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CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF CASTLEKNOCK CELTIC FOOTBALL CLUBTITLE : OBJECTS AND COLOURS 1. The name of the club shall be Castleknock Celtic Football Club. 2. The objects of the club shall be the promotion of association football, and to provide the required amenities, for social, athletic and sporting activities, for the benefit, and generally to foster a spirit of good fellowship. 3. The official colours of the club shall be a Green and White hooped shirt, with matching socks and shorts. The alternate strip shall be yellow shirts with matching socks and shorts. MEMBERSHIP 4. Membership of the club shall be open to all residents of the Castleknock area, and to any other persons whom the executive committee hereinafter called the committee, may from time to time declare eligible for membership. 5. Every schoolboy wishing to become a member of Castleknock Celtic Football Club - hereinafter called the Club -, shall in making his application supply a copy of his birth certificate to the club secretary (hereinafter called the secretary). Schoolboys shall however be limited to associate membership. 6. Every applicant for membership shall become a member if he or she is elected as such by the committee. 7. The secretary shall inform the applicant, in writing, of its decision as soon as possible after the decision. 8. Membership of the club shall be renewed annually on payment of the appropriate fee. 9. A person transferring membership from another football club shall be responsible for the complete and proper processing of all transfer documentation. 10. Honorary membership of the club may be conferred on any person who has rendered exceptional service to the club. They may be selected for life or such period as stated in the minute made on the occasion of their MEMBERSHIP - Contd. selection. Honorary members shall have the privileges of full members, except they shall not be entitled to vote or engage in the management or other control of the club. They shall not be obliged to pay the subscription as provided for in rule 21. 11. Associate membership shall be open to persons who wish to become involved in additional activities as may be promoted by the club. 12. The secretary shall keep a register of members and enter in it the names, addresses and registered numbers of all persons who become members. 13. A person shall cease to be a member of the club:- (A) Upon giving written notice to the secretary of resignation of membership. (B) Upon failure to pay the annual subscription within one month after the due date for payment which shall be decided by the committee. (C) If, having been involved in or concerned in any incident or activity which in the opinion of the committee is prejudicial to the interest of the club and/or its members, and the committee resolves by a majority of three quarters to remove him from his membership. 14. The committee shall also have power to caution a club member under 13(C) or to suspend him for whatever period it deems appropriate to the circumstances. 15. Suspended members shall not avail of the facilities of the club while so suspended at the discretion of the committee. 16. Members suspended or expelled from the club shall, as soon as possible after the decision, receive notice in writing signed by the secretary. 17. A suspended or expelled member may appeal to the committee within 7 days of receiving notice of suspension. 18. Any appeal shall be in writing and set out the grounds on which the appeal is based, and will be given to the secretary within 7 days. 19. Any appeal shall be determined by the committee and the result of same communicated in writing to the affected member(s) as soon as possible after the committee meeting held to decide the issue. 20. A member who is the subject of investigation may be asked to appear before the committee; he shall have the right to appear, and to produce fellow-members as witnesses if he so wishes. SUBSCRIPTION 21. There shall be an annual subscription by members other than honorary members. The amount of the subscription shall be decided by the committee following the A.G.M. of the club. Subscriptions shall be payable by the due date, see 13(B). No member shall be eligible to play for the club unless his subscription is duly paid. 22. The committee shall have the power to renew membership under such terms as it sees fit to any person whose membership shall have lapsed under rule 13. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 23. The affairs of the club shall be managed by an executive committee elected at the A.G.M. to be held between 1st May and 30th September of each year. 24. The committee shall consist of a chairman, club secretary, treasurer, assistant secretary and assistant treasurer. 25. The committee shall hold office for a period of one year or until the following A.G.M. whichever is sooner. 26. Any member of the committee may retire by giving one week's prior notice to the secretary, and all shall retire at the end of each annual general meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election at that meeting. Any member of the committee who fails to attend at three consecutive meetings, including emergency meetings without valid reason, will automatically be deemed to be a lapsed member of the committee. 27. The committee shall administer the business affairs of the club and the property under its control in accordance with the aims and objects of the constitution. 28. Not less than 3 days written or oral notice shall be given by the secretary to the committee members of meetings which shall be held on the first Monday of each month or on the nearest appropriate date, but in an emergency at the discretion of the chairman and secretary, additional meetings may be called, on not less than 24 hours notice. The agenda for committee meetings shall be decided by the secretary and/or chairman. 29. The chairman shall preside over all meetings of the committee. In his absence, the secretary shall preside, if both are absent, the committee may elect a member present to preside as chairman. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - contd 30. Decisions at meetings shall be made by a simple majority subject to the provisions at para. 33, and in the event of equality of voting, the chairman (or the acting chairman) shall have a casting vote. Voting may be by a show of hands, or by secret ballot, at the discretion of the committee. 31. If any vacancy arises during the year, the committee may appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy. 32. The committee shall have sole right to appoint from time to time sub-committees whose membership shall not exceed three. It shall define the duties of such sub-committees and retain control in all matters and activities which it considers of importance to the general welfare of the club, including the disposal of any funds in the hands of such sub-committees. 33. The committee shall have the power to nominate to such sub-committees a chairman who will be expected to report to the committee as required. When he/she so reports and votes are taken in matters relating to his sub-committee, the votes passed at the original sub-committee shall be taken into account. 34. Where "Footballer Of The Year" awards are deemed by the committee to be merited, in the case of schoolboys they shall be selected by respective managers, while senior team members will select their "Footballer Of The Year" by taking a vote. 35. The members of the committee shall not be liable (otherwise than as members) for any loss in the discharge of their duties on its behalf, except such loss as arises from their respective wilful default, and they shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the club for all expenses and other liabilities incurred. FINANCE 36. Any expenditure of the funds of the club shall be approved by the committee. 