Spreadsheet Project Guidelines (This document prints out best in landscape format. (In browser go to File menu - Page Setup- Landscape)

DESIGN PHASE (20 marks)
1. Description of the problem that the spreadsheet you create will solve

  • State clearly what the aims of the spreadsheet are and how it will perform the calculations that are necessary.

  • 2. (a) Specify input data (b) Specify processing required (c) Specify output data

    Sample screen layout showing input and output areas

  • 3. Specification of format for all data (alignments, column widths, number of decimal places, currency symbol, 1,000 separator etc.)
  • Here are some sample specifications for some imaginary fields (column headings):

    Column Heading Data Format
    RSI No: Column width 12 pts, left aligned
    First Name Column width 15 pts, left aligned
    Surname Column width 15 pts, left aligned
    DOB Mm/dd/yy, centre aligned
    Pay Rate Currency, € symbol, 2 decimal places, column width 12 pts, centre aligned
    Time of Show H:mm AM PM
    (24 hr clock), column width 12 pts
    Height 2 decimal places, Column width 12 pts
    % Commission % format, 2 decimal places, column width 10 pts

    4. Design for Data Capture Form and Screen Layout

    Note: The Format Cells dialogue box can be assessed by choosing: Format menu - Cells... and then clicking on the appropriate tab. The cells must first be selected of course.

    (CTRL key+1 also works).



    Completed spreadsheet should have:
    1. data and labels accurately inputted
    2. formula and functions accurately applied (including simple IF statement)


    You must produce:

    1. printout of entire worksheet
    2. printout of formula* (with gridlines and row/column headings**)
    3. printout of a variable changed with new results (recalculation option)
    * To show formulas Tools menu - Options - tick formulas 


    ** To show row and column headings in your printout: File menu - Page set-up - Sheet tab


    Suggest modifications or improvements to the original design

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