Shooting in Ireland




Woodpigeon Shooting

In Ireland


National Association   of Regional Game Councils                                      



1st June to 31st January


An explanation from the N.A.R.G.C.   

Woodpigeon Season details and rumours answered.  

There is much uninformed rumour beginning to circulate regarding the season for the woodpigeon.  Incredibly, it has even been suggested that NARGC has called for a ban on shooting this species!  None of the rumours so far in circulation are true.  The situation is quite simple………………………….                      

                  Directive EC/409/79 “Birds” Directive, which has been in place since 1979 requires member states at Article 7 to protect all birds occurring within the national territories.  The Directive also provides that certain species (those listed in Annex II of the Directive) may be hunted, but not during their period of reproduction.  There is also provision in Article 9 that some species may be hunted outside the game season, and therefore during their period of reproduction to protect crops and against damage to other flora and fauna, or danger to aviation.  The woodpigeon is such a species…………………………………………….

                The legal situation has been that a game season has been granted to the woodpigeon by the Irish authorities for many years from 1st June to 31st January.  In Ireland, the latest independent scientific research confirms what was already known.  The woodpigeon breeds from April and mainly to the end of August but even into September.  Therefore, a game season begining on June 1st is illegal under Article 7 of the “Birds” Directive which requires that all birds must be protected during their breeding period.  Between January 31st and May 31st, the woodpigeon was also hunted by derogation under Article 9 of the Directive.  In effect, it was available for hunting all year round.  The EU Commission has put the Irish Government on notice of its intention to commence infringement proceedings against Ireland for this breach.  Ten years ago, NARGC warned the authorities of the possibility of this happening and were ignored.  It is therefore ironic to see some of the rumour circulating accusing the NARGC of seeking to ban shooting of woodpigeon.  It is surely a case of shooting the messenger.  The NARGC is not seeking any ban.  The solution to the problem has already been found which will not result in any disadvantage.  The solution is the same as that suggested by NARGC 10 years ago and it is simple.  It is a technical change only which will put Ireland in compliance with the Directive without endangering the shooting of this species for crop and other protection.  The season as a game bird is proposed to the Commission to be from November 1st to January 31st – an official hunting season outside the woodpigeon’s breeding period and in compliance with the “Birds” Directive.  It is also proposed that the species will continue to be hunted for crop protection outside that period as before by derogation under Article 9, also in compliance with the Directive.  Therefore, it can be seen that the changes are purely technical legal changes which will not change the practical situation as currently exists.  This has been reconfirmed by the writer with Duchas by telephone on today’s date.  As for the claim that NARGC has called for a ban on the use of shotguns to hunt the woodpigeon, we can only say that this is ridiculous in the extreme.  It is not true and in fact no such discussions of any nature with any party have taken place nor will they.

Desmond Crofton,

NARGC Director.



Therefore, it seems, one can continue to shoot pigeons throughout the year if they are causing crop damage 

-  no change!

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