Press your selection 1-4 below
1. Code of Conduct for Players
2. Child Welfare Information For Parents/Guardians/Carers
Code of Conduct for Players
Play for
enjoyment, not just to please your parents or coach.
Play by
the Laws of the Game
argue with the referee’s decision.
Play with
control. Do not lose your temper.
Play for
yourself and your team - your team’s performance will benefit and so will your
Be a
“good sport”. Applaud all good
play whether by your own team or the opponent.
your opponent. Treat all players as
you would like to be treated.
opponents a hand if they are injured, put the ball out of play so they can
receive attention.
v Give the ball back to your opponents if they have put the ball out of play so that one of your team-mates could get attention.
Do not
“bully” or take advantage of any player. Do not accept “bullying” in
your club.
with referees, coaches, team-mates and opponents.
that the goals of the game are to have fun, improve your skills, and feel good.
At the
final whistle applaud and thank your opponents and the referee for the match.
remember that you owe a duty of care to your opponents.
v Tackle hard but fairly, do not intend to hurt your opponent
Win with
humility - lose with dignity. Nobody likes a sore loser.
Do not
attempt to cheat by diving or feigning injury in an attempt to con the referee.
It is
most important that you don’t keep secrets.
Tell your Club Children’s Officer, your parents, anyone you trust, if
someone is causing you harm or distress. You have a right to be safe.
Child Welfare Information For Parents/Guardians/Carers
We at Castleknock Celtic are committed to ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people who participate in soccer.
is the policy of Castleknock Celtic to safeguard the welfare of our under-age
players by protecting them from physical, emotional or sexual harm and from
neglect or bullying.
This information is given to you not as a response to massive problems within soccer, rather Castleknock Celtic has accepted its moral and legal responsibilities, and mainly to ensure that children enjoy soccer in safety.
all times we are committed to providing the highest possible standards of care
in a safe environment.
In this respect, children are
entitled to:
be safe
treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
competition and the desire to win as a positive and healthy outcome of striving
for best performance
be happy,
have fun and enjoy soccer
and make suggestions in a appropriate and constructive manner
listened to
importantly they are entitled to express concerns and make complaints in an
appropriate way and have these dealt with through an effective complaints
Castleknock Celtic’s Children’s Officers are Deirdre Finn (contactable at phone 086-3937135) and Treasa Hoey (contactable at phone 8221416).
On all away
trips, there is a designated Head of Delegation who has overall responsibility
for the player’s well being, behaviour and accommodation arrangements.
S/he will also act as the designated child protection officer for trips
and all concerns or complaints should be submitted to her/him.
In the event that the complaint refers to this person, players can approach any member of staff of their choice and they can be assured that their concerns will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
and players are also advised that they can raise concerns with the FAI National
Children’s Officer, who can be contacted at 087-9691422.
and players inhibited for any reason in reporting any incident internally or
unhappy with the internal response, can also report concerns to their local
Health Board, who have statutory responsibility for safeguarding and protecting
the welfare of children here in Ireland.
first priority is that no player will be exposed to unnecessary risk in
accordance with the fundamental principle that the welfare of the child is the
first and paramount importance.
allegations of child abuse will be managed in accordance with Government
Guidelines as outlined in “Children First”, National Guidelines for the
Protection and Welfare of Children.
In keeping with best practice standards, a parent/guardian consent form is required for all activities relating to the participation of your son/daughter/child in your care, whilst in the care of Castleknock Celtic.
Finn, Children’s Welfare Officer
Hoey, Children’s Welfare Officer
Tony Jordan, Club Secretary
(a) This Code of Ethics was written with specific reference to Coaches of
under aged. However, most aspects of this code are also applicable to people
involved in the game. Therefore,
all officials, other players, and parents/guardians should be aware that this
Code also applies to them.
(b) For the purposes of clarification the term "Official" will be
used in this document, to mean all adults with either supervisory, coaching or
management responsibility for players. The purpose in this document is to
provide guidelines for the behaviour of adults who are responsible either in a
club or representative team capacity.
(c) This Code is part of the F.A.I.'s policy on Child Protection and is to be
read in conjunction with the Irish Government's "Code of Ethics" and
Good Practice in Children's Sport. Adherence to these guidelines is intended
to protect officials, coaches and under age players.
