVP 5th Year)
I decided to take the LCVP this year because I believe it offers an enhanced Leaving
Certificate. It gives me the opportunity to study in more detail topics which are not normally available on the curriculum. I will be more prepared for the choices I have to make when I leave school, having studied the Link Modules for three periods each week.This Easter I will go on work experience for one week. If I find a particular job that I like then perhaps I will stick at that job. I think that it is different to the traditional Leaving Certificate and I hope that it will make a difference.So far I am really enjoying the course. |
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