Personal Reasons why Areas ought to be Composed of Three Clubs Again some of these ideas may hit home :-) Might be easier to grow to four clubs - there has been substantial club growth here in Ireland when the Areas were composed of three clubs only. Easier to find successors as the role being less onerous is more attractive to a greater number of members and not just to those people have the time to travel or addicted to Toastmasters. There is also a better chance of attracting more ordinary people into the role of Area Governor who in turn attract more people into Toastmasters. There is more continuity from year to year as the clubs host contests annually rather than every two years and so know what's involved. There are more former Area Governors who are now more experienced Toastmasters around who may be interested in founding a fourth club. Easier to find successors for Division Governors as the existing Area Governors will not be over stretched nor possibly burnt out. Better support for clubs as more attention can be given to each club by the official District appointed Toastmaster. More leadership opportunies for Toastmasters and TI wants to become as famous for leadership building as for improving communication skills. With two competitors per club per Area Final more members get an opportunity to speak in front of a larger crowd and secondly it is not the same competitors each time as may be case with only one member per club per Area Final as may be the case with a four/five club Area. This would result in a Division and more Areas, possibly strengthening the Division as there are more Area Governors. The Division Final also would be a larger affair with more Toastmasters participating, again experiencing a different and larger environment while at the same time bringing more supporters in the door. Areas where the clubs are in a triangle may be better than on the one road as then all three clubs are equidistant from each other rather than the one in the middle of a long straight road having all the luck. It might also be more conducive for club growth - a new club in the middle :-)