All clubs under the auspices of the F.A.I. are required to have an annual
induction with regard to adopted child protection procedures and policies.
This would consist of all club officials being familiar with and agreeing with
(a) Even though the Coaching Manuals standards focus on and describe work
functions, they are based on a number of accepted assumptions and values which
underpin good practice in coaching and instructing. Throughout the following
Code the expression "Coach" whether used in the singular or the
plural shall include all teachers/coaches, assistants and other helpers whose
activities are connected with the disciplines regulated by the F.A.I. Where
the context of the Code admits the expression Coach this may also include
(b) The purpose of the Code of Ethics (referred to throughout the remainder of
the document as the Code) is to establish and maintain standards for Coaches
and to inform and protect members of the public using their services. Ethical
standards comprise such values as integrity, responsibility, competence and
The Code creates a framework within which coaches of under-aged, when engaged
in coaching in the fullest sense of the expression - should always work. The
Code has been written as a series of guidelines rather than a set of
instructions. However, violations of the Code may result in complaints being
made to the F.A.I. and in which case, in determining whether a conduct
complained of has brought the sport into disrepute or amounts to a violation
of the F.A.I. Law will consider the Code's provision when assessing the guilt
of individuals against whom complaints have been made the appropriate
sanctions to apply.
(a) Coaches should communicate and co-operate with other sports and allied
professions in the best interest of their players. An example of such contact
would be the seeking of education and career advice/counselling for young
players whose training impinges upon the performance of their studies.
(b) Coaches must communicate and co-operate with medical and ancillary
practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of their player’s
medical and psychological problems.
(a) Advertising by Coaches in respect of qualifications services shall be
accurate and professionally restrained.
Coaches shall not display any affiliation with an organisation in a manner
that falsely implies sponsorship or accreditation by that organisation.
(a) Coaches should refrain from public criticism of fellow Coaches.
Differences of opinion should be dealt with on a personal basis and more
serious disputes should be referred to the League or to the F.A.I. of
individuals against whom complaints have been made the appropriate sanctions
to apply.
(a) It is the responsibility of individual leagues and clubs to ensure that
parents, players, coaches and all members are familiar with and agree with the
underlying principles embodied in this Code of Ethics as the welfare and
protection of our underage players is the priority.
(b) Coaching is a deliberately undertaken responsibility, and coaches are
responsible for the observation of the principle embodied in the Code of
(e) It's the responsibility of the coach to attain a coaching qualification.
(d) It is the club's responsibility to have all their coaches qualified to the
appropriate level.
(a) Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being
and their ultimate right to self-determination. Specifically, teachers/coaches
must treat everyone equally within the context of their activity, regardless
of sex, ethnic origin, religion or political persuasion.
(a) The good Coach will be concerned primarily with the well being, health and
future of the individual Player and only secondarily with the optimising of
(b) A key element in a Coach Player relationship is the development of
independence of the Player.
(c) Players must be encouraged to accept responsibility for their own
behaviour and performance in training, in competition, and in their social
(d) The relationship between Coach and Player relies heavily on mutual trust
and respect
(e) In detail this means that the Player should be aware of the Coaches'
qualifications and experience and must be given the opportunity to consent to
or decline proposals for training and performance.
(f) Coaches must not encourage Players to violate the Laws of the Game and
should actively seek to discourage such action. Furthermore, Coaches should
encourage Players to obey the spirit of such Laws.
(g) Coaches must not compromise their Players by advocating measures, which
could be deemed to constitute seeking to gain an unfair advantage.
(h) Above ail, coaches must never advocate the use of prescribed drugs or
other banned performance enhancing substances.
(i) Coaches must treat opponents and officials with due respect, both in
victory and defeat and should encourage their Players to act in a similar
(j) Coaches must accept responsibility for the conduct of their Players
insofar as they will undertake to discourage inappropriate behaviour.
(a) Coaches inevitably gather a great deal of personal information about
Players in the course of a working relationship. Coach and Players must reach
agreement as to what is regarded as confidential information i.e. not divulged
to a third party without the express approval of the Player.
(b) Confidentiality does not preclude the disclosure of information, to
persons who can be judged to have a "right to know", relating to
Players when relevant to the following:
A Coach must not attempt to exert undue influence over the player's
performance in order to obtain personal benefit or reward.