37. Club funds shall be kept in an approved financial institution. All cheques shall be signed by any two authorised signatories. 38. (A) Books and accounts of all club financial transactions shall be kept by the treasurer and audited accounts shall be presented at each AGM. FINANCE - contd. (B) The auditor shall be a professional accountant and shall not be a member of the club. He shall be appointed at each AGM. (C) A report on the club finances shall be presented to the executive committee at the first meeting of every month by the treasurer. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 39. Prior to an AGM, the Hon.Secretary shall twenty-one days beforehand inform all members in writing of the date, time and place of the meeting, and request notices of motions in writing. 40. Voting at the AGM shall be by open vote per member entitled to vote who shall comprise all the executive committee members and other full members of the club. A simple majority shall decide any issue. Full members of the club shall include all senior players, one adult member per family of each schoolboy player, associate members as provided for under para. 11, and each member of the executive committee. 41. The committee shall be elected at the AGM and shall resume office at the end of the AGM. 42. The following business shall be transacted at the AGM: (A) Minutes of the previous AGM. (B) Annual report submitted by Secretary. (C) Financial statement submitted by the Treasurer. (D) Election of officers to the committee. (E) Notices of motions. (F) General business. 43. Each nomination for election to the committee shall be made by a proposer and a seconder, each of whom must be a fully paid up member of the club. 44. Members may submit motions for discussion and decision at the AGM, and such motions shall be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary ten clear days before the AGM. 45. Resolutions at an AGM to amend articles of the club Constitution shall be passed by three-quarters of the votes entitled to be cast by the members at the meeting. 46. A member not present at the AGM may be elected to the committee if he has submitted valid reason for his absence. 47. The AGM shall determine policy and shall give instructions to the incoming executive committee. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 48. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called if more than half of the executive committee so requisition, or on the written requisition of not less than two-thirds of the members exclusive of the executive committee. Such a meeting shall be called by the secretary within 14 days of his receiving a direction from the committee, or a written requisition from not less than two thirds of the club membership exclusive of the executive committee. 49. Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be communicated in writing to all members, and such notice shall state the nature of the business to be transacted at such a meeting. No other business shall be transacted at the said meeting. 50. A written requisition for an extraordinary general meeting shall state the reason for same. 51. The quorum for such extraordinary general meeting shall be not less than one third of the total registered membership. 52. Resolutions at extraordinary general meetings shall be passed by a majority of three-quarters of the votes entitled to be cast by the members at the meetings. 53. (A) The club shall have the power to acquire and hold and to sell, lease, mortgage or charge real and personal property. Real property shall not be transferred, sold, leased, conveyed, mortgaged or otherwise dealt with without the consent of the committee. (B) The number of trustees of the real property of the club shall not be fewer than 2 and not more than 4. (C) The trustees shall hold office until death, registration or removal from office by a resolution of an AGM of the club. Trustees shall be ex- officio extra members of the club committee. (D) There shall be vested in the trustees all the property of the club, other than cash which will be under the control of the Treasurer, Secretary and Chairman, as trustees of the personal property of the club. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING - contd. (E) The trustees of the real property of the club shall deal with the property so vested in them by way of sale, mortgage, charge, lease, or otherwise howsoever as directed by the club, passed by a majority of the members present at a duly convened meeting of the club and when so passed shall in favour of a purchaser, mortgager, charger, leaser or granter be binding upon all members of the club. A certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary for the time being of the club shall in favour of the said persons be conclusive evidence that a direction was duly given to the trustees. (F) The personal property of the club shall be held in trust by the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for the time being of the club. They shall invest the funds in accordance with the directions of the committee, a note of which shall be made in the minute book of the club. (G) The trustees and members of the committee shall not be liable (otherwise than as members) for any loss in the discharge of their respective duties on its behalf, except such loss as arises from their respective wilful default, and they shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the club for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in discharge of their respective duties. REGISTRATION OF SCHOOLBOY/GIRL PLAYERS IN LEAGUES 54. Schoolboy players shall be registered with the appropriate leagues in the appropriate age-groups which shall be determined in accordance with the birth certificate submitted with their club membership applications. Under no circumstances shall an over-aged player be used in an official football match. Registration of players with the leagues shall be carried out without undue delay to ensure players eligibility prior to their playing in official games. Schoolboy members shall be registered to play in their own age- group except where otherwise decided by the committee. If a player is being played in an age-group older than his natural age-group, his parents shall be so informed. INTERPRETATION OF THE RULES. 55. The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this Constitution and Rules, and the decision of the committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the club, and not provided for by this Constitution and Rules, shall be final and binding on the members, subject to an appeal to the committee, or to an A.G.M or INTERPRETATION OF THE RULES - contd. extraordinary general meeting. A decision by the committee shall not, in any circumstances, be subject to an appeal to any court of law. 56. The committee shall not be responsible for: (A) The property of club members. (B) Damage or loss of property. (C) Injuries suffered by members. ALTERATION OF RULES. 57. Alteration and additions to this Constitution and Rules may be made at any A.G.M or at an extraordinary general meeting called for the purpose. Members wishing to propose alterations or additions to this Constitution and Rules must send notice of the proposed alterations or additions in writing to the secretary not later than ten clear days before the A.G.M. Anthony Jordan Hon. Secretary 2/11/91 [as amended ....]
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