// init include server if (isServer) then { #ifdef __DEFAULT__ d_bap_counter = 0; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_create_pos = [7538.68,1774.33,0]; d_bonus_air_positions = [ [[7882.39,1858.47,0], 150], [[7889.29,1868.64,0], 150], [[7916.63,1878.25,0], 150], [[7934.26,1888.01,0], 150], [[7951.35,1897.63,0], 150], [[7969.25,1907.26,0], 150], [[7986.89,1916.95,0], 150] ]; } else { d_bonus_create_pos = [4140.94,11077.3,0]; d_bonus_air_positions = [ [[4810.18,10198.1,0], 240], [[4833.96,10157.5,0], 240], [[4858.06,10115.1,0], 240], [[4882.69,10074.5,0], 240], [[4908.32,10032.5,0], 240], [[4928.85,9989.33,0], 240], [[4782.28,10129.4,0], 60], [[4806.74,10085.6,0], 60], [[4831.7,10043.4,0], 60], [[4854.84,9998.71,0], 60], [[4881.22,9957.26,0], 60] ]; }; #endif #ifdef __TT__ if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_create_pos_w = [7538.68,1774.33,0]; } else { d_bonus_create_pos_w = [4498.87,2731.55,0]; }; d_bap_counter_w = 0; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_air_positions_w = [ [[7882.39,1858.47,0], 150], [[7889.29,1868.64,0], 150], [[7916.63,1878.25,0], 150], [[7934.26,1888.01,0], 150], [[7951.35,1897.63,0], 150], [[7969.25,1907.26,0], 150], [[7986.89,1916.95,0], 150] ]; } else { d_bonus_air_positions_w = [ [[4810.18,10198.1,0], 240], [[4833.96,10157.5,0], 240], [[4858.06,10115.1,0], 240], [[4882.69,10074.5,0], 240], [[4908.32,10032.5,0], 240], [[4928.85,9989.33,0], 240], [[4782.28,10129.4,0], 60], [[4806.74,10085.6,0], 60], [[4831.7,10043.4,0], 60], [[4854.84,9998.71,0], 60], [[4881.22,9957.26,0], 60] ]; }; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_create_pos_e = [5514.88,10988.5,0]; } else { d_bonus_create_pos_e = [12609.9,12486.8,0]; }; d_bap_counter_e = 0; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_air_positions_e = [ [[5818.1,11362.60], 315], [[5774.4,11323.90], 315], [[5730.43,11281,0], 315], [[5701.43,11244.2,0], 315], [[5678.93,11221.8,0], 315], [[5653.48,11195.8,0], 315], [[5625.88,11167.9,0], 315] ]; } else { d_bonus_air_positions_e = [ [[12155.7,12747.9,0], 200], [[12183.7,12736.2,0], 200], [[12209.8,12726.5,0], 200], [[12233.7,12717.8,0], 200], [[12269.9,12703.3,0], 200] ]; }; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ d_bonus_create_pos = [4554.66,819,688,0]; d_bap_counter = 0; d_bonus_air_positions = [ [[4522.01,822.224,0], 270], [[4536.73,798.336,0], 270], [[4590.8,829.77,0], 270], [[4580.11,859.758,0], 90], ]; #endif #ifdef __DEFAULT__ d_bvp_counter = 0; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_vec_positions = [ [[8128.62,2068.79,0], 60], [[8130.76,2055.11,0], 60], [[8132.96,2051.2,0], 60], [[8135.27,2047.27,0], 60], [[8135.27,2042.9,0], 60], [[8140.16,2038.67,0], 60], [[8142.7,2034.35,0], 60], [[8145.38,2030.12,0], 60], [[8147.78,2026.13,0], 60], [[8143.23,2067.33,0], 240], [[8145.73,2063.16,0], 240], [[8147.93,2058.41,0], 240], [[8150.36,2054.63,0], 240], [[8152.8,2050.83,0], 240], [[8155.23,2046.74,0], 240], [[8157.66,2042.82,0], 240], [[8160.22,2038.89,0], 240], [[8162.65,2034.82,0], 240] ]; } else { d_bonus_vec_positions = [ [[4549.62,10662.3,0], 240], [[4535.23,10684.9,0], 240], [[4522.52,10707,0], 240], [[4512.36,10724.5,0], 240], [[4501.14,10742.5,0], 240], [[4487.8,10765.4,0], 240], [[4477.91,10783.2,0], 240], [[4467.64,10802.1,0], 240] ]; }; #endif #ifdef __TT__ d_bvp_counter_w = 0; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_vec_positions_w = [ [[8128.62,2068.79,0], 60], [[8130.76,2055.11,0], 60], [[8132.96,2051.2,0], 60], [[8135.27,2047.27,0], 60], [[8135.27,2042.9,0], 60], [[8140.16,2038.67,0], 60], [[8142.7,2034.35,0], 60], [[8145.38,2030.12,0], 60], [[8147.78,2026.13,0], 60], [[8143.23,2067.33,0], 240], [[8145.73,2063.16,0], 240], [[8147.93,2058.41,0], 240], [[8150.36,2054.63,0], 240], [[8152.8,2050.83,0], 240], [[8155.23,2046.74,0], 240], [[8157.66,2042.82,0], 240], [[8160.22,2038.89,0], 240], [[8162.65,2034.82,0], 240] ]; } else { d_bonus_vec_positions_w = [ [[5071.31,2352.51,0], 212], [[5095.94,2338.93,0], 212], [[5120.67,2323.57,0], 212], [[5147.34,2306.6,0], 212], [[5169.8,2292.16,0], 212] ]; }; d_bvp_counter_e = 0; if (__OAVer) then { d_bonus_vec_positions_e = [ [[5933.06,11360.7,0], 305], [[5939.04,11371.5,0], 305], [[5950.53,11387.4,0], 305], [[5960.81,11399.6,0], 305], [[5973.8,11412.1,0], 