(a) Coaches are given a position of trust by parents and players, and are
therefore expected to show the highest standards of behaviour while in the
company of under age players.
(b) The Coach must consistently display high personal standards and project a
favourable image of the game and of Coaching - to other Players, Coaches,
officials, spectators, the media and the general public.
(c) Personal appearance is a matter of individual taste but the Coach has an
obligation to project an image of health, cleanliness and functional
(d) Coaches should not drink alcohol so soon before coaching that their
judgement may be impaired and the smell of alcohol will still be on their
breath when working with Players.
(e) Under no circumstances should young players be in the proximity of alcohol
irrespective of the occasion
(f) As persons responsible for the well being of young people, it is
inappropriate to smoke in their presence or to behave in any fashion
inconsistent with your position of responsibility.
(a) Coaches have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the players with
whom they work as far as possible within the limits of their control.
(b) All reasonable steps should be taken to establish a safe working
(c) The work done and the manner in which it is done should be in keeping with
regular and approved practice within the game:
(d) The activity being undertaken should be suitable for the age, experience
and ability of the Players
(e) Players should have been systematically prepared for the activity being
undertaken and made aware of their personal responsibilities in terms of
(f) Coaches who use their own vehicles to transport players must ensure that
they have adequate insurance cover and be careful not to carry more than the
permitted number of passengers.
(a) All sports leaders should have an appropriate background and competence.
Specifically in relation to coaches, it is recommended that they should hold
Level 1 qualifications (National Coaching Development Programme).
(b) Coaches shall confine themselves to practice in those fields of coaching
in which they have been trained/educated, and which are recognised by the
F.A.I. as being valid. Valid areas of expertise are those directly concerned
with Soccer coaching. Training includes the accumulation of knowledge and
skills through both formal Coach education courses and by experience at a
level of competence acceptable for coaching practice.
(c) Coaches should regularly seek ways of increasing their professional
development and self-awareness.
(d) Coaches should welcome evaluation of their work from colleagues and be
able to account to Players, Clubs, Leagues and the F.A.I. and colleagues for
their actions.
(e) Coaches have a responsibility to themselves and their Players to maintain
their own effectiveness resilience and abilities, and to know when their
personal resources are so depleted as to make it necessary for them to seek
help withdraw from Coaching whether temporarily or permanently.
(a) Coaches are responsible for setting. and monitoring the boundaries between
a working relationship and friendship with their players. This is particularly
important when the coach and players are of opposite sex when the player is a
young person.
(b) The coach must realise that certain situations or friendly actions could
be misinterpreted, not only by the player, but by outsiders motivated by
jealousy, dislike or mistrust and could lead to allegations of sexual
misconduct or impropriety.
(d) The coach will on occasion be required to travel and reside with players
in the course of coaching and competitive matches. On such occasions, ensure
separate sleeping accommodation for Officials and Players.
(e) Where the team is composed of both genders, there should be a male and
female Official present.
(f) The Coach should never be alone in a room or similar (car for example)
with a Player. Where this is unavoidable, leave the door open and be within
earshot of others.
(g) Besides necessary manipulation of limbs in teaching technique, physical
contact is not appropriate.
(h) Physical contact for testing or paramedical purposes must only be done in
public and should be appropriate in nature. Any doubts of a medical nature
should be passed on to a suitably qualified medical person.
(i) Physical relationships with under-age players are illegal.(J) Officials
should avoid situations where they are alone with young players in changing
rooms. Wherever practicable, there should always be two or more adults in
changing rooms.
(k) The use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco should be actively discouraged as
being incompatible with a healthy approach to the playing of the game.
(l) Coaches should be aware of the illegality of prescribed drugs or other
banned performance enhancing substances.
(m) Coaches should strive to eliminate unfair practices, including the use of
drugs, which effect performance.
(a) The protection of under-age players from any form of abuse must be a
priority for all those involved in Soccer.
(b) If under age players are at risk of harm, it is the duty of those in a
position of responsibility to take immediate steps to remove the risk and to
ensure that all necessary procedures are undertaken in accordance with
statutory guidelines.
