Kilvemnon National School Information





Curriculum Area
Maths (3rd 4th);
Maths (5th,6th);
English/Literacy (3rd,4th);
English/Literacy (5th;6th);
Irish (3rd,4th);
Irish (5th;6th);
Geography (3rd,4th); /
Geography (5th;6th);
Environmental Studies/Science
Learning Support
We intend to give parents and other interested parties acess to our School Plan in the various subject areas, as they come 'online', with regard to the new and revised Natinal School Curriculum of Ireland. We will update these links over time. For now, you can click on the subject area to see a brief outline of the year plan for senior classes. These outlines are all in Microsoft Publisher format so you must have Microsoft Publisher on your computer to view them