305], [[5986.26,11426.2,0], 305] ]; } else { d_bonus_vec_positions_e = [ [[11937.9,12683.1,0], 15], [[11909.5,12691.1,0], 15], [[11885.3,12700.7,0], 15], [[11861.4,12708.5,0], 15], [[11833.7,12718.1,0], 15] ]; }; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ d_bvp_counter = 0; d_bonus_vec_positions = [ [[4160.56,1255.73,0], 270], [[4163.5,1251.85,0], 270], [[4173.54,1232.68,0], 270] ]; #endif d_firebase = #ifndef __OA__ if (d_enemy_side == "EAST") then {"Firebase1_RU"} else {"Firebase1_US"}; #else if (d_enemy_side == "EAST") then {"Firebase1_TK_EP1"} else {"Firebase1_US_EP1"}; #endif #ifndef __OA__ d_artillery_radar = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "WEST": {"USMC_WarfareBArtilleryRadar"}; case "EAST": {"RU_WarfareBArtilleryRadar"}; case "GUER": {"Gue_WarfareBArtilleryRadar"}; }; #else d_artillery_radar = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "WEST": {"US_WarfareBArtilleryRadar_EP1"}; case "EAST": {"TK_WarfareBArtilleryRadar_EP1"}; case "GUER": {"TK_GUE_WarfareBArtilleryRadar_EP1"}; }; #endif #ifndef __OA__ d_air_radar = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "WEST": {"USMC_WarfareBAntiAirRadar"}; case "EAST": {"RU_WarfareBAntiAirRadar"}; case "GUER": {"GUE_WarfareBAntiAirRadar"}; }; #else d_air_radar = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "WEST": {"US_WarfareBAntiAirRadar_EP1"}; case "EAST": {"TK_WarfareBAntiAirRadar_EP1"}; case "GUER": {"TK_GUE_WarfareBAntiAirRadar_EP1"}; }; #endif #ifndef __OA__ d_enemy_hq = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {"BTR90_HQ_unfolded"}; case "WEST": {"LAV25_HQ_unfolded"}; case "GUER": {"BRDM2_HQ_Gue_unfolded"}; }; #else d_enemy_hq = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {"BMP2_HQ_TK_unfolded_EP1"}; case "WEST": {"M1130_HQ_unfolded_EP1"}; case "GUER": {"BRDM2_HQ_TK_GUE_unfolded_EP1"}; }; #endif // _E = East // _W = West // _G = Guer // this is what gets spawned d_allmen_E = #ifndef __OA__ [ ["East","RU","Infantry","RU_InfSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","RU_InfSection"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","RU_InfSection_AT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","RU_InfSection_AA"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","RU_InfSection_MG"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","RU_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","RUS_ReconTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","RU","Infantry","MVD_AssaultTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","INS","Infantry","INS_InfSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","INS","Infantry","INS_InfSquad_Weapons"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","INS","Infantry","INS_InfSection_AT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","INS","Infantry","INS_InfSection_AA"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","INS","Infantry","INS_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","INS","Infantry","INS_MilitiaSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup ]; #else [ ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_InfantrySquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_InfantrySection"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_InfantrySectionAT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_InfantrySectionAA"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_InfantrySectionMG"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK","Infantry","TK_SpecialPurposeSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK_INS","Infantry","TK_INS_Group"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK_INS","Infantry","TK_INS_Patrol"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK_INS","Infantry","TK_INS_AATeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["East","BIS_TK_INS","Infantry","TK_INS_ATTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup ]; #endif // BAF groups // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_Section_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_Fireteam_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_Support_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_MG_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_AT_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_HAT_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry","BAF_SnipersN_MTP"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_DDPM","BAF_Section_DDPM"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_DDPM","BAF_Fireteam_DDPM"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_DDPM","BAF_Support_DDPM"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_DDPM","BAF_MG_DDPM"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_DDPM","BAF_AT_DDPM"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_DDPM","BAF_HAT_DDPM"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_Section_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_Fireteam_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_Support_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_MG_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_AT_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_HAT_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_Snipers_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_SnipersN_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup, // ["West","BIS_BAF_MTP","Infantry_W","BAF_SnipersN_W"] call XfGetConfigGroup d_allmen_W = #ifndef __OA__ [ ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_InfSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_FireTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_FireTeam_MG"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_FireTeam_AT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_FireTeam_Support"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_HeavyATTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_FRTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","USMC","Infantry","USMC_FRTeam_Razor"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_InfSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_InfSquad_Weapons"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_InfSection_AT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_InfSection_AA"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_InfSection_MG"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_InfSection_Patrol"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","CDF","Infantry","CDF_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup ]; #else [ ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_RifleSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_WeaponsSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_Team"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_TeamMG"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_TeamAT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_TeamSupport"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_HeavyATTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_US","Infantry","US_DeltaForceTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_CZ","Infantry","ACR_InfantryPatrol"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_CZ","Infantry","ACR_SpecialForcesTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["West","BIS_GER","Infantry","KSKTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup ]; #endif d_allmen_G = #ifndef __OA__ [ ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_InfSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_InfSquad_Assault"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_InfSquad_Weapons"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_InfTeam_1"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_InfTeam_2"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_InfTeam_AT"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_GrpInf_TeamAA"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_GrpInf_TeamSniper"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","GUE","Infantry","GUE_MilitiaSquad"] call XfGetConfigGroup ]; #else [ ["Guerrila","BIS_TK_GUE","Infantry","TK_GUE_Group"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","BIS_TK_GUE","Infantry","TK_GUE_GroupWeapons"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","BIS_TK_GUE","Infantry","TK_GUE_Patrol"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","BIS_TK_GUE","Infantry","TK_GUE_ATTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","BIS_TK_GUE","Infantry","TK_GUE_AATeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","BIS_TK_GUE","Infantry","TK_GUE_SniperTeam"] call