(c) The detection and prevention of child abuse depends on the co-operation of
all concerned. The following points are central to the success of this effort:
• Knowledge of the behavioural and physical indicators of various forms of
• Knowledge of the appropriate action and response to be taken when abuse is
revealed or detected;
• Vigilance and avoidance of all situations conducive to risk;
• Open, trusting and co-operative relationships within the Club and with
parents/guardians and others concerned with children's progress or welfare.
(d) Child abuse may be divided into four categories, which have been defined
as follows:
(e) Officials
involved with under age soccer should be aware of the signs and types of child
abuse as set out in the "Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's
(f) All child protection policies and procedures should be regularly reviewed
and amended as appropriate to ensure the highest standards of welfare are
All Leagues and Clubs will form a Child Protection Committee comprising of at
least three members. Part of their function would be to ensure the
implementation of this Code. With this in mind it must be remembered that no
club can affiliate to a league without honouring this responsibility.
(a) It is important to remember that reporting suspected child abuse in good
faith is not the same as making an accusation of abuse i.e. reporting does not
mean accusing.
(b) Responsibility for the investigation of child abuse cases suspected or
otherwise, lies with the Health Boards and the Civic Authorities.
Responsibility for monitoring and co-ordinating the management of such cases
also rests with the Health Boards.
(c) It is not appropriate for individuals, Clubs, or League to carry out
internal investigations into cases where child abuse is suspected.
(d) Any person who knows or suspects that a child is being harmed or is at
risk of being harmed has a duty to convey his/her concern to the Local Health
(e) It may be appropriate for a person to discuss concerns they have with
another person in the club such as the Children's Liaison Officer, or should
the concern relate to this person, then the child protection committee of the
club should be notified of the concerns.
(f) The type of discussions referred to in (e) above would most likely happen
in cases where no specific allegation of child abuse has been made, but the
concern is based on emotional behaviour and/or physical indications of a
particular child.
(g) Within a school, concerns relating to child abuse must be reported
immediately to the Principal.
(h) In cases where an allegation has been made, then the matter has to be
reported immediately to the relevant Statutory Authorities.
(i) Should allegations of a sexual nature be made against a coach he/she
should be suspended immediately pending an appropriate investigation.
(j) When matters regarding the safety of other children arise in the Club
scenario, it will also be necessary for the child protection committee to be
informed of the allegations made, so that suspension of the person against
whom the allegations have been made, from activities which involve under age
players, may be carried out until the conclusion of an investigation by the
Statutory Authorities.
(k) All concerns and allegations made should be carefully recorded.
Confidentiality should be maintained at all stages.
(l) In the case of a suspension, the official being suspended should be
formally notified by senior personnel within the Club or League.
(m) An Official against whom an allegation of abuse has been made should be
informed that this is not an accusation and that the procedures being
undertaken are in accordance with statutory guidelines. He or she should be
assured that all information will be dealt with in a sensitive and
confidential manner within the Club or League.
(n) The Official should be made aware of the general nature of any allegations
made against him/her and of any allegation being made known to the Statutory
(o) The Official concerned should be afforded the opportunity to present a
formal response to the allegation to senior personnel in the Club or League.
From this point onwards the matter should only be dealt with by the Statutory
(p) In the case of an allegation of child sexual abuse, it will be necessary
to withhold the name of the child and the precise details of the allegation,
in the interest of confidentiality and child protection.
(a) Deal with any allegation of abuse in a sensitive and competent manner
through listening to and facilitating the child to tell about the problem.
(b) Stay calm and do not show any extreme reaction to what the child is saying
and take it seriously
(c) Permit the child to speak without interruption, accepting what is said.
(d) Reassure the child that he/she was right to tell, and that he/she will be
(e) Alleviate feeling of guilt and isolation, while passing no judgement on
the person against whom the allegation is made.
(f) False promises should not be made such, as saying no-one else will be
(g) Indicate what should happen next, such as informing parents, Child
Protection Committee, reporting to statutory authority etc.
Any and all consultations with others should be entirely confidential and
should not involve investigative procedures.
Write a detailed account of any discussion regarding alleged or suspected
abuse, as soon as possible after the discussion has taken place.Do not
trivialise child abuse issues or trivialise or exaggerate what the child has
told you.
