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A Trip To The Aran Islands.

by Shane Gayson

A Trip to Aran island This year my family and I decided to go on a trip to the Aran Islands. My family is Mum, Dad, my sister Kate Chucky my little brother, Spiky my dog and I. My friends Ricky and Max, who are brothers, and their family came with us in their car. It was the middle of August and the weather was hot. My friends and I were planning to go for walks and to go swimming in the sea. My parents said that there were nice caves on the Island and we couldn't wait to explore. On the day we were due to go it was bright and sunny. We woke up early and Kate and I helped to pack the car. Max and Ricky were travelling with their family in their cars. Everybody was happy and excited. The trip was just about to begin. We all got into our cars and drove to Doolin, Co. Clare, to where we would get the ferry to the island. My mother had arranged for us to stay in a thatched cottage. My friends were staying in a thatched cottage as well. When we arrived at Doolin we had to queue with the other cars to get on the Ferry. When we got on the Ferry I met my friends and we went up to the top deck to see the sea.
Max said, "Look Fred and Chucky, I can see the Island."
"Oh yeah," said Chucky, "It looks tiny." After a while the boat set off from the dock and we were on our way. We were all so excited we were jumping around the place. The nearer we started to get to the island we could see what the island looked like. We could see the front of the cliffs and make out the narrow roads and stonewalls. It looked really old with small stone houses and thatched roofs. It reminded me of the way my grandfather used to describe the old days. We could see horses pulling carts and even though my father said it was for the tourists I still imagined how the island looked like for years. We drove to the tourist office to find our way to our cottage. Ricky and Max were behind us in their car. Chucky started to jump up and down in the car and he started to get on my nerves. It was only ten-minute drive to our thatched cottage. We pulled up outside and we started to investigate the house. It was small and it had only two bedrooms. Chucky and I had to share one room and I wasn't too happy about it. Chucky declared that he wasn't going to share a room. Mum yelled to Chucky, "You will do as you're told or I will send you home." We unpacked our gear from the car and I asked could we go exploring. Dad said, "go first thing in the morning." I went off to get my rucksack ready. Max, Ricky, and I suggested what we were going to bring.
Max said, "We need a torch and a penknife."
Ricky suggested a rope and I said, "Dad would never let us bring a rope because he would be afraid we would use it for climbing." Ricky said, "We will bring one, but he will never know." We went to bed really excited.

The following morning we got up at the crack of dawn. Mammy cooked us a nice breakfast but we were so excited we couldn't finish it and Spiky enjoyed it for us. Mammy also gave a packed lunch to me. We set off for walks and swimming in the sea. Suddenly Ricky said, "Look at the cliffs. They're huge.
" Chucky said, "Come let's investigate. Ricky and I took off our rucksacks and took out our ropes. Ricky threw up his rope and it got stuck.
"WELL DONE!"I shouted. Chucky said, "Let's climb." We all climbed the cliffs with the rope. Chucky was last but he was only a short bit up the rope. When he left go of the rope and fell he started to cry that his foot was hurt. We shouted down, "Get up and stop messing.
" He replied, "I'm not messing I'm really hurt." We climbed down as quickly as we could. Max checked Chucky's leg and it looked broken, He couldn't walk. He was small so between us we could carry him home. It took a long time to get home as we rested along the way. Daddy gave out to me for Chucky falling and for bringing the rope. Daddy had to bandage Chucky's leg as he said it was only sprained and not broken. He said, "I knew ye were up to something when I heard ye plotting and planning last night.
" That evening after supper Dad said, "You can go to your bed now. I don't want to know any more about ropes and climbing cliffs". The following morning I ran over to Ricky's house. I told my friends Ricky and Max that my father nearly killed me last night.
Max said, "We got into trouble aswell."
Ricky asked, "Fred where did we leave the rope?"
I answered, "We left it tied to a rock." Max smiled and we knew that we were going back later to climb the cliff.
Max said, "Don't tell Chucky, he will tell on us". That morning we all went to the beach with our parents. We had great fun swimming in the sea, but secretly we couldn't wait until after lunch, so that we could go back to the cliffs. After lunch I asked my mother could I go to see Ricky and Max.
She replied, "Yes but you're not to get up to any mischief." Chucky started to cry because he couldn't come. We were going to have great fun without Chucky. Chucky told Mammy that we were going climbing cliffs. Ricky, Max, Spiky and myself were climbing the cliffs without Chucky. It started to get exciting. When we all climbed the cliffs we saw a small hole at the top. When we got into the hole it got bigger and bigger and it got narrow. I took out my torch to lighten up the cave. We could see the stalagmites and the stalactites. They were fairly tall. Spiky dug at the rocks and mud. He dug out a bone and he started to chew on it. When he dug out the bone we saw a box behind the bone. We opened the box and we saw photos. There were pictures of an old man on the photos. He was really old. We looked at the back of the photo and there were directions to the old man's cabin. We ran out of the cave straight away as soon as we saw the photographs. Spiky had his bone in his mouth. We started to run to the old man's cabin. We rested along the way. Ricky's legs started to get tired. I said, "You should have stayed with Chucky…You can't stop now." Suddenly we saw a cabin and we wondered was this the old man's cabin. Ricky took out the old photographs of the old man. We knocked at the door and the old man was there. He had an old thorny walking stick. We asked him did he know any secrets about the cave. He knew some secrets about the cave. He told us where there was a skeleton of a person in the corner of the cave. We ran to the cave as fast as we could. We were finally at the cave and I took out my torch. We ran in to the cave and I lit up the cave. We checked out what the man told us and there were lots of bones. Spiky dug out another two bones and I had to carry the two bones in my rucksack. I went home and I told my family all about our trip. When we went home after our trip I told my friends and my teacher all about my holiday. THE END