XfGetConfigGroup, ["Guerrila","BIS_UN","Infantry","UN_Patrol"] call XfGetConfigGroup ]; #endif #ifndef __OA__ d_specops_E = ["RUS_Soldier_TL","RUS_Soldier_GL","RUS_Soldier_Marksman","RUS_Soldier3","RUS_Soldier1","RUS_Soldier2"]; d_specops_W = ["FR_TL","FR_AC","FR_GL","FR_Commander","FR_AR","FR_R","FR_Corpsman","FR_Marksman","FR_Sapper","FR_Assault_R","FR_Assault_GL"]; d_specops_G = ["GUE_Soldier_Sab","GUE_Soldier_Scout"]; d_sabotage_E = ["RUS_Soldier1","RUS_Soldier2"]; d_sabotage_W = ["FR_R","FR_Sapper"]; d_sabotage_G = ["GUE_Soldier_Sab"]; #else d_specops_E = ["TK_Special_Forces_TL_EP1","TK_Special_Forces_EP1","TK_Special_Forces_MG_EP1"]; d_specops_W = ["US_Delta_Force_TL_EP1","US_Delta_Force_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Assault_EP1","US_Delta_Force_SD_EP1","US_Delta_Force_MG_EP1","US_Delta_Force_AR_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Night_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Marksman_EP1","US_Delta_Force_M14_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Air_Controller_EP1"]; d_specops_G = ["TK_GUE_Soldier_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_2_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_3_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_4_EP1"]; d_sabotage_E = ["TK_Special_Forces_EP1"]; d_sabotage_W = ["US_Delta_Force_SD_EP1"]; d_sabotage_G = ["TK_GUE_Soldier_EP1"]; #endif d_veh_a_E = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { [ ["T72_TK_EP1","T55_TK_EP1","T34_TK_EP1"], ["BMP2_HQ_TK_EP1","BMP2_TK_EP1", "M113_TK_EP1"], ["BRDM2_ATGM_TK_EP1","BRDM2_TK_EP1","BTR60_TK_EP1"], ["ZSU_TK_EP1","Ural_ZU23_TK_EP1"], ["UAZ_MG_TK_EP1","BTR40_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_EP1"], ["UAZ_AGS30_TK_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_INS_EP1","LandRover_SPG9_TK_EP1"], ["KORD_high_TK_EP1","KORD_TK_EP1","DSHkM_Mini_TriPod_TK_INS_EP1","DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1","SPG9_TK_INS_EP1"], ["2b14_82mm_TK_EP1","AGS_TK_EP1","Igla_AA_pod_TK_EP1","Metis_TK_EP1","ZU23_TK_EP1","2b14_82mm_TK_INS_EP1","AGS_TK_INS_EP1","ZU23_TK_INS_EP1"], ["D30_TK_EP1","GRAD_TK_EP1","D30_TK_INS_EP1"], ["UralRefuel_TK_EP1"], ["UralRepair_TK_EP1"], ["UralReammo_TK_EP1"] ] }; case (__ACEVer): { [ ["T72_RU","T90","T72_INS","ACE_T72B_RU","ACE_T72B_INS","ACE_T72BA_RU","ACE_T72BA_INS"], ["BMP3","BMP2_INS","ACE_BMP2D_RU"], ["BTR90","BTR90_HQ","BRDM2_INS","BRDM2_ATGM_INS","ACE_BRDM2_ATGM_RU","ACE_BRDM2_RU"], ["2S6M_Tunguska","ZSU_INS","Ural_ZU23_INS","ACE_Ural_ZU23_RU","ACE_BRDM2_SA9_RU"], ["GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG"], ["UAZ_AGS30_RU","UAZ_AGS30_INS","UAZ_MG_INS","UAZ_SPG9_INS","ACE_Offroad_SPG9_INS"], ["KORD"], ["AGS_RU","Igla_AA_pod_East","Metis","2b14_82mm"], ["D30_RU","GRAD_INS"], ["KamazRefuel","ACE_KamazRefuel"], ["KamazRepair","ACE_KamazRepair"], ["KamazReammo","ACE_KamazReammo"] ] }; default { [ ["T72_RU","T90","T72_INS"], ["BMP3","BMP2_INS"], ["BTR90","BTR90_HQ","BRDM2_INS","BRDM2_ATGM_INS"], ["2S6M_Tunguska","ZSU_INS","Ural_ZU23_INS"], ["GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG"], ["UAZ_AGS30_RU","UAZ_AGS30_INS","UAZ_MG_INS","UAZ_SPG9_INS"], ["KORD"], ["AGS_RU","Igla_AA_pod_East","Metis","2b14_82mm"], ["D30_RU","GRAD_INS"], ["KamazRefuel"], ["KamazRepair"], ["KamazReammo"] ] }; }; d_veh_a_W = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { [ ["M1A2_US_TUSK_MG_EP1","M1A1_US_DES_EP1"], ["M1126_ICV_M2_EP1","M1126_ICV_mk19_EP1","M1128_MGS_EP1","M1135_ATGMV_EP1"], ["M2A2_EP1","M2A3_EP1"], ["M6_EP1","HMMWV_Avenger_DES_EP1"], ["HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1","HMMWV_M998_crows_M2_DES_EP1","HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1","LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1"], ["HMMWV_M998_crows_MK19_DES_EP1","HMMWV_MK19_DES_EP1","HMMWV_TOW_DES_EP1"], ["M2HD_mini_TriPod_US_EP1","M2StaticMG_US_EP1"], ["M252_US_EP1","MK19_TriPod_US_EP1","Stinger_Pod_US_EP1","TOW_TriPod_US_EP1"], ["M119_US_EP1","MLRS_DES_EP1"], ["MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1"], ["MtvrRepair_DES_EP1"], ["MtvrReammo_DES_EP1"] ] }; case (__ACEVer): { [ ["M1A1","M1A2_TUSK_MG","T72_CDF"], ["LAV25","BRDM2_CDF","BRDM2_ATGM_CDF","ACE_Stryker_TOW","ACE_Stryker_MGS_Slat","ACE_Stryker_TOW_MG","ACE_Stryker_ICV_M2","ACE_Stryker_ICV_M2_SLAT","ACE_Stryker_ICV_MK19","ACE_Stryker_ICV_MK19_SLAT","ACE_Stryker_RV"], ["AAV","BMP2_CDF","ACE_M113A3","ACE_M2A2_W"], ["HMMWV_Avenger","ZSU_CDF","ACE_Vulcan","ACE_M6A1_W"], ["HMMWV_M2","HMMWV_Armored","UAZ_MG_CDF","ACE_HMMWV_GMV"], ["HMMWV_MK19","HMMWV_TOW","UAZ_AGS30_CDF","ACE_HMMWV_GMV_MK19"], ["M2StaticMG","M2HD_mini_TriPod","AGS_CDF"], ["Stinger_Pod","M2HD_mini_TriPod","MK19_TriPod","M252","M2StaticMG","TOW_TriPod","ZU23_CDF"], ["M119","MLRS","GRAD_CDF"], ["MtvrRefuel","ACE_MTVRRefuel"], ["MtvrRepair","ACE_MTVRRepair"], ["MtvrReammo","ACE_MTVRReammo"] ] }; default { [ ["M1A1","M1A2_TUSK_MG","T72_CDF"], ["LAV25","BRDM2_CDF","BRDM2_ATGM_CDF"], ["AAV","BMP2_CDF"], ["HMMWV_Avenger","ZSU_CDF"], ["HMMWV_M2","HMMWV_Armored","UAZ_MG_CDF"], ["HMMWV_MK19","HMMWV_TOW","UAZ_AGS30_CDF"], ["M2StaticMG","M2HD_mini_TriPod","AGS_CDF"], ["Stinger_Pod","M2HD_mini_TriPod","MK19_TriPod","M252","M2StaticMG","TOW_TriPod","ZU23_CDF"], ["M119","MLRS","GRAD_CDF"], ["MtvrRefuel"], ["MtvrRepair"], ["MtvrReammo"] ] }; }; d_veh_a_G = if !(__OAVer) then { [ ["T72_Gue","T34"], ["BMP2_Gue"], ["BRDM2_Gue"], ["Ural_ZU23_Gue"], ["Offroad_DSHKM_Gue"], ["Offroad_SPG9_Gue"], ["DSHKM_Gue","2b14_82mm_GUE"], ["2b14_82mm_GUE","SPG9_Gue"], ["ZU23_Gue"], ["V3S_Gue"], ["V3S_Gue"], ["V3S_Gue"] ] } else { [ ["T55_TK_GUE_EP1","T34_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["BRDM2_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["BTR40_MG_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["Ural_ZU23_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["Offroad_DSHKM_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["Offroad_SPG9_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["DSHkM_Mini_TriPod_TK_GUE_EP1","DSHKM_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["2b14_82mm_TK_GUE_EP1","AGS_TK_GUE_EP1","SPG9_TK_GUE_EP1","ZU23_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["D30_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["V3S_Repair_TK_GUE_EP1"], ["V3S_Reammo_TK_GUE_EP1"] ] }; // first element (array. for example: [2,1]): number of vehicle groups that will get spawned, the first number is the max number that will get spawned, // the second one the minimum. So [2,0] means, there can be no vehicle groups at all or a maximum of 2 groups of this kind // second element: maximum number of vehicles in group; randomly chosen switch (d_WithLessArmor) do { case 0: { d_vehicle_numbers_guard = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,1], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,0], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #else [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #endif ]; d_vehicle_numbers_guard_static = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[1,1], 1], // tanks [[1,1], 1], // apc (bmp) [[2,1], 1] // aa (shilka) #else [[1,1], 1], // tanks [[1,1], 1], // apc (bmp) [[2,1], 1] // aa (shilka) #endif ]; d_vehicle_numbers_patrol = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[1,1], 1], // tanks [[1,1], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,1], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #else [[1,1], 1], // tanks [[1,1], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,1], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #endif ]; // allmost the same like above // first element the max number of ai "foot" groups that will get spawned, second element minimum number (no number for vehicles in group necessary) d_footunits_guard = [ #ifndef __TT__ [1,1], // basic groups [1,1] // specop groups #else [2,1], // basic groups [2,1] // specop groups #endif ]; d_footunits_patrol = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [5,3], // basic groups [5,3] // specop groups #else [4,3], // basic groups [5,3] // specop groups #endif ]; d_footunits_guard_static = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [1,1], // basic groups [1,0] // specop groups #else [1,1], // basic groups [1,0] // specop groups #endif ]; }; case 1: { d_vehicle_numbers_guard = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #else [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #endif ]; d_vehicle_numbers_guard_static = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1] // aa (shilka) #else [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1] // aa (shilka) #endif ]; d_vehicle_numbers_patrol = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #else [[1,0], 1], // tanks [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[1,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[1,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #endif ]; // allmost the same like above // first element the max number of ai "foot" groups that will get spawned, second element minimum number (no number for vehicles in group necessary) d_footunits_guard = [ #ifndef __TT__ [3,1], // basic groups [3,1] // specop groups #else [3,1], // basic groups [3,1] // specop groups #endif ]; d_footunits_patrol = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [8,3], // basic groups [8,3] // specop groups #else [8,3], // basic groups [8,3] // specop groups #endif ]; d_footunits_guard_static = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [3,1], // basic groups [2,1] // specop groups #else [3,1], // basic groups [2,1] // specop groups #endif ]; }; case 2: { d_vehicle_numbers_guard = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[0,0], 1], // tanks [[0,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #else [[0,0], 1], // tanks [[0,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #endif ]; d_vehicle_numbers_guard_static = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[0,0], 1], // tanks [[0,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 1] // aa (shilka) #else [[0,0], 1], // tanks [[0,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 1] // aa (shilka) #endif ]; d_vehicle_numbers_patrol = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [[0,0], 1], // tanks [[0,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #else [[0,0], 1], // tanks [[0,0], 1], // apc (bmp) [[0,0], 1], // apc2 (brdm) [[2,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg) [[2,1], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade) #endif ]; // allmost the same like above // first element the max number of ai "foot" groups that will get spawned, second element minimum number (no number for vehicles in group necessary) d_footunits_guard = [ #ifndef __TT__ [4,1], // basic groups [4,1] // specop groups #else [4,1], // basic groups [4,1] // specop groups #endif ]; d_footunits_patrol = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [8,3], // basic groups [6,3] // specop groups #else [8,3], // basic groups [6,3] // specop groups #endif ]; d_footunits_guard_static = [ #ifndef __ACE__ [4,1], // basic groups [3,1] // specop groups #else [4,1], // basic groups [3,1] // specop groups #endif ]; }; }; #ifndef __OA__ d_arti_observer_E = "RU_Soldier_Spotter"; d_arti_observer_W = "USMC_Soldier_Officer"; d_arti_observer_G = "GUE_Commander"; #else d_arti_observer_E = "TK_Soldier_Spotter_EP1"; d_arti_observer_W = "US_Soldier_Spotter_EP1"; d_arti_observer_G = "TK_GUE_Soldier_AR_EP1"; #endif // type of enemy plane that will fly over the main target d_airki_attack_plane = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Su25_TK_EP1","L39_TK_EP1"]}; case "WEST": {["A10_US_EP1"]}; default {[]}; } }; case (__ACEVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Su34","Su39","ACE_Su27_CAP","ACE_Su27_CAS","ACE_Su27_CASP"]}; case "WEST": {["A10","AV8B2","AV8B","F35B"]}; default {[]}; } }; default { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Su34","Su39"]}; case "WEST": {["A10","AV8B2","AV8B","F35B"]}; default {[]}; } }; }; d_number_attack_planes = 1; // type of enemy chopper that will fly over the main target d_airki_attack_chopper = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Mi24_D_TK_EP1"]}; case "WEST": {["AH64D_EP1"]}; default {[]}; } }; case (__ACEVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Ka52","Ka52Black","Mi24_P","Mi24_V"]}; case "WEST": {["AH1Z","AH64D","ACE_AH1W_AGM_W","ACE_AH1W_AGM_D"]}; default {[]}; } }; default { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Ka52","Ka52Black","Mi24_P","Mi24_V"]}; case "WEST": {["AH1Z","AH64D"]}; default {[]}; } }; }; d_number_attack_choppers = 1; // enemy parachute troops transport chopper d_transport_chopper = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Mi17_TK_EP1"]}; case "WEST": {["CH_47F_EP1","UH60M_EP1"]}; case "GUER": {["UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1"]}; } }; default { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Mi17_rockets_RU"]}; case "WEST": {["MH60S"]}; case "GUER": {["Mi17_Civilian"]}; } }; }; // light attack chopper (for example Mi17 with MG) d_light_attack_chopper = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["UH1H_TK_EP1"]}; case "WEST": {["AH6J_EP1"]}; default {[]}; }; }; case (__ACEVer): { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Mi17_Ins"]}; case "WEST": {["UH1Y","ACE_AH6_GAU19","ACE_AH6"]}; default {[]}; }; }; default { switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {["Mi17_Ins"]}; case "WEST": {["UH1Y"]}; default {[]}; }; }; }; // enemy ai skill: [base skill, random value (random 0.3) that gets added to the base skill] d_skill_array = switch (d_EnemySkill) do { case 1: {[0.2,0.2]}; case 2: {[0.4,0.3]}; case 3: {[0.7,0.3]}; }; // Type of aircraft, that will air drop stuff x_drop_aircraft = #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_GUER__ if (__OAVer) then {"UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1"} else {"MH60S"}; #endif #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_WEST__ if (__OAVer) then {"C130J_US_EP1"} else {"MH60S"}; #endif #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_EAST__ if (__OAVer) then {"An2_TK_EP1"} else {"Mi17_rockets_RU"}; #endif #ifdef __TT__ if (__OAVer) then {"C130J_US_EP1"} else {"MH60S"}; #endif if (d_with_ai) then { x_taxi_aircraft = #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_GUER__ if (__OAVer) then {"UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1"} else {"MH60S"}; #endif #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_WEST__ if (__OAVer) then {"UH60M_EP1"} else {"MH60S"}; #endif #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_EAST__ if (__OAVer) then {"Mi17_TK_EP1"} else {"Mi17_rockets_RU"}; #endif #ifdef __TT__ if (__OAVer) then {"UH60M_EP1"} else {"MH60S"}; #endif }; // max men for main target clear d_man_count_for_target_clear = 6; // max tanks for main target clear d_tank_count_for_target_clear = 0; // max cars for main target clear d_car_count_for_target_clear = 0; // add some random patrols on the island // if the array is empty, no patrols // same size like a rectangular trigger // first element = center position, second element = a, third element = b, fourth element = angle, fifth element = number of groups d_with_isledefense = if (d_WithIsleDefense == 0) then { if (__OAVer) then {[[5271.1,5134.94,0], 6000, 6000, 0, if (d_MissionType != 2) then {4} else {8}]} else {[[5271.1,5134.94,0], 6000, 6000, 0, 4]} } else { [] }; // if set to false, empty vehicles will not get deleted after the main target gets cleared. true = empty vehicles will get deleted after 25-30 minutes d_do_delete_empty_main_target_vecs = true; #ifndef __TT__ // if set to true no enemy AI will attack base and destroy bonus vehicles or whatever d_no_sabotage = if (d_WithBaseAttack == 0) then {false} else {true}; #endif // time (in sec) between attack planes and choppers over main target will respawn once they were shot down (a random value between 0 and 240 will be added) d_airki_respawntime = 1200; d_side_missions_random = []; #ifndef __TT__ // don't remove d_recapture_indices even if you set d_with_recapture to false d_recapture_indices = []; // if set to false enemy forces will not recapture towns !!! d_with_recapture = if (d_WithRecapture == 0) then {true} else {false}; // max number of cities that the enemy will recapture at once // if set to -1 no check is done d_max_recaptures = 2; if (isNil "d_with_carrier" && d_MissionType != 2) then { [] spawn { _wairfac = if !(__OAVer) then { switch (d_own_side) do { case "WEST": {"USMC_WarfareBAircraftFactory"}; case "EAST": {"RU_WarfareBAircraftFactory"}; case "GUER": {"WarfareBAircraftFactory_Gue"}; } } else { switch (d_own_side) do { case "WEST": {"US_WarfareBAircraftFactory_EP1"}; case "EAST": {"TK_WarfareBAircraftFactory_EP1"}; case "GUER": {"TK_GUE_WarfareBAircraftFactory_EP1"}; } }; _pos = (d_aircraft_facs select 0) select 0; _dir = (d_aircraft_facs select 0) select 1; ["d_jet_serviceH",false] call XNetSetJIP; _fac = createVehicle [_wairfac, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _fac setPos _pos; _fac setDir _dir; _fac addEventHandler ["killed", {[_this select 0, 0] call