(a) Should you witness or receive information that leads you to believe that a
serious breach of this Code has occurred, in addition to observing the
Reporting Procedures defined in paragraph 16, you are required to bring the
matter to the attention of the relevant management body, be it Club, or
League. No further action is to be taken on your part, and no information is
to be provided to others, save as provided below.
(b) If you have evidence of an illegal activity that directly relates to the
Game, you are obliged to inform the Gardai or F.A.I. as appropriate and you
should notify the Club and the F.A.I. of the fact.
(c) You are not to discuss the matter with persons not already involved except
with the express permission of the investigation authorities.
(d) You are required to give every assistance possible to the Gardai, or the
Club, or to the appropriate Committee of the F.A.I. in the investigation of
the matter, and to assist with any necessary steps being taken by them in
relation to the matter.
(e) Should a member of the F.A.I. make or repeat false and malicious
allegations against a fellow Coach, they will be liable to disciplinary
proceedings deemed appropriate by the F.A.I. Players making malicious and
false allegations will also be subject to disciplinary action.
(f) All Clubs affiliated to the F.A.I. are required to furnish all of their
members and officials with copies of this Code. Clubs and/or Officials found
to be in breach of this Code will be required to provide an explanation to the
F.A.I. who, where appropriate will impose disciplinary action.
1.1 Play for enjoyment, not just to please your parents or coach.
1.2 Play by the Laws of the Game
1.3 Always accept the referee's decision.
1.4 Play with control. Do not loose your temper.
1.5 Play for yourself and your team - your team's performance will benefit and
so will your own.
1.6 Be a "good sport". Applaud all good play whether by your team or
the opponent.
1.7 Respect your opponent. Treat all players, as you would like to be treated.
Do not "bully" or take advantage of any player.
1.8 Co-operate with the coach, teammates and opponents.
1.9 Remember that the goals of the game are to have fun, improve your skills,
and feel good.
1.10 At the final whistle applaud and thank your opponents and the referee for
the match.
1.11 Always remember that your owe a duty of care to your opponents. Tackle
hard but fairly; do not intend to hurt your opponent.
1.12 Win with humility - loose with dignity.
2.1 Remember that as a coach of under-age teams you must act in "loco
parentis" and to that extent your duty of care is more onerous than that
of a coach to an adult team.
2.2. Remember that young people need a coach whom they can respect. Lead by
2.3 Be generous with your praise when it is deserved.
2.4 Never ridicule or shout at players for making mistakes or losing a match.
2.5 Teach your players that the Laws of the Game are mutual agreements, which
no one should evade or break.
2.6 Be reasonable in your demands on the players' time, energy and enthusiasm.
Remember that they have other interests and demands on their time.
2.7 Prepare young players for inter-class and inter-school activities.
2.8 Ensure that all players participate in matches. The "average"
players require and deserve equal time.
2.9 Remember that young players play for fun and enjoyment and that skill
learning and playing for fun have priority over highly structured competition-
Winning is not the only objective.
2.10 Develop player and team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as
for the judgement of Referees and opposing coaches.
2.11 Insist on fair play and disciplined play. Do not tolerate foul Play,
fighting or foul language. Be prepared to take off an offending player
2.12 Set realistic goals for the team and individual player's and do not push
young players into adult like competitions.
2.13 Encourage young players to develop basic skills and sportsmanship. Avoid
over specialisation in positional play during their formative years.
2.14 Create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to train and play.
2.15 Do not over-burden younger players with too much information.
2.16 Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on sound coaching
principles and methods, and on the principles of growth and development of
young people.
2.17 Be aware of the effect you have on growing children.
2.18 Never criticise the referee or assistant referee during or after a match
in front of players or spectators.
2.19 Always thank the match officials and if they have made decisions which
require clarification, discuss the problems after everyone has changed.
2.20 Seek and follow the advice of a doctor in determining when an injured
player is ready to play again.
2.21 Ensure that proper equipment and facilities are available at all times
2.22 Ensure that all your players know that bullying whether verbal or
physical will not be tolerated.
3.1 Remember, young people are involved in Soccer for their enjoyment, not
3.2 Encourage your child always to play by the Laws of the Game.
3.3 Teach young children that honest endeavour is as important as winning, so
that the result of each game is accepted without disappointment.
