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         A Selection of our Poems

Click here to see our Autumn Poetry from 2006.

Click here to see our latest poems

Click on the link below to see pyramid poems by the 2004 6th class
Pyramid Poems

Click on the link below to see two fantastic Halloween poems by James McD

Halloween poems

This poem was written by Orlaith when she was in First Class

Image of dog running

Scares the cats
I like to look at her
Nothing can scare her at night
Dogs dig holes for bones
Yes I love Sindy

This is a poem by James when he was in 4th Class: 

My Family
I'm the youngest in my family and I don't think it's fair
They bug me, they push me around, it's like a nightmare
My sister's name is Maisy and she's the worst of all
When she comes near me I feel like I could fall
Now you know about my family, I hope yours is better
Oh no, here they come, please send me a letter.