x_fackilled}]; _pos = (d_aircraft_facs select 1) select 0; _dir = (d_aircraft_facs select 1) select 1; ["d_chopper_serviceH",false] call XNetSetJIP; _fac = createVehicle [_wairfac, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _fac setPos _pos; _fac setDir _dir; _fac addEventHandler ["killed", {[_this select 0, 1] call x_fackilled}]; _pos = (d_aircraft_facs select 2) select 0; _dir = (d_aircraft_facs select 2) select 1; ["d_wreck_repairH",false] call XNetSetJIP; _fac = createVehicle [_wairfac, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _fac setPos _pos; _fac setDir _dir; _fac addEventHandler ["killed", {[_this select 0, 2] call x_fackilled}]; }; } else { if (isNil "d_with_carrier" && d_MissionType == 2) then { ["d_jet_serviceH",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_chopper_serviceH",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_wreck_repairH",false] call XNetSetJIP; }; }; #endif d_time_until_next_sidemission = [ [10,300], // if player number <= 10, it'll take 300 seconds = 5 minutes until the next sidemission [20,600], // if player number <= 20, it'll take 600 seconds = 10 minutes until the next sidemission [30,900], // if player number <= 30, it'll take 900 seconds = 15 minutes until the next sidemission [40,1200] // if player number <= 40, it'll take 1200 seconds = 20 minutes until the next sidemission ]; #ifndef __OA__ d_civilians_t = ["Assistant","Citizen1","Citizen2","Citizen2","Citizen4","Worker1","Worker2","Worker3","Worker4","Priest","Doctor","Functionary1","Functionary2","Damsel1","Damsel2","Damsel3","Damsel4","Damsel5","Profiteer1","Profiteer2","Profiteer3","Profiteer4","Rocker1","Rocker2","Rocker3","Rocker4","Woodlander1","Woodlander2","Woodlander3","Woodlander4","Villager1","Villager2","Villager3","Villager4","Secretary1","Secretary2","Secretary3","Secretary4","Sportswoman1","Sportswoman2","Sportswoman3","Sportswoman4","Madam1","Madam2","Madam3","Madam4","Farmwife1","Farmwife2","Farmwife3","Farmwife4","HouseWife1","HouseWife2","HouseWife3","HouseWife4","Hooker1","Hooker2","Hooker3","Hooker4","WorkWoman1","WorkWoman2","WorkWoman3","WorkWoman4","SchoolTeacher","Policeman"]; #else d_civilians_t = ["TK_CIV_Takistani01_EP1","TK_CIV_Takistani02_EP1","TK_CIV_Takistani03_EP1","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","TK_CIV_Takistani05_EP1","TK_CIV_Takistani06_EP1","TK_CIV_Worker01_EP1","TK_CIV_Worker02_EP1","Citizen2_EP1","Citizen3_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","Haris_Press_EP1","Profiteer2_EP1"]; #endif // position and direction of the AI HUT d_pos_ai_hut = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then { if (__OAVer) then {[[8209.56,2138.36,0],65]} else {[[4671.4,10203.9,0],325]} } else {[[14509.6,364.861,15.9], 34]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4231.51,1028.89,0],270]} else {[[14696.9,543.778,15.9], 34]}; #endif #ifdef __TT__ []; #endif if (d_with_ai) then { #ifndef __OA__ _wbarracks = switch (d_own_side) do { case "WEST": {if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {"USMC_WarfareBBarracks"} else {"WarfareBunkerSign"}}; case "EAST": {"RU_WarfareBBarracks"}; case "GUER": {"Gue_WarfareBBarracks"}; }; #else _wbarracks = switch (d_own_side) do { case "WEST": {if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {"US_WarfareBBarracks_EP1"} else {"WarfareBunkerSign"}}; case "EAST": {"TK_WarfareBBarracks_EP1"}; case "GUER": {"TK_GUE_WarfareBBarracks_EP1"}; }; #endif _D_AI_HUT = createVehicle [_wbarracks, (d_pos_ai_hut select 0), [], 0, "NONE"]; _D_AI_HUT setDir (d_pos_ai_hut select 1); if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then { _D_AI_HUT setPos (d_pos_ai_hut select 0) } else { _D_AI_HUT setPosASL (d_pos_ai_hut select 0) }; _D_AI_HUT allowDamage false; ["D_AI_HUT",_D_AI_HUT] call XNetSetJIP; }; #ifdef __CARRIER__ d_chop_s_trig setPosASL [position d_chop_s_trig select 0, position d_chop_s_trig select 1, 15.9]; d_jet_s_trig setPosASL [position d_jet_s_trig select 0, position d_jet_s_trig select 1, 15.9]; #endif d_banti_airdown = false; d_wreck_cur_ar = []; #ifdef __OA__ d_soldier_officer = switch (d_enemy_side) do { case "EAST": {"TK_Soldier_Officer_EP1"}; case "WEST": {"US_Soldier_Officer_EP1"}; case "GUER": {"TK_GUE_Warlord_EP1"}; }; #endif #ifndef __TT__ d_intel_unit = objNull; #endif };