3.4 Help young people to work towards skill improvement and good
3.5 Set a good example by applauding good play on both sides.
3.6 Never ridicule, humiliate or shout at young players for making a mistake
or losing a match.
3.7 Do not place emphasis on winning at all costs.
3,8 do not force an unwilling child to participate in the playing of soccer.
If the child is to play, he/she will do so in good time through your
encouragement. There are other aspects of soccer other than playing which are
equally fulfilling.
3.9 Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from soccer.
3.10 As a spectator, do not use profane language or harass referees, coaches,
or players.
3.11 Do not publicly question the referees' judgement and never their honesty.
3.12 Recognise the value and importance of volunteer referees and coaches.
They give of their time and resources to provide recreational activities for
young people.
3.13 Encourage in your child an appreciation of mutual respect for team-mates
and opponents.
4.1 Remember that although young people play organised soccer they are not
miniature Internationals.
4.2 Be on your best behaviour and lead by example.
4.3 Applaud good play by the visiting team as well as your own.4.4 Show
respect for your team's opponents. Without them there would not be a match.
4.5 Condemn the use of violence in all forms at every opportunity
4.6 Verbal abuse of players or referees cannot be accepted in any shape or
form. Players or referees are not fair targets for ignorant behaviour.
4.7 Encourage young players to play by the Laws of the Game.
Dear Parent & Player,
20th July 2005
Well here we are at the beginning of
another new season at Castleknock Celtic. We
would like to welcome Parents and Players back to the club and we look forward
to another rewarding season. If
you’re a new member to the Castleknock Celtic team you are very welcome.
In an ever-continuing effort to improve
facilities and standards at Castleknock Celtic, and in conjunction with the FAI,
we would like to announce that we have two new Children’s Officers – Deirdre
Finn (086-3937135) and Treasa Hoey (phone 8221416).
The aim of the FAI in implementing their initiative with regard to child
protection is not only to ensure the protection of all players, managers,
parents and the club itself, but to ensure that the FUN element is at the centre
of the game, while developing the player’s skills at the same time.
Castleknock Celtic has been to the forefront in this regard and our Code
of Ethics is available on-line at
or through the Secretary of the Club (email :
or phone 087-6535354).
To further establish this ethos at
Castleknock Celtic, we would ask that you as Parent/Player read and understand
the Code of Ethics. When completed
please sign the bottom of this letter, as required by the FAI, as acceptance of
your willingness to agree to abide by the Code during your time at the club.
The form should then be returned to the Manager or Children’s Officer BEFORE
the start of the season.
Finally, we try to give coverage to matches from time to time on our website and we find that players like to see their photos shown there. Please tick the appropriate box below to indicate your preference regarding your child’s photo being posted there.
Tony Jordan
Deirdre Finn
Treasa Hoey
Hon. Secretary
Children’s Officer
Children’s Officer
Parent Player
Team : ______
Mobile phone : __________________
Dear Manager
20th July 2005
Well here we are at the beginning of
another new season at Castleknock Celtic. We
would like to welcome you back to the club and we look forward to another
rewarding season. If you’re a new
member to the Castleknock Celtic team you are very welcome.
In an ever-continuing effort to improve
facilities and standards at Castleknock Celtic, and in conjunction with the FAI,
we would like to announce that we have two new Children’s Officers – Deirdre
Finn (phone 086-3937135) and Treasa Hoey (phone 8221416).
The aim of the FAI in implementing their initiative with regard to child
protection is not only to ensure the protection of all players, managers,
parents and the club itself, but to ensure that the FUN element is at the centre
of the game, while developing the player’s skills at the same time.
Castleknock Celtic has been to the forefront in this regard and our Code
of Ethics is available on-line at
or through the Secretary of the Club (email :
or phone 087-6535354).
To further establish this ethos at
Castleknock Celtic, we would ask that you as Manager to read and understand the
Code of Ethics. When completed
please sign the bottom of this letter, as
required by the FAI, as acceptance of your willingness to agree to abide by the
Code during your time at the club. The
form should then be returned to the Hon. Sec. or to the Children’s Officer BEFORE
the start of the season.
Yours in Sport
Tony Jordan
Deirdre Finn
Treasa Hoey
Hon. Secretary
Children’s Officer
Children’s Officer
Team : ______
Mobile phone : __________